J 2011

Depositional rates and dating techniques of modern deposits in the Brno reservoir (Czech Republic) during the last 70 years

NEHYBA, Slavomír, Daniel NÝVLT, Uwe SCHKADE, Gerald KIRCHNER, Eva FRANCŮ et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Depositional rates and dating techniques of modern deposits in the Brno reservoir (Czech Republic) during the last 70 years

Name in Czech

Depoziční rychlost a metody datování moderních sedimentů (stáří 70 let) v rámci Brněnské přehrady (Česká republika)


NEHYBA, Slavomír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Daniel NÝVLT (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Uwe SCHKADE (276 Germany), Gerald KIRCHNER (276 Germany) and Eva FRANCŮ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


Journal of Paleolimnology, Springer Verlag, 2011, 0921-2728

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10500 1.5. Earth and related environmental sciences

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 1.898

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords in English

reservoir deposits-radiometric dating-depositional rate-hydrological changes-human impact


AKR, rivok


International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 5/5/2014 09:32, doc. Mgr. Eva Geršlová, Ph.D.



V originále

Facies analysis, magnetic susceptibility, and analysis of grain size, TOC content and isotopes (137Cs, 210Pb, 226Ra, 228Ra, and 238U concentrations) were used to determine the history of the modern deposits of the Brno reservoir. The sedimentary succession can be subdivided into two main units. The lower unit is interpreted as a fluvial succession deposited before the Svratka River was dammed. The upper unit is interpreted as a product of the reservoir deposition. The concentrations of 238U reflect the history of uranium mining in the upper part of the Svratka River catchment. As a consequence, 210Pb radionuclide concentrations cannot be used for establishing a sediment chronology. Concentrations of 137Cs show two marked peaks, the upper of which is attributed to the Chernobyl reactor accident in 1986, and the lower one is attributed to the maximum rate of atomic weapons testing in 1963. From these peaks, mean depositional rates of 3.2 cm y-1 for the time period of 1986 to 2007 and of 3.4 cm y-1 between 1963 and 1986 are calculated. Based on the known age of the reservoir, which was constructed in 1939, we can also calculate mean depositional rate for the time period of 1939 to 1963, which is 3.1 cm y-1.

In Czech

Faciální analýza, magnetická susceptibilita, zrnitost a obsahu TOC i isotopů (137Cs, 210Pb, 226Ra, 228Ra, and 238U koncentrace) byly použity pro určení historie moderních sedimentů brněnské přehrady.


MSM0021622412, plan (intention)
Name: Interakce mezi chemickými látkami, prostředím a biologickými systémy a jejich důsledky na globální, regionální a lokální úrovni (INCHEMBIOL) (Acronym: INCHEMBIOL)
Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, Interactions among the chemicals, environment and biological systems and their consequences on the global, regional and local scales (INCHEMBIOL)
Displayed: 7/3/2025 03:50