V originále
The aim of this study was to examine the possible harmful effects of solar exposure on visual field damage in children living in Primorko-Goranska Country. Our previous work has shown noxious influence on visual field in children with anamnesis long term exposure to sunlight. This is an extended study, including children in Novi Vinodolski and Gorski kotar. We measured possible defect in isopteric visual field and macular-meridian thresholds. In the area of island of Rab these changes were the biggest, subsequently is Novi Vinodolski and at least Gorski kotar with the smallest range of eye complicates according to exposure to sunlight. These damages correlate with the areas of great solar emission. Damages in periphery isopters of visual field have shown the characteristics of periphery defect invagination, while increased macular thresholds in complete visual field was from 5 to 15 Asb.We can conclude that there is direct connection between increased sunlight and long-term exposure to sunlight on one side, and on the other side, damages of retinal perception. Increased sun exposure may represent very important factors in early occurrence and develop of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). It is recommended the children protection in summer months, as well as taking derivates of vitamin A and antioxidants. Nowadays, AMD is one of the most important causes of damaged visual field, pretend to be national problem if we don’t use the adequate prevention. World Health Organization has to begin with prevention of AMD, including these risk factors.
In Czech
Studie sledovala možný škodlivý vliv slunečního záření na zorné pole dětí, žijící v primorsku- goransku. Naše dřívější práce ukázala tento vliv při dlouhodobé expozici. toto je pokarčující studie. Změny byly největší v Rabu, měnší v Novi Vinodolski a nejmenší v Gorski kotar, kde je nejmenší expozice slunci. tyto změny korelují s množstvím slunce. Změny v periferii zorného pole jsou charakteristické a jsou způsobeny sluncem, ale mohou být i zaznamenány v oblasti makuly. Doporučujeme tedy přísné používání ochranných pomůcek v letních měsících u dětí a používání antioxidantů a vitamínů.