DSGE Model Sensitivity to Current Recession Jan Capek1 Abstract. The goal of the paper is to investigate whether the behavior of a DSGE model changes as crisis data are incorporated into the information set. The paper comes to two major findings: a drop in the estimate of habit persistence in consumption h and a jump in the persistence of the world-wide technology shock pz when crisis data are incorporated. The main cause for the harsh changes in estimates of these parameters in the first quarter of crisis year 2009 is probably a two-percentage-points drop in Euroarea 3-months rates, which is a biggest quarter-to-quarter change in the time series ever. Moreover, the changes are fueled by movements in foreign inflation and output growth, which (together with the interest rate) contradict the workings of the Taylor rule. In the eyes of the model, the European central bank holds its interest rates unreasonably low. Keywords: Global Sensitivity Analysis, economic crisis, crisis data, recursive estimate, shock decomposition, RMSE analysis JEL classification: C32, C52, E32, E43, E52, F41, F43 AMS classification: 91B51, 91B64 1 Motivation The goal of the paper is to investigate sensitivity of a DSGE model to current recession. More concretely, the motivation of the work is, whether the behavior of the model changes as crisis data are incorporated into the information set. The economic hypotheses questioning whether the model behavior should or should not change can be formulated in both directions. On one hand, if crisis data demonstrate the same economic linkages (albeit with more variation) as pre-crisis data, the model output should not change as crisis data are added into the information set.1 On the other hand, if crisis data demonstrate behavior that was not apparent in pre-crisis data, the model output will likely differ. The goal of the paper is therefore to find out which of these hypotheses suit this model and this crisis better and, if there are any changes in behavior, the aim is also to try to explain them. Following section 2 briefly introduces the workhorse for following analyses. Section 3 continues by introducing the model with explanation of shocks in the model and the data used. Sections 4, 5 and 6 use various analytic tools to unveil the connections and changes in the model and section 7 puts these findings together to form a big picture of what happened and how it can be interpreted. Section 8 concludes and 9 opens possible discussion topics towards the linkages of the realizations of the used model and the real behavior of the European Central Bank. All the computations were made in MATLAB with use of Dynare and GSA packages. 2 Model The model is a small-scale Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model following New Key-nesian paradigm. Large part of the model is adopted. Original model is in Lubik and Schorfheide [4]. As authors themselves state, closest predecessor is a model of Monacelli [5]. ESF MU, Department of Economics, Lipová 507/41a, 602 00 Brno, e-mail: capek@econ.muni.cz This hypothesis abstracts from trivial rise in standard deviations of shocks in question. 1 Model structure in Lubik and Schorfheide [4] is adjusted in this article from the original two large open economies setting to a small open economy (SOE) setting. Such setting corresponds better to the studied economies, which is the large economy of the Euro area and the small open economy of the Czech Republic. Derivation of the model from microeconomic foundation is not introduced here because of lack of space and because most of model assumptions, derivations and linearizations are similar to existing literature.2 However, since one of the assumptions (and related derivations) is not among the most usual in the existing literature, I'll try to draw attention to this topic in the next subsection. 2.1 Households Households maximize intertemporal utility function subject to a sequence of budget constraints according to a Lagrangian where Lagrange multiplier A is the marginal utility of income. Ct — hjCt—i is effective consumption under habit formation. Parameter 7 is the steady state growth rate of non-stationary world-wide technology shock A\yt. Parameter f3 is a discount factor, t is the relative risk aversion, h is the habit persistence parameter. Nt is labor input, Wt is the nominal wage, Qt,t+i is the stochastic discount factor and Dt represents payments from a portfolio of assets so that Et[Qt,t+iP)t+i] corresponds to the price of portfolio purchases at time t. Tt are taxes paid by the household, Pu,t is the domestic price index, Ppt is price index of imported consumption goods and Cfj is domestic consumption of imported foreign goods. The main differences to standard New Keynesian DSGE models like in Calf [3] is that households derive utility from effective consumption and not the consumption itself. The world-wide shock Aw,t is also introduced in a non-standard way and the last main difference is the usage of Lagrange multiplier A in subsequent calculations. 2.2 Rest of the model The model also consists of other economic agents such as producers or importers. These behave in a standard manner, i.e. they operate on monopolistically competitive markets and set their prices according to Calvo-type price setting. Producers face production function with only labor input. Another agent in the economy is the central bank that sets nominal interest rate to avoid deviations of inflation, economic growth and nominal exchange rate changes from their long run trends. Other model equations just define remaining economic entities and their relations such as the law of one price, the uncovered interest parity and other. 2.3 Linearization This subsection presents the linearized form of the model, which is taken to data in the next sections of the paper. All variables are in log-deviations from steady state, e.g. xt = logxt — logic. Tildes above variables are not used for higher clarity of layout. Due to lack of space, only equations that were changed by the author are stated in this subsection. Remaining equations can be found in the original model Lubik and Schorfheide [4]. Changes made by the author to mimic SOE setting are just omissions of some terms of equation crossed by a slash (/ / / /) and are mentioned in a commentary to respective equations. Real exchange rate definition is st = ipF,t — (1 — c0 with effective consumption (1 — h)cc*t = c*t — /ic^_1 + hzt. Market clearing is much simpler due to SOE setting: y*Ft = c* + g*t + ^thHV-f' 4)1}(ihH4)l Monetary policy rule for the foreign economy is without link to exchange rate: rt* = p^?*t_i + (1 — P*R) w*K + r2 (Ay*t + zt) i P34eA. 3 Shocks & data The model contains 8 shocks, 5 of them are introduced as AR1 processes (zt, At,A*t,gt, g%) and three are direct innovations (to Taylor rules and nominal depreciation equation) The model also contains 7 observable variables. These are output growth, inflation and nominal interest rate for domestic and foreign economies and depreciation rate for domestic economy. All data are in quarterly frequency. Interest rates are per annum, output growth and inflation are annualized and nominal exchange rate depreciation is per quartal. The domestic economy is represented by the Czech economy, foreign economy is Euroarea with 12 countries (this aggregation was chosen mainly due to the completeness of historical time series in the Eurostat database). Figure 1 depicts used time series together with a Hodrick-Prescott (HP) trend, which is used to detrend the time series so that the model is in gap form. Time notation is such that e.g. the first quarter of 2009 (2009ql) corresponds to the value 2009.25 on the x-axis and the fourth quarter of 2009 (2009q4) corresponds to the value 2010.00. Full data sample spans from 1996q2 to 2009q4. First used observation Czech hdp growth Czech inflation czech 3M rate depreciation 2000 2005 2010 2000 2005 2010 2000 2005 2010 Figure 1: Data time series (observable variables). Black solid line is HP trend. is 1998q2 (partly due to presample analysis used to construct priors for Monte Carlo estimation, partly due to incorporation of inflation targeting in 1998, partly due to time series variation). 4 Recursive estimates This subsection introduces the most important results of the recursive estimate analysis, which are depicted in Figure 2. Black central line in Figure 2 represents the value of parameter posterior mean. More concretely, each point in time t is an estimate of the parameter on data from 1998q2 to t. Dash-dotted lines are 95% confidence bands of parameter estimates. Greyed area emphasizes period of crisis (since 2008ql). Number of observations changes from 19 to 47, which means 29 "recursive" estimates of the whole model. Ends of sample vary from 2002q4 (19 observations) to 2009q4 (47 observations). Four selected parameters are the ones with the largest changes in the posterior mean during time. 4.1 Summary for creAe and 0*F First panel in Figure 2 depicts the evolution of the estimate of parameter