B 2010

Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic

DUŽÍ, Marie, Bjorn Thoring F. JESPERSEN and Pavel MATERNA

Basic information

Original name

Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic

Name in Czech

Procedurální sémantika pro hyperintenzionální logiku


DUŽÍ, Marie (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Bjorn Thoring F. JESPERSEN (208 Denmark) and Pavel MATERNA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


First edition. Berlin, 552 pp. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Sciences, 17, 2010


Springer Verlag

Other information



Type of outcome

Book on a specialized topic

Field of Study

60300 6.3 Philosophy, Ethics and Religion

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Publication form

printed version "print"

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Informatics



Keywords (in Czech)

konstrukce; intenye; význam; denotace; de re; de dicto; hyperintenzionalita

Keywords in English

construction; intension; meaning; denotation; de re; de dicto; hyperintensionality


International impact
Changed: 2/4/2015 14:25, RNDr. Pavel Šmerk, Ph.D.


V originále

This volume sets out the foundations of Transparent Intensional Logic, together with many applications to a wide range of topics including formal semantics, philosophy of language, and philosophical logic. The semantic theory is a procedural one, according to which sense (meaning) is an abstract, pre-linguistic procedure detailing what operations to apply to what procedural constituents to arrive at the product (if any) of the procedure.The semantics is tailored to the hardest case, as constituted by hyperintensional contexts, and generalized from there to intensional and extensional context.

In Czech

V tomto svazku jsou vyloženy základy Transparentní Intenzionální Logiky spolu s mnoha aplikacemi na řadu témat z formální sémantiky,filozofie jazyka a filozofické logiky. Sémantika je procedurální, podle níž smysl (význam) je abstraktní mimojazyková procedura, která určuje, které operace aplikovat na které procedurální složky, aby se došlo k produktu (pokud existuje) procedury. Sémantika je zkonstruována pro nejtěžší případ, který je dán hyperintenzionálními kontexty, a odtud generalizována na intenzionální a extenzionální kontexty.