1 Measuring diffuse metabolic activity on FDG-PET/CT: new 2 method for evaluating Langerhans cell histiocytosis activity in 3 pulmonary parenchyma☆ 4 PetrQ1 Szturza,⁎, Zdeněk Řehákb , Renata Koukalováb , Zdeněk Adama , Marta Krejčía , 5 Luděk Poura , Lenka Zahradováa , Jiří Vaníčekc , Tomáš Nebeskýd , Roman Hájeka , Jiří Mayera 6 a Department of Internal Medicine–Hematooncology, Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic 7 b Department of Nuclear Medicine, PET Centre at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic 8 c Department of Imaging Methods, Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University and St. Anne's University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic 9 d Radiological Clinic, Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic 10 Received 6 June 2011; received in revised form 23 August 2011; accepted 4 October 2011 11 Abstract 12 Introduction: Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH) is a rare cause of interstitial lung disease characterized by formation of 13 nodules in the active phase of the disease that evolve into nonactive cystic lesions later on. To evaluate PLCH activity in patients, we 14 developed a new method for measuring diffuse metabolic activity on fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/ 15 computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) using a lung-to-liver activity ratio. 16 Material and Methods: We retrospectively studied a series of 4 FDG-PET and 23 FDG-PET/CT scans from 7 patients with PLCH and 17 analyzed a sample of 100 randomly chosen FDG-PET/CT studies free from any known lung or hepatic diseases. Maximum standardized 18 uptake value (SUVmax) in a spherical volume (6–8 cm in diameter) in the right lung was put into relation with SUVmax in a spherical 19 volume (9–10 cm in diameter) in the reference liver parenchyma to set up the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index. The index values 20 were compared to the disease course in each patient. 21 Results: In patients with PLCH, a close correlation between the index value and the disease course was found in all seven subjects, where the 22 increasing index values indicated disease activity, while decreasing index values were observed after therapy administration. In the group of 23 100 healthy control subjects, we found index values lower than 0.3 in 80% and lower than 0.4 in 96% [range: 0.14–0.43; 0.24±0.07 (100)]. 24 Conclusion: Measuring SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR values and their time-trend monitoring represent simple, noninvasive screening 25 tools allowing an early diagnosis and treatment response follow-up assessment in patients with PLCH. 26 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc. 27 28 Keywords: Langerhans cell histiocytosis; Interstitial lung disease; Positron emission tomography; Pulmonary function tests; High-resolution computed 29 tomography (HRCT) 30 31 1. Introduction 32 Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH) is a rare 33 condition, the symptoms of which are nonspecific and 34include cough, chest pains and dyspnea, and sometimes, 35even pneumothorax may be its first manifestation. In the 36early stages of the disease, small nodules evolving through 37cavitated forms into thick-walled, later thin-walled and 38eventually confluent cysts, and start to build up in pulmonary 39parenchyma. These changes predominantly affect upper lung 40zones with relative sparing of the lung bases [1]. Radiolog- 41ical appearance of advanced PLCH on conventional 42radiographs or even high-resolution computed tomography 43(HRCT) scans may be difficult to distinguish from 44emphysema, which often leads to delays in getting the Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Nuclear Medicine and Biology xx (2011) xxx–xxx www.elsevier.com/locate/nucmedbio ☆ Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. ⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Internal Medicine-Hematooncology, University Hospital Brno, Jihlavská 20, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic. Tel.: +42 0532233064; fax: +42 0532233603. E-mail address: petr.szturz@fnbrno.cz (P. Szturz). 0969-8051/$ – see front matter © 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2011.10.002 NMB-07094; No of Pages 8 45 right diagnosis and initiating proper treatment. In addition, 46 X-ray findings are sometimes inconclusive without any 47 correlation to serious clinical symptoms (Fig. 1). 48 Langerhans cell histiocytosis limited only to pulmonary 49 parenchyma is a smoke-related interstitial lung disease 50 referred to as isolated PLCH, and it has a better prognosis 51 than Langerhans cell histiocytosis with multisystemic 52 involvement including lungs. Although having different 53 prognoses and therapeutic approaches, these two entities 54 present the same clinical, radiological and histopathological 55 manifestations [2,3]. PLCH is responsible for 3%–5.5% of 56 interstitial lung diseases [4–6]. Larger epidemiologic data 57 are available from Japan [7], where the estimated crude 58 prevalences in males and females are 0.27 and 0.07 per 59 100,000 population, respectively. Most patients with PLCH 60 are young cigarette smokers between 20 and 40 years of 61 age [1]. 62 Diagnostics include surgical lung biopsy and bronchoal- 63 veolar lavage with CD1a+ elements (Langerhans cells) 64 analysis [8]. Additionally, in the setting of multisystemic 65 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, characteristic HRCT scan 66 findings in the lungs may be sufficient for the diagnosis. 67 Treatment is indicated in patients with multisystem involve- 68 ment or when a progression of pulmonary lesions has been 69confirmed. The progression is characterized by increasing 70numbers of nodules, whereas formation and enlargement of 71cysts are only a natural disease development into its terminal, 72end-stage phase. HRCT scans and pulmonary function tests 73are routinely applied in the follow-up; however, determining 74the number of nodules on HRCT scans is extremely difficult 75and time consuming, and pulmonary function tests cannot 76always distinguish between end-stage cystic disease and 77active PLCH [6,9]. 78To facilitate the PLCH activity assessment, we developed 79and verified a new method for measuring diffuse metabolic 80activity on fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron 81emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scan 82imaging using the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR 83index. In this paper, we describe this methodology and 84verify its validity on a retrospective study of a PLCH 85patient cohort. 862. Materials and methods 872.1. Patients 88During a 21-year period from November 1, 1989, to 89January 1, 2011, 23 patients were diagnosed with Langerhans Fig. 1. Different radiological imaging modalities of the chest in a patient with multisystemic Langerhans cell histiocytosis with pulmonary involvement (female, born 1955). The patient presenting with fevers and dyspnea was admitted to hospital with suspected pneumonia in July 2010. There were no abnormalities seen on conventional radiography (1), in contrast to HRCT imaging (3 and 4) showing apart from hypostatic pneumonia also diffuse small cysts (4–15 mm in size) in both lung fields resembling emphysema, which was visualized using 3D reconstruction (2). Cystic lung disease, complicated by bacterial infection, was an accidental finding in this patient. However, retrospective analysis of the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index in preceding four PET examinations (2004– 2010) shows a high probability of a previous history of PLCH (Table 2). 2 P. Szturz et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology xx (2011) xxx–xxx 90 cell histiocytosis and followed up at our department. Out of 91 them, 15 patients had either single-systemic (nine patients) 92 or multisystemic (six patients) disease without pulmonary 93 involvement. The remaining eight patients were diagnosed 94 with PLCH, of whom seven underwent FDG-PET scan 95 imaging. In total, 4 FDG-PET and 23 FDG-PET/CT studies 96 were performed between the years 2004 and 2010. The study 97 follow-up period started with the first FDG-PET examination 98 in March 2004. 99 The indications for FDG-PET or FDG-PET/CT scanning 100 included: (a) searching for multiorgan involvement of an 101 extrapulmonary (verified by bone, lymph node or skin 102 biopsies) Langerhans cell histiocytosis (four scans) as well as 103 (b) of known PLCH (two scans), (c) differential diagnosis of 104 pituitary stalk infiltration (one scan) and (d) follow-up of 105 patients (20 scans). The patients were free from any other 106 active lung or liver disease at the time of PET scanning. The 107 diagnosis of PLCH was based on pathological examinations 108 (three patients) or pathognomonic HRCT scan findings (four 109 patients). Patients who did not agree to the use of their 110 medical records for research were not included in this study. 111 2.2. FDG-PET/CT scan imaging 112 In the PLCH patient cohort, we performed FDG-PET and 113 FDG-PET/CT scanning in euglycemia after fasting for 6 h. 114 FDG-PET scan images of the body, at the extent from the 115 proximal thirds of femurs to the cranial base (with included 116the head in four scans), were obtained 60 min after 117intravenous injection of fluorodeoxyglucose (range of 118applied activity: 312–409 MBq). Until 2008, data acquisi- 119tion was performed on a PET scanner (ECAT ACCEL 120SIEMENS) in a three-dimensional (3D) mode and, later, 121from 2008, on a hybrid PET/CT scanner (True Point PET-CT 122Biograph 64 SIEMENS). Emission and transmission scans 123were reconstructed by using an iterative reconstruction 124algorithm. On acquired data, attenuation correction was 125applied. Due to repeated follow-up FDG-PET/CT scanning, 126in most studies, low-dose CT protocol reducing radiation 127load significantly was used. With the remaining studies, 128high-dose CT mode was applied. The scan field of view was 12950 or 70 cm according to a patient's body habitus. The 130acquisition parameters for CT were as follows: slice 5 mm, 131collimation 24×1.2 mm, pitch 0.8 mm. To optimize lung 132parenchyma imaging, the following reconstruction algorithm 133was used: slice 1.5–2.0 mm, kernel B 80 f (ultra sharp), 134reconstruction increment 0.4 mm, window–lung. Maximum 135standardized uptake values (SUVmax) were measured for 136semiquantitative analysis. 1372.3. SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index 138Nodules in PLCH often measure several millimeters (4–6 139mm) and are below detectable levels of used PET scanners 140(about 7 mm), which precludes direct measurement of their 141activity. Therefore, we tried to find these active lesions in a Fig. 2. SUVmax in a spherical volume (6–8 cm in diameter) in the right lung was put into relation with SUVmax in a spherical volume (9–10 cm in diameter) in the reference liver parenchyma to set up the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index. Considering the topographical differences between the lungs and the liver, we were more limited in demarcating the volume of interest in the lung parenchyma, which therefore has smaller diameter. 3P. Szturz et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology xx (2011) xxx–xxx 142 larger area. Considering the anatomical conditions, we chose 143 the volume of interest shaped into spheres of 6–8 cm in 144 diameter in the right lung. The metabolic activity was 145 measured in the right upper and middle lung fields. These are 146 the regions of predominant PLCH involvement. The right 147 side without heart and pericardium is more suitable for 148 demarcating the volume of interest and requires only the 149 exclusion of the hilar structures and pleura, where the 150 activity can be increased physiologically. Moreover, in the 151 lower lung fields, numerous motion artifacts are common. 152 This selection of size and location of the volume of interest 153 strives to maximize the probability of occurrence of the 154 majority of active lesions in the most anatomically suitable 155 region while preserving an easy way of determination in a 156 daily routine. 157 To decrease the variability between single examinations 158 as well as to compare examinations from different scanners, 159 lung-to-liver activity ratio was assessed. In the liver 160 parenchyma, we chose volume of interest shaped into 161 spheres of 9–10 cm in diameter following analogous 162 principles as in the lungs (Fig. 2). Consequently, SUVmax 163 in the right lung and SUVmax in the reference hepatic 164parenchyma were measured, and their relationship expressed 165as the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index was deter- 166mined and used for PLCH activity evaluation. 167In our analysis of a sample of 100 randomly chosen 168FDG-PET/CT studies free from any known lung or 169hepatic diseases, either oncological or nononcological, we 170found index values lower than 0.3 in 80% and lower than 1710.4 in 96% [range: 0.14–0.43; 0.24±0.07 (100)]. No index 172values higher than 0.5 were identified in the healthy 173population. The range of applied activity was 302–425 174MBq [354.51±32.12 (100)], and that of blood glucose levels 175was 3.1–8.1 mmol/L [5.00±1.09 (100)]. Further SUV data 176are summarized in Fig. 3. 1773. Results 178Six males, all with a history of smoking, and one female, 17931 to 48 years of age at the time of first FDG-PET scanning 180[39.7±6.5 (7)], were included in this study. The mean follow- 181up period was 17 months [range: 9–79 months; 30.4±29.0 182(7)]. Six patients had a multisystemic Langerhans cell 183histiocytosis with pulmonary involvement and received at 184least one line of therapy. One patient had isolated PLCH, and 185this patient has not been treated yet. In patients with 186multisystemic disease, the following organs were affected: 187lungs (100%), skin (65%), bones (50%), brain (30%), ear 188(30%) and lymph nodes (15%). Respiratory symptoms 189(dyspnea, cough) were present in five patients (71%), of 190whom one patient suffered from recurrent pneumothorax. 191Demographic and clinical data are shown in Tables 1 and 2. 192All patients underwent FDG-PET scan imaging (4 PET 193scans and 23 PET/CT scans). The acquired data, summarized 194in Table 3, were correlated to the clinical course of the 195disease, HRCT findings, pulmonary function tests and 196pathological examinations. In total, 18 HRCT studies 197[2.6±1.3 (7)] and 13 pulmonary function tests [1.9±1.5 (7)] 198were performed in seven patients. We have found a close 199correlation between the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR 200index values and the above-mentioned disease activity 201parameters (Table 2). Consequently, we worked with two 202variables, the index value and the metabolic tumor activity, 203and found a relationship with positive slope, i.e., increasing 204index value corresponds with increasing metabolic tumor Fig. 3. Box plot of SUV data of control group: median SUVmaxPULMO= 0.70 [range: 0.380–1.600; 0.74±0.26 (100)], median SUVmaxHEPAR= 3.00 [range: 2.40–4.00; 3.11±0.35 (100)], median SUVmaxPULMO/ SUVmaxHEPAR=0.22 [range: 0.14–0.43; 0.24±0.07 (100)]. Table 1t1:1 Main demographic and clinical characteristics of seven patients with PLCHt1:2 t1:3 Date of birth, sex Smoking habitus Disease onset (years) Extrapulmonary involvement Diagnosis of pulmonary involvement (years) t1:4 1972, M Smoker 21 Bones 34 t1:5 1974, M Smoker 33 Skin, brain (pituitary stalk), ear 34 t1:6 1969, M Ex-smoker 39 Skin 40 t1:7 1963, M Active and passive smoker 43 Ear 45 t1:8 1973, M Smoker 34 Skin, bones, lymph nodes 35 t1:9 1963, M Smoker 45 Isolated PLCH 45 t1:10 1955, F Nonsmoker 22 Skin, bones, brain, ear 54 4 P. Szturz et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology xx (2011) xxx–xxx 205 activity and vice versa. The increasing trends of index 206 values were seen in five patients, where they indicated 207 PLCH activity (i.e., pulmonary symptoms, formation of 208 nodules on HRCT or abnormal pulmonary function tests), 209 whereas decreasing trends of index values were observed in 210 six patients after therapy administration, signaling reduced 211 metabolic tumor activity. Furthermore, in four patients, 212 SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index values higher 213 than 0.5 proved to be diagnostic for pulmonary involve- 214 ment, demonstrating its role as a strong positive predictive 215 marker. Fig. 4 shows the disease course with corresponding 216 index values in one patient (male, born 1973). 217 Quantitative analysis of HRCT findings in patients with 218 PLCH, consisting of assessment of the exact count of 219nodules and cystic formations, is almost impossible to be 220obtained. Therefore, the PET-CT findings were correlated to 221a semiquantitative radiological evaluation of HRCT scans, 222and neither sensitivity, specificity, accuracy nor predictive 223values can be exactly calculated in our study. 2244. Discussion 225The clinical course of PLCH is very divergent and 226impossible to be predicted for an individual patient [2,3]. 227About 50% of patients with isolated PLCH have a favorable 228prognosis with total disease remission, i.e., reduction of 229pulmonary nodules either spontaneously or after corticoid Table 2t2:1 Correlation between the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index and disease course in seven patients with PLCHt2:2 t2:3 Date of birth, sex Date of PET-CTa SUVmax PULMO/SUVmax HEPAR Disease course and symptoms of pulmonary involvement Interpretation of SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR index in relation to disease course t2:4 1972, M Mar 04 0.44 After 5 cycles of cladribine therapy, remission of bone lesions High index value due to active smoking t2:5 Jan 05 0.45 Lasting remission of bone lesions t2:6 Feb 07 0.51 Dyspnea, cough Progression of PLCH t2:7 Jun 08 0.47 Smoking cessation leading to relief of symptoms Gradual remission of PLCH in accordance with relief of symptoms after cessation of smoking t2:8 Jan 09 0.29 t2:9 Feb 10 0.27 t2:10 1974, M Mar 09 0.21 Screening admission PET/CT t2:11 Feb 10 0.27 Progression of pituitary stalk infiltration on brain MRI; therapy initiation Increased index value suggests progression in lungs t2:12 Jun 10 0.22 Regression of pituitary stalk infiltration after 3 cycles with cladribine Therapy effective also in PLCH as suggested by decreasing index value t2:13 1969, M May 09 0.57 Disease activity (recurrent pneumothorax, 3 times); therapy initiation High index value confirms PLCH t2:14 Mar 10 0.22 After 6 cycles of cladribine therapy, partial remission of skin lesions Therapy effective in PLCH as suggested by decreasing index value t2:15 1963, M Mar 09 0.57 Screening admission PET/CT High index value confirms PLCH t2:16 Aug 09 0.53 After 4 cycles of cladribine therapy Gradual remission of PLCH after successful cladribine therapy t2:17 Mar 10 0.38 Follow-up PET/CT t2:18 1973, M Jan 09 0.54 Screening admission PET/CT; dyspnea, cough High index value confirms PLCH t2:19 Jun 09 0.31 After 4 cycles with cladribine therapy Therapy effective also in PLCH t2:20 Nov 09 0.36 1st relapse (confirmed by lymph node and skin biopsies); cough Increased index value suggests relapse in lungs t2:21 Jan 10 0.27 After 2 cycles of salvage chemotherapy CHOEP; relief of symptoms Remission of PLCH after chemotherapy t2:22 Jul 10 0.28 4 months after autologous transplantation Lasting remission of PLCH after autologous transplantation t2:23 Oct 10 0.48 2nd relapse (confirmed by lymph node biopsy) Increased index value suggests 2nd relapse in lungs t2:24 1963, M Jul 08 0.21 Screening admission PET/CT; intermittent cough t2:25 Feb 10 0.24 Stable disease not requiring therapy; lasting intermittent cough Slightly increased index value in patient with stable clinical manifestation, but still continuing his smoking habitus t2:26 1955, F Mar 04 0.42 Screening admission PET/CT; slight effort dyspnea High index value suggests pulmonary involvement t2:27 Jan 09 0.31 After several cycles with vinblastine, prednisone and etoposide Therapy effective also in PLCH t2:28 Mar 10 0.14 Progression in brain; therapy initiation Further remission of PLCH t2:29 May 10 0.17 After 2 cycles with cladribine Lasting remission of PLCH t2:30 Oct 10 0.38 Further progression in brain, chemoresistant disease Increased index suggests progression of PLCH CHOEP, cyclophosphamide+doxorubicin+vincristine+etoposide+prednisone.t2:31 a Between 2004 and 2007, only PET scans were made.t2:32 5P. Szturz et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology xx (2011) xxx–xxx 230 therapy. Cessation of smoking proved to be essential in 231 therapy management, leading to remission in many cases 232 described [6,10,11]. Nevertheless, cystic lung damage is 233 irreversible. Moreover, PLCH implies a higher risk of lung 234 cancer, especially in smokers, and a higher risk of other 235 malignancies as well [12]. 236 The greatest challenge is the evaluation of PLCH disease 237 activity and, consequently, therapy effectiveness. In recent 238 years, based on a contrasting rate of glucose utilization 239 between rapidly proliferating tumor cells and surrounding 240 normal tissue, much attention has been devoted to the benefit 241 of FDG-PET and FDG-PET/CT scan imaging for determin- 242 ing the extent of Langerhans cell histiocytosis and therapy 243 response evaluation. 244 Derenzini et al. [13] used FDG-PET for evaluating the 245 effectiveness of MACOP-BQ2 chemotherapy in four patients. 246 The FDG-PET scan was able to detect additional lesions 247 missed by other modalities in two patients. A negative 248 interim FDG-PET predicted a long-lasting remission in three 249 of four patients. Phillips et al. [14] published the same 250 experience as they compared the benefit of FDG-PET/CT to 251 bone scans, CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 252 conventional radiography for determining the extent of 253 Langerhans cell histiocytosis and evaluation of therapy 254 response in 44 patients (41 children and 3 adults). They 255concluded that whole-body FDG-PET scans can detect 256disease activity and early response to therapy with greater 257accuracy than other imaging modalities in patients with 258Langerhans cell histiocytosis affecting bones and soft 259tissues. Furthermore, FDG-PET is also beneficial for an 260early diagnosis of neurodegenerative Langerhans cell 261histiocytosis [15]. 262However, a MEDLINE literature search revealed only 263one paper evaluating FDG-PET scan imaging in PLCH, the 264work from authors Krajicek et al. [16], who described their 265cohort study with 11 patients. PET-scan-positive patients 266had predominantly nodular lung disease with more than 100 267nodules usually under 8 mm in size, whereas PET-scan- 268negative patients had predominantly cystic lung disease with 269nodules numbering less than 25 in a field of examination. 270In our study, all pathology in the lung parenchyma was 271below detectable levels of the PET scanner (less than 7 mm), 272and we did not find large active lesions. Notwithstanding the 273observations of Krajicek et al., we describe a new 274methodology for diffuse metabolic activity evaluation of 275the lung parenchyma and present the possibility to objectify 276the results by comparing them with the simultaneously 277measured activity of the reference liver parenchyma. The 278evaluation of pulmonary activity based on the index, the ratio 279of the measured SUVmax value in a spherical volume of the Table 3t3:1 An overview of PET-CT data in 7 patients with PLCHt3:2 t3:3 Date of birth, Sex Date of PET-CTa Applied activity (MBq) Blood glucose levels (mmol/L) SUVmax PULMO SUVmax HEPAR SUVmax PULMO / SUVmax HEPAR t3:4 1972, M Mar-04 327 4.4 0.80 1.83 0.44 t3:5 Jan-05 321 5.8 0.81 1.79 0.45 t3:6 Feb-07 335 4.1 1.02 2.01 0.51 t3:7 Jun-08 337 4.8 1.06 2.24 0.47 t3:8 Jan-09 315 5.2 0.92 3.22 0.29 t3:9 Feb-10 352 4.7 0.89 3.25 0.27 t3:10 1974, M Mar-09 414 4.6 0.93 4.39 0.21 t3:11 Feb-10 431 4.8 0.89 3.25 0.27 t3:12 Jun-10 466 5.4 0.78 3.53 0.22 t3:13 1969, M May-09 377 4.7 1.88 3.30 0.57 t3:14 Mar-10 393 5.2 0.78 3.53 0.22 t3:15 1963, M Mar-09 372 4.7 1.78 3.11 0.57 t3:16 Aug-09 421 4.9 1.79 3.36 0.53 t3:17 Mar-10 401 4.7 1.03 2.71 0.38 t3:18 1973, M Jan-09 330 6.3 1.34 2.49 0.54 t3:19 Jun-09 336 5.6 0.68 2.23 0.31 t3:20 Nov-09 330 5.3 1.18 3.24 0.36 t3:21 Jan-10 338 5.7 0.88 3,30 0.27 t3:22 Jul-10 317 5.5 0.75 2.72 0.28 t3:23 Oct-10 292 6.4 1.40 2.98 0.48 t3:24 1963, M Jul-08 338 4.7 0.69 3.30 0.21 t3:25 Feb-10 354 5.1 0.95 3.96 0.24 t3:26 1955, F Mar-04 344 4.4 1.02 2.45 0.42 t3:27 Jan-09 337 5.8 1.00 3.19 0.31 t3:28 Mar-10 357 6.7 0.48 3.49 0.14 t3:29 May-10 351 5.4 0.53 3.15 0.17 t3:30 Oct-10 386 7.0 1.45 3.8 0.38 a Between 2004-2007 only PET scans were made.t3:31 6 P. Szturz et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology xx (2011) xxx–xxx 280 right lung to the measured SUVmax value in a spherical 281 volume of the liver — the SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHE- 282 PAR index — which we propose and which we have 283 verified, has not been published so far. We are aware of the 284 fact that the method we used is not common and, with such 285 small lesions, it is negatively biased by the partial-volume 286 effect characterized by increasing underestimation of SUV 287 with decreasing lesion sizes [17]. The index may be 288 influenced by concomitant factors affecting either lungs or 289 liver (e.g., other interstitial lung diseases, benign tumors, 290 active infections or noninfectious inflammations, cholesta- 291 sis, cirrhosis). Moreover, hyperinsulinemia [18], higher 292glucose level [19] and advanced age [20] were found to be 293related to increased FDG uptake by liver. 294Currently, except for HRCT of the lungs and pulmonary 295function tests, there is no other modality that informs more 296accurately on PLCH activity. Traditional FDG-PET scan 297imaging is not possible due to the small size of nodules 298which cannot be reliably resolved by the PET scanner. 299Therefore, we consider the measuring and long-term 300monitoring of the index SUVmaxPULMO/SUVmaxHEPAR 301to be very useful additional tools for PLCH activity 302evaluation. Based on our analysis of a sample of 100 303randomly chosen PET/CT scans, as mentioned above, and on Fig. 4. Series of FDG-PET/CT images of a patient with multisystemic Langerhans cell histiocytosis with pulmonary involvement (male, born 1973). High index value on admission PET/CT together with pathognomonic HRCT finding (multiple small nodules with sporadic cysts) and clinical symptoms (dyspnea, cough) was diagnostic for PLCH. Interim PET/CT after two cycles with cladribine shows a therapy response which correlated with regression of lymphadenopathy and relief of the symptoms, including perianal pruritus and B-symptoms (night sweats, fever and weight loss). However, an aggressive form of Langerhans cell histiocytosis with recurrent relapses was the case. The index value corresponded closely with the disease course. We consider myocardial FDG uptake to be physiological. 7P. Szturz et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology xx (2011) xxx–xxx 304 this retrospective study, we found that SUVmaxPULMO/ 305 SUVmaxHEPAR index values higher than 0.5 bear high 306 probability of pulmonary involvement in patients with 307 Langerhans cell histiocytosis. 308 In conclusion, measuring the SUVmaxPULMO/SUV- 309 maxHEPAR index and its time-trend monitoring represent 310 simple noninvasive screening tools for PLCH, allowing us to 311 optimize the therapeutic management in the patients. An 312 early diagnosis of pulmonary involvement with a prompt 313 initiation of therapy may prevent progressive cystic damage 314 to the lungs. The index measurement also enables an 315 effective monitoring of therapy response and follow-up of 316 patients with PLCH. 317 Acknowledgment 318 This work was supported in part by the IGA 319 of The Ministry of Health (NT11154, NS10387, 320 FUNDIN MZ0MOU2005); The Ministry of Education, 321 Youth and Sports (LC06027, MSM0021622434); and 322 MUNI/A/1012/2009. 323 References 324 [1] Vassallo R, Ryu JH. Pulmonary Langerhans' cell histiocytosis. Clin 325 Chest Med 2004;25(3):561–71. 326 [2] Tazi A. Adult pulmonary Langerhans' cell histiocytosis. Eur Respir J 327 2006;27(6):1272–85. 328 [3] Sundar KM, Gosselin MV, Chung HL, Cahill BC. Pulmonary 329 Langerhans cell histiocytosis: emerging concepts in pathobiology, 330 radiology, and clinical evolution of disease. Chest 2003;123 331 (5):1673–83. 332 [4] Thomeer M, Demedts M, Vandeurzen K, VRGT Working Group on 333 Interstitial Lung Diseases. Registration of interstitial lung diseases by 334 20 centres of respiratory medicine in Flanders. 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