Czech labour market through the lens of a search and matching DSGE model Daniel Němec Abstract. This contribution reveals some important structural properties of the Czech labour market in the last fifteen years and evaluates possible changes within this period. A small search and matching model incorporated into standard macroeconomic dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model is estimated using Bayesian techniques. The results show that search and matching aspect provides satisfactory description of employment flows in the Czech economy. Model estimates provide convincing evidence that wage bargaining process is determined mainly by the power of the unions and that the institutional changes of the Czech labour market in the last fifteen years had only little real impact on the matching effectiveness. Keywords: search and matching model, Bayesian estimation, DSGE model, structural changes JEL classification: C51, E24, J60 AMS classification: 91B40, 91B51 1 Introduction The goal of my contribution is to reveal some interesting and important structural properties of the Czech labour market in the last fifteen years and to evaluate possible changes within this period. For this purpose, I use a small search and matching model incorporated into standard macroeconomic dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model (DSGE). Search and matching model is an important tool to model labour market dynamics. This model is a log-linear version of the model originally developed by Lubik [4]. Using real macroeconomic data I am able to estimate some key labour market indicators: the wage bargaining power of unions, the match elasticity of unemployed and the efficiency of the matching process. The structure of my contribution is as follows. The next section provides a short description of the small search and matching DSGE model which is used for my analysis. Section 3 discusses used data, priors and estimation techniques. Section 4 presents the main results. Section 5 provides a deeper insight into model properties and its ability to match observed data. Section 6 concludes this contribution with some ideas regarding the possibilities of further research in this area. 2 The model As mentioned previously, I use the model developed by Lubik [4]. It is a simple search and matching model incorporated within a standard DSGE framework. The labour market is subject to friction because a time-consuming search process for workers and firms. The wages are determined by the outcome of a bargaining process which serves as a mechanism to redistribute the costs of finding a partner. Households Representative household maximizes its expected utility function ^-Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Department od Economics, Lipova 41a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail: i=l (1) 1 where C is aggregate consumption, n G [0,1] is a fraction of employed household members (determined by the matching labour market), ft G (0,1) is the discount factor and a > 0 is the coefficient of relative risk aversion. Variable xt represents an exogenous stochastic process which may be taken as a labour shock. The budget constraint is defined as Ct + Tt = wtnt + (l-nt)b + ILt, (2) where b is unemployment benefit financed by a lump-sum tax, T. Variable Ht are profits from ownership of the firms and w is wage. There is no explicit labour supply because it is an outcome of the matching process. The first-order condition is thus simply = At, (3) where At is the Lagrange multiplier on the budget constraint. Labour market The labour market is characterized by search frictions captured by a standard Cobb-Douglas matching function m(ut,vt) = ntufvl't, (4) where unemployed job seekers, ut, and vacancies, ft, are matched at rate m(ut, ft)- Parameter 0 < £ < 1 is a match elasticity of the unemployed and /it is stochastic process measuring the efficiency of the matching process. Aggregate probability of filling a vacancy may be defined as q(6t) = m(ut,vt)/vt, (5) where 0t — — is a standard indicator of the labour market tightness. The model assumes that it takes one period for new matches to be productive. Moreover, old and new matches are destroyed at a constant separation rate, 0 < p < 1, which corresponds to the inflows into unemployment. Evolution of employment, nt — 1 — ut, is given by nt = (1 - p) [nt-i + ut-iq(6t-i)] . (6) Firms As a deviation from the standard search and matching framework, the model assumes monopolistic firms. Demand function of a firm is defined by Vt= (%) 1 Vt, (7) where yt is firm's production (and its demand), Yt is aggregate output, pt is price set by the firm, Pt is aggregate price index and e is demand elasticity which will be not treated as a stochastic process in my empirical application. Production function of each firm is Vt (8) where At is an aggregate technology (stochastic) process and 0 < a < 1 introduces curvature in production. Capital is fixed and firm-specific. The firm controls the number of workers, nt, number of posted vacancies, ft, and its optimal price, pt, by maximizing the inter-temporal profit function i=i Pi WjTlj 4 (9) subject to the employment accumulation equation (7) and production function (8). Profits are evaluated in terms of marginal utility Xj. The costs of vacancy posting is ^vf, where k > 0 and ip > 0. For 0 < ip < 1, posting costs exhibit decreasing returns. For tp > 1, the costs are increasing while vacancy costs are fixed for tp — 1. The first-order conditions are Vt ntl + e nvf^1 = (1 - p)q(0t)Etftt+1Tt+1 - wt + (1 - p)Etftt+1Tt+1, (10) (11) where ftt+i — ft-^- is a stochastic discount factor and rt is the Lagrange multiplier associated with employment constraint. The first condition represents current-period marginal value of a job. The second condition is a link between the cost of vacancy and the expected benefit of a vacancy in terms of the marginal value of a worker (adjusted by the job creation rate, q(0t)). Wage bargaining Wages are determined as the outcome of a bilateral bargaining process between workers and firms. Both sides of the bargaining maximize the joint surplus from employment relationship: _ /1 dwt(nt)Y fdjMy-" At dnt V dnt (12) where n G [0,1] is the bargaining power of workers, household's welfare and -1 is the marginal value of a worker to the firm. The term — Tt is d^Ora"'"1 18 *ne marginal value of a worker to the dJt{nt) given by the first-order condition (10). Recursive representation for "yVg^'tH> is derived as dWt(nt) dnt Using employment equation (6), it holds AtWt - At 6 -dnt+i Xt + ßEt dWtjnt) dnt dWt+i(nt+i) dnt+i dnt+i dnt (13) dnt All real payments are valued at the marginal utility At. Standard optimality condition for wages may be derived as (1-7/) 1 dWt(nt) djt{nt) At dnt dnt Expression for the bargained wage is given after some algebra as wt — n Vt e t—-- nt 1 + e + (1-V) [b + XtC°t (14) (15) Closing the model The model assumes, that unemployment benefits, b, are financed by lump-sum taxes, T, where a condition of balanced budget holds, i.e. Tt — (1 — nt)b. Social resource constraint is thus Ct 4, Yt. The technology shock At, the labour shock \t and the matching shock p,t are assumed to be independent AR(1) processes (in logs) with coefficients pi, i G (A,^,n) and innovations ej~iV(0,<7?). Log-linearised model For estimation purposes, I did not use the non-linear form of the model mentioned in the previous section (of course, this form is important to understand the meaning of the key structural model parameters). Instead of that, I use a log-linear version of the model based on my own derivations.1 In the following equations, the line over a variable means its steady-state value (derived simply from the non-linear equations).2 The variables with a tilde represent the gaps from their steady-states. At -oCt qt=mt- vt ü nt ~- mt = fit + £üt + (1 - O^t 1 1 — vi yt = (-l-e)(pt-Pt) + Yt nt n + vq yt — At + aht ufit-i + qv{vt-\ + qt-i 1 (ip - l)Pt = qt + Et (ßt+i + n+i Ät + Ät-i 1 ßt : (yt - nt) - wwt + (l - p)rßEt ßt+i + h+i w 1 1 — {Vt- nt) + n^-xe ((V> - l)vt + 6t) ) + (1 - n)xC" {Xt + crCt) + en * ' ' CCt + nv^h "'"Log-linear version is not a part of the original contribution of Lubik [4]. 2Initial steady-state values are calibrated as follows: fi* = A* = \* = 1, /3* = 0.99, u* Remaining steady-states are computed using these values and the prior means of all parameters. = 0.0763, v* = 0.0127. Ät = pAÄt-i +ef xt = pxXt-i + e* fit = PßPt-i +