1st edition, 2009. Brno, In: M. Barták, J. Hájek, P. Váczi (eds.): Structure and Function of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. Book of Abstracts and Contributed Papers. Conference, Brno, October 22th-23th, 2009. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, p. 48-51, 71 pp. 2009
V originále
long-term research program is aimed to the evaluation of their physiological response to manipulated warming of air and soil temperature. For such a purpose, open top chambers (OTCs) are used to increase air temperature. The OTCs are installed at three different coastal ecosystems of the James Ross Island (coastal terrace, top of a table moutain, forefield of a glacier) in order to evaluace site-specific response
In Czech
Dlouhodobý program zabývající se odezvou antarktické vegetace na uměle navozené oteplení prostředí pomocí expozičních komor s otevřeným vrcholem, které jsou situovány ve třech kontrastních lokalitách ostrova Jamese Rosse, nedaleko polární stanice J.G. Mendel.