J 2011

Evaluation of hardness, tribological behaviour and impact load of carbon-based hard composite coatings exposed to the influence of humidity

SOBOTA, Jaroslav, Jan GROSSMAN, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Libor DUPÁK, Jiri VYSKOCIL et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Evaluation of hardness, tribological behaviour and impact load of carbon-based hard composite coatings exposed to the influence of humidity

Name in Czech

Vyhodnocení tvrdosti, tribologického chování a vlivu zatížení na tvrdé kompozitní povlaky na bázi uhlíku, vystavené vlivu vlhkosti


SOBOTA, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic), Jan GROSSMAN (203 Czech Republic), Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Libor DUPÁK (203 Czech Republic) and Jiri VYSKOCIL (203 Czech Republic)


Diamond and Related Materials, USA, Elsevier, 2011, 0925-9635

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

10305 Fluids and plasma physics

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Impact factor

Impact factor: 1.913

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science



Keywords (in Czech)

Diamantu podobný uhlík; Mechanické vlastnosti; Tribologie

Keywords in English

Diamond-like carbon ; Mechanical properties; Tribology



International impact, Reviewed
Changed: 19/1/2012 10:49, doc. RNDr. Vilma Buršíková, Ph.D.


V originále

Diamond-like composite coatings were deposited by PACVD with an interface magnetron sputtered metallic layer prepared by d.c. unbalanced magnetron sputtering onto HSS substrates. The focus of the present work was on the study of the humidity effect on the tribological properties, hardness and impact resistance of the deposited coatings. The coatings were tested under both dry and humid conditions using several testing methods, like the pin-on-disc test equipped with linear reciprocating movement, impact test and depth sensing indentation test. It was found that the humidity may substantially influence not only the results of tribological tests, but surprisingly, also the results of the dynamic wear and hardness tests. By increasing the relative humidity, the value of dynamic impact resistance increased at an equivalent stress of 1.6GPa more than three times. On the other hand, the wear rate of the coated part increased by more than four orders of magnitude. The results of the indentation test were influenced by humidity mainly at nanometre scales. The hardness measured at dry conditions was higher by 25% than the values obtained by the measurements under humid conditions.

In Czech

V rámci práce byly připravovány tenké vrstvy metodou PECVD v kombinaci s magnetronovým naprašováním. Dále byly studovány vlastnosti těchto vrstev, zejména pak jejich změny v reakci na vlhkost, které byly vystaveny.


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