a 2012

Comparison of methods of self-absorption and effective branching fractions for metastable densities determination in surface-wave neon plasma

DOSOUDILOVÁ, Lenka, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Todor BOGDANOV, Evgenia BENOVA, Jaroslav HNILICA et. al.

Basic information

Original name

Comparison of methods of self-absorption and effective branching fractions for metastable densities determination in surface-wave neon plasma

Name in Czech

Srovnání metod samoabsorpce a efektvních větvících poměrů ke stanoveni koncentrace metastabilnich atomu v neonu


DOSOUDILOVÁ, Lenka (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Todor BOGDANOV (100 Bulgaria), Evgenia BENOVA (100 Bulgaria), Jaroslav HNILICA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Vít KUDRLE (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Antonín BRABLEC (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


Proceedings of IPS, 2012. 2012

Other information



Type of outcome

Conference abstract

Field of Study

10305 Fluids and plasma physics

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords (in Czech)

metastabilni atomy; neon; povrchova vlna; plazma; samoabsorpce; vetvici pomery

Keywords in English

metastables; neon; surface-wave; plasma; self-absorption; branching fractions


International impact
Changed: 4/4/2013 11:59, prof. Mgr. Vít Kudrle, Ph.D.


V originále

A novel type of surface-wave sustained microwave discharge in neon at low pressure was studied by optical emission spectroscopy. The spectra of neon from transitions 2p5 3p to 2p5 3s were measured in axial and azimuthal directions and analysed for an effect of self-absorption in order to determine the densities of neon metastable states 1s3 and 1s5 (in Paschen notation) for different pressures. The methods of self-absorption and branching fractions were investigated and obtained results were compared. Supporting "white light" absorption experiments with external LED light source were performed in order to prove the non-absorption character in azimuthal direction.

In Czech

Pomocí optické emisní spektroskopie byl studován nový typ mikrovlnného výboje generovaném za nízkého tlaku v neonu. Spektra v neonu pro přechody z hladin 2p5 3p do hladin 2p5 3s byla analyzována s ohledem na samoabsopci, aby bylo možné určit koncentraci metastabilních stavů 1s3 a 1s5 (Paschenovo značení)pro různé tlaky.Metoda samoabsorpce a větvící poměry byly studovány a získané výsledky pak byly srovnány. V experimentech s vnějším zdrojem světelným LED zdrojem bylo využito podpůrné "bílé světlo", abychom ověřili, že v azimutálním směru samoabsopce nenastává.


ED2.1.00/03.0086, research and development project
Name: Regionální VaV centrum pro nízkonákladové plazmové a nanotechnologické povrchové úpravy
GD104/09/H080, research and development project
Name: Plazmochemické procesy a jejich technologické aplikace
Investor: Czech Science Foundation