V originále
Vzdělávací projekt Geografického ústavu PřF MU v Brně zaměřený na trvalou udržitelnost krajiny Deblínska na Tišnovsku spojil univerzitu, základní školu, veřejnou správu a dospělou veřejnost v praktické poloze posílení environmentálního vědomí i praktických kroků ve zlepšení kvality životního prostředí – významné krajinné prvky, oběh vody. Prokázal tak možnosti zlepšení trvalé udržitelnosti krajiny i v případě, kdy chybí Místní agenda 21.
The topic of this contribution was an educational project in a study programme of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in the city of Brno, the school year 2008/09. Teaching/learning the sustainability was based on joint deduction, induction and abduction in study groups, emphasizing fieldwork in the Deblín-town area, west of Brno. It was based on cooperation of the university, Deblin basic school and Deblín-town community which included, among others, two public evening sessions. The municipal authorities of Tišnov-town, their Department of environment and the public administration of Deblín-microregion also assisted in the project. The main stakeholders/actors for the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment were included for their important role in cultural landscape ecosystems sustainability. A strong social accent on children, youth, experts, public administration and adult public participation carried out community requirements. Studying environmental perception and participation, GIS technology application in the framework of multiple method in geographical research based on field survey and remote sensing data offered new knowledge. Data was applied e.g. for revision of landscape protection with the aim of improving the hydro-cycle for public benefit.