C 2010

Effective Analysis of Infinite State Stochastic Processes and Games

KUČERA, Antonín

Basic information

Original name

Effective Analysis of Infinite State Stochastic Processes and Games


KUČERA, Antonín (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)


Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Logics and Languages for Reliability and Security, p. 155-179, 25 pp. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, D, 25, 2010


IOS Press

Other information



Type of outcome

Chapter(s) of a specialized book

Field of Study

10201 Computer sciences, information science, bioinformatics

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Informatics



Keywords in English

Markov chains; stochastic games; pushdown automata


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 13/7/2010 09:55, prof. RNDr. Antonín Kučera, Ph.D.


V originále

We consider the classes of Markov chains, Markov decision processes, and stochastic games definable by pushdown automata with probabilistic and non-deterministic choice. We give an overview of the existing results and present selected concepts and techniques that have been used to establish these results.

In Czech

Uvažujeme třídy Markovovských řetězců, Markovovských rozhodovacích procesů a stochastických her, které jsou definovatelné zásobníkovými automaty s nedeterministickou a pravděpodobnostní volbou. Je podán přehled existujících výsledků a důkazových technik.


MSM0021622419, plan (intention)
Name: Vysoce paralelní a distribuované výpočetní systémy
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Highly Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
1M0545, research and development project
Name: Institut Teoretické Informatiky
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science