Filtrování publikací


    1. PIKULA, Jiri, Vladimir PIACEK, Hana BANDOUCHOVA, Marie BARTLOVA, Sarka BEDNARIKOVA, Romana BURIANOVA, Ondrej DANEK, Petr JEDLICKA, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Monika NEMCOVA, Veronika SEIDLOVA, Katerina ZUKALOVA a Jan ZUKAL. Case report: Filarial infection of a parti-coloured bat: Litomosa sp. adult worms in abdominal cavity and microfilariae in bat semen. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Frontiers Media SA, 2023, roč. 10, Sep, s. 1-9. ISSN 2297-1769. Dostupné z:
    2. KŘÍŽOVÁ, Kristína, Mária SEIFERTOVÁ, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Wisnu NURCAHYO a Ivona FOITOVÁ. First Study of Ascaris lumbricoides from the Semiwild Population of the Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii in the Context of Morphological Description and Molecular Phylogeny. Life. MDPI, 2023, roč. 13, č. 4, s. 1-20. ISSN 2075-1729. Dostupné z:


    1. KOŠULIČ, Ondřej a Šárka MAŠOVÁ. First report on mermithid parasitism (Enoplea: Mermithidae) in a Southeast Asian spider (Araneae: Araneidae). HELMINTHOLOGIA. BERLIN: WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 2019, roč. 56, č. 2, s. 157-167. ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné z:
    2. VETEŠNÍKOVÁ ŠIMKOVÁ, Andrea, Eva ŘEHULKOVÁ, Jean Robertin RASOLOARINIAINA, Michiel WP JORISSEN, Tomáš SCHOLZ, Anna FALTÝNKOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ a Maarten Pieterjan VANHOVE. Transmission of parasites from introduced tilapias: a new threat to endemic Malagasy ichthyofauna. Biological Invasions. Dordrecht: Springer, 2019, roč. 21, č. 3, s. 803-819. ISSN 1387-3547. Dostupné z:


    1. SCHOLZ, Tomáš, Sareh TAVAKOL, Lucie UHROVÁ, Jan BRABEC, Iva PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Andrea VETEŠNÍKOVÁ ŠIMKOVÁ, Ali HALAJIAN a Wilmien J. LUUS-POWELL. An annotated list and molecular data on larvae of gryporhynchid tapeworms (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) from freshwater fishes in Africa. Systematic Parasitology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2018, roč. 95, č. 6, s. 567-590. ISSN 0165-5752. Dostupné z:
    2. SCHOLZ, T., R. KUCHTA, Šárka MAŠOVÁ a A. KOSTADINOVÁ. Basic methods to study the principal groups of fish parasites: Endoparasitic helminths. In A Guide to the Parasites of African Freshwater Fishes. Brussels: CEBioS, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, 2018, s. 99-104. Abc Taxa 18. ISBN 978-90-73242-38-8.
    3. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a R. KUCHTA. Nematoda. In A Guide to the Parasites of African Freshwater Fishes. Brussels: CEBioS, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, 2018, s. 297-331. Abc Taxa 18. ISBN 978-90-73242-38-8.
    4. PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Iva, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Milan GELNAR, Moses M. MALTA, Sareh TAVAKOL a Wilmien J. LUUS-POWELL. Redescription of the genus Afrodiplozoon Khotenovski, 1981 and its only known species Afrodiplozoon polycotyleus (Paperna, 1973) (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) using a combined multidisciplinary approach. Parasitology International. Clare, Ireland: ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, 2018, roč. 67, č. 2, s. 245-252. ISSN 1383-5769. Dostupné z:


    1. VYČÍTALOVÁ, Kateřina, Michal BENOVICS, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Anna FALTÝNKOVÁ, Tomáš SCHOLZ, Iurii KVACH, Simona GEORGIEVA a Andrea VETEŠNÍKOVÁ ŠIMKOVÁ. Diversity of metazoan parasite communities of endemic cyprinid species from the selected areas of Mediterranean. In Helminthological Days 2017. 2017. ISBN 978-80-968473-8-9.
    2. HODOVÁ, Eliška, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Kristýna ROSÍKOVÁ, Maarten Pieterjan VANHOVE a Iveta HODOVÁ. Microscopic techniques in the study of African parasitic nematodes. In Mikroskopie 2017. 2017.


    1. UHROVÁ, Lucie, Jan BRABEC, Iva PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ a Tomáš SCHOLZ. Diversity of larval stages of the family Gryporhynchidae (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea) in cichlid fish (Perciformes: Cichlidae) from southern Africa. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. 2016.
    2. TIHLAŘÍKOVÁ, Eva, Vilém NEDĚLA a Šárka MAŠOVÁ. Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy as a Useful Tool for Taxonomical Documentation of Parasitical Helminths. Microscopy and Microanalysis. Cambridge University Press, 2016, roč. 22, S3, s. 1178-1179. ISSN 1435-8115. Dostupné z:
    3. KMENTOVÁ, Nikol, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Eliška JIROUNKOVÁ, Veronika NEZHYBOVÁ a Maarten Pieterjan VANHOVE. Leeches of notothenioid fishes in Antarctica: new species discovery and phylogenetic position. In 5th meeting of European Centre for Ichtyoparasitology. 2016.
    4. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Veronika NEZHYBOVÁ, Nikol KMENTOVÁ a Eliška ŠRÁMOVÁ. Preliminary report on piscicolid leeches from notothenioid fishes in Prince Gustav Channel. In Proceedings: Students in Polar and Alpine Research Conference 2016. 2016. ISBN 978-80-210-8203-8.
    5. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Kristýna ROSÍKOVÁ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ, Ewa DZIKA a Milan GELNAR. The surface topography of rare monogenean (Octomacrum europaneum) observed by SEM for the first time. In Mikroskopie 2016. 2016.


    1. PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Iva, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Milan GELNAR a Wilmien J. LUUS-POWELL. Afrodiplozoon Khotenovsky, 1981 (Monogenea: Diplozoidae): revision of the genus using multidisciplinary approach. In 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. 2015.
    2. PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Iva, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Moses M. MATLA, Milan GELNAR, Sareh TAVAKOL a Wilmien J. LUUS-POWELL. Afrodiplozoon polycotyleus (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) recorded from cyprinids from the luvuvvhu River. Morhpological analysis and molecular characterisation. In 44th Annual Confrences of the Parasitological Society of Southern Africa. 2015.
    3. RAISINGEROVÁ, Ludmila, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Andrea VETEŠNÍKOVÁ ŠIMKOVÁ, Radek ŠANDA, Jasna VUKIĆOVÁ a Milan GELNAR. Basic epidemiological data of anisakid nematode larvae of gobiid fishes (Gobiidae, Actinopterygii) from northern Adriatic Sea. In 22nd Helminthological Days. 2015. ISBN 978-80-7444-032-8.
    4. NEZHYBOVÁ, Veronika a Šárka MAŠOVÁ. Basic epidemiological data on metazoan parasites of notothenioid fish off James Ross Island (Prince Gustav Channel, Weddell Sea), Antarctica. Czech Polar Reports. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, roč. 5, č. 1, s. 44-54. ISSN 1805-0689. Dostupné z:
    5. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vilém NEDĚLA, Ondřej KOŠULIČ, Eva TIHLAŘÍKOVÁ a Chaowalit SONGSANGCHOTE. ESEM observations of basic groups of parasites with note on the interesting mermithid nematode from Caerostris sumatrana Strand, 1915. In Book of Abstract of The 8th AMC and the 32nd MST Annual Conference, 28-30 January 2015. 2015.
    6. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Eva TIHLAŘÍKOVÁ a Vilém NEDĚLA. Examination of Selected Helminth Parasites by Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy. In Mikroskopie 2015. 2015.
    7. FALTÝNKOVÁ, Anna, Simona GEORGIEVA, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Pavel JURAJDA a Aneta KOSTADINOVA. First molecular data for Digeneans from Antarctic fishes. In 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites. 2015.
    8. KOŠULIČ, Ondřej a Šárka MAŠOVÁ. First record of the widow spider Latrodectus elegans Thorell, 1898 (Araneae, Theridiidae) from Indochina. In PROGRAMME & ABSTRACTS - 29th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ARACHNOLOGY. 2015.
    9. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Aleš JASINSKÝ, Kristína CIVÁŇOVÁ, Marcel KOSINA a Ivo SEDLÁČEK. First Report on Anisakid Nematodes from South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) in James Ross Island, Antarctica. In Students in Polar Research Conference. 2015.
    10. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Eva TIHLAŘÍKOVÁ a Vilém NEDĚLA. In Situ Dynamic ESEM Observationsof Basic Groups of Parasites. Online. In Niels de Jonge. CISCEM 2014 Proceedings of the Second Conference on In situ and Correlative Electron Microscopy, Saarbrucken, Germany, October 14–15, 2014. USA/UK: Journal Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics (Elsevier Inc.), 2015, s. 92-95. ISSN 1076-5670. Dostupné z:
    11. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Ivona FOITOVÁ, Karmele Llano SÁNCHEZ, Wisnu NURCAHYO a Milan GELNAR. Light and scanning electron microscopic observations of the nematode (Rictulariidae) parasitizing the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in Indonesia. In Book of Abstract of The 8th ASEAN Microscopy Conference & 32nd Microscopy Society of Thailand Annual Conference, 28-30 January 2015, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. 2015.
    12. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Aleš JASINSKÝ a Kristína CIVÁŇOVÁ. Morphological and molecular studies on anisakid parasitic nematodes from Antarctic fish-eating bird. In 4th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology. 2015. ISBN 978-80-210-8016-4.
    13. RAISINGEROVÁ, Ludmila, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Andrea VETEŠNÍKOVÁ ŠIMKOVÁ, Radek ŠANDA, Jasna VUKIĆOVÁ a Milan GELNAR. Preliminary study on metazoan parasites of gobiid fishes (Gobiidae, Actinopterygii) from northern Adriatic Sea. In ZOOLOGICKÉ DNY Brno 2015. 2015. ISBN 978-80-87189-18-4.
    14. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Ludmila RAISINGEROVÁ, Veronika NEZHYBOVÁ, Andrea VETEŠNÍKOVÁ ŠIMKOVÁ, Radek ŠANDA, Jasna VUKIĆOVÁ a Milan GELNAR. Sea parasites biodiversity and their basic epidemiology. In 4th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology 23–25 November 2015. 2015. ISBN 978-80-210-8016-4.
    15. LARIONOVA, Maria, Ondřej KOŠULIČ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Shaldavya KURUGANTI a Luboš PURCHART. Small mammals communities and their parasites in managed lowland forest stands during forest cycle - preliminary results. In SilvaNet - WoodNet 2015: Proceedings of Abstracts. 2015. ISBN 978-80-7509-364-6.
    16. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Veronika NEZHYBOVÁ, Iva PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Ivana HEGLASOVÁ, Simona GEORGIEVA, Anna FALTÝNKOVÁ, Aneta KOSTADINOVA, Aleš JASINSKÝ a Kristína CIVÁŇOVÁ. Some parasites like it cold: parasitological research progress in Prince Gustav Channel, Antarctica. In Workshop: BIOVĚDY V ANTARKTIDĚ/ANTARCTIC BIOSCIENCES Současný stav a perspektivy biologického výzkumu v Antarktidě. 2015.
    17. GEORGIEVA, Simona, Šárka MAŠOVÁ a Anna FALTÝNKOVÁ. Species of Macvicaria (Gigson & Bray, 1982) (Digenea: Opecoelidae) in the Mediterrean and Antarctic. In 22nd Helminthological Days. 2015. ISBN 978-80-7444-032-8.
    18. PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Iva, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Milan GELNAR a Wilmien J. LUUS-POWELL. The revision of the genus Afrodiplozoon (Khotenovsky, 1981.) (Monogenea: Diploziodae). In 22th Helminthological Days. 2015. ISBN 978-80-7444-032-8.
    19. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Ondřej KOŠULIČ a Chaowalit SONGSANGCHOTE. Unexpected visitor: mermithid nematode (Mermithidae, Nematoda) – surprised host: Bark Spider, Caerostris sumatrana (Araneae, Araneidae). In PROGRAMME & ABSTRACTS - 29th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ARACHNOLOGY. 2015.
    20. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Zuzana KOBÍKOVÁ a Milan GELNAR. 4th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology, International environmental educational, advisory and information centre of water protection Vodňany (IEEAIC), 23–25 November 2015 : Programme & Abstracts. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 101 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8016-4.
    21. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Zuzana KOBÍKOVÁ a Milan GELNAR. 4th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology Programme & Abstracts. In 4th Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology 23–25 November 2015. 1. vyd. Brno: Munipress, 2015, 94 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8016-4.


    2. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Ivona FOITOVÁ, Eva TIHLAŘÍKOVÁ a Vilém NEDĚLA. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AS UNREPLACEABLE METHOD IN PARASITOLOGY: SEM & ESEM UTILIZATION. In Vilém Neděla, Šárka Mašová & Eva Tihlaříková. Workshop of Interesting Topics of SEM and ESEM, 26–31 August 2014, Programme & Abstracts. Brno: Institute of Scientific Instruments, AS CR, v.v.i., 2014, s. 49-51. ISBN 978-80-87441-12-1.
    3. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Eva TIHLAŘÍKOVÁ a Vilém NEDĚLA. In situ dynamic ESEM observations of basic groups of parasites. In 2nd Conference on In-Situ and Correlative Electron Microscopy. 2014.
    4. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Morphological diferences between African camallanid nematodes revealed by SEM. In 18th International Microscopy Congress. 2014. ISBN 978-80-260-6720-7.
    5. MICHÁLKOVÁ, Veronika, Šárka MAŠOVÁ a Pavel JURAJDA. Parasitofauna of notothenioid fish from Prince Gustav Channel, Weddell Sea, Antarctica – expedition 2014. In Polar Ecology Confernce 2014. 2014.
    6. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Mária SEIFERTOVÁ, John MALALA a Miloslav JIRKŮ. Redescription and molecular characterisation of Dujardinascaris madagascariensis and a note on D. dujardini (Nematoda: Heterocheilidae), parasites of Crocodylus niloticus, with a key to Dujardinascaris spp. in crocodilians. Zootaxa. New Zealand: Magnolia Press, 2014, roč. 3893, č. 2, s. 261-276. ISSN 1175-5326. Dostupné z:
    7. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka. Studies on acanthocephalans and parasitic nematodes of cold-blooded vertebrates. In 3rd Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology Hotel Skalní mlýn 24–26 November 2014Programme & Abstracts. 2014. ISBN 978-80-210-7492-7.
    8. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vilém NEDĚLA a Eva TIHLAŘÍKOVÁ. Using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) as a non-invasive method to studying fixed parasites. In 18th International Microscopy Congress. 2014. ISBN 978-80-260-6720-7.
    9. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a Milan GELNAR. 3rd Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology Hotel Skalní mlýn 24–26 November 2014: Programme and Abstracts. In 3rd Workshop of European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology Hotel Skalní mlýn 24–26 November 2014. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014, 93 s. ISBN 978-80-210-7492-7.


    1. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a Iva PŘIKRYLOVÁ. Preliminary study on parasitofauna of Antarctic fishes in the proximity of James Ross Island (Prince Gustav Channel, Weddell Sea). In 20th Helminthological Days. 2013.
    2. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Redescription of cystacanths of Corynosoma pseudohamanni Zdzitowiecki, 1984 (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) from paratenic fish hosts. Folia Parasitologica. Česká republika: Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre ASCR, 2013, roč. 60, č. 2, s. 169-176. ISSN 0015-5683.
    3. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Ivona FOITOVÁ, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Karmele Llano SANCHEZ a Wisnu NURCAHYO. SEM of surface morphological structures of nematodes (Rictulariidae) parasitizing the Javan slow loris, Nycticebus javanicus in Indonesia. In Mikroskopie 2013. 2013.
    4. BARUŠ, Vlastimil, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ a Jiljí SITKO. Subulura mackoi n. sp. (Nematoda: Subuluridae) and the zoogeography of subulurids parasitizing birds. Helminthologia. 2013, roč. 50, č. 1, s. 46-56. ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné z:


    1. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Veronika ŠMARDOVÁ a Ivona FOITOVÁ. A coprological survey of pinniped parasites from James Ross Island (Antarctica). In X. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-5862-0.
    2. ŠMARDOVÁ, Veronika, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, K. L. SÁNCHEZ a Ivona FOITOVÁ. A FIRST RECORD OF THE ANOPLOCEPHALID TAPEWORM FROM A JAVAN SLOW LORIS (NYCTICEBUS JAVANICUS) IN JAVA, INDONESIA. In XXIV. Congress of the International Primatological Society, Cancun, Mexico. 2012.
    3. KAŠPAROVÁ, Eva, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Oleg DITRICH, Tomáš TYML, Michal TUŠER, Alena KODÁDKOVÁ a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Anisakid nematode larvae from fishes of Petunia Bay (Svalbard). In X. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-5862-0.
    4. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ a Eva KAŠPAROVÁ. Corynosoma acanthocephalans from paratenic hosts in the Weddell Sea, James Ross Island, Antarctica. In Polar Ecology Conference 2012. 2012.
    5. BLAŽEK, Radim, Martina DÁVIDOVÁ, Dagmar JÍRSOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Mikuláš OROS, Iva PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Eva ŘEHULKOVÁ a Miloslav JIRKŮ. Fish assemblages and their parasites in Lake Turkana, Kenya. In XIV European Congress of Ichthyology. 2012.
    6. KODÁDKOVÁ, Alena, Tomáš TYML, Oleg DITRICH, Eva KAŠPAROVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Michal TUŠER a Ivan FIALA. Fish parasites beyond the arctic circle: Myxozoa. In Polar Ecology Conference 2012. 2012.
    7. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Mária SEIFERTOVÁ a Miloslav JIRKŮ. How to distinguish crocodile ascarides. In X. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-5862-0.
    8. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Kristýna KUBÍČKOVÁ, Eva KAŠPAROVÁ, Oleg DITRICH, Tomáš TYML, Michal TUŠER, Alena KODÁDKOVÁ a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Light and scanning electron microscopy of arctic anisakid larvae. In Mikroskopie 2012. 2012.
    9. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, František MORAVEC, Božena KOUBKOVÁ a Iveta HODOVÁ. Morphological studies on some African fish nematodes. In 41st PARSA. 2012.
    10. KODÁDKOVÁ, Alena, Tomáš TYML, Eva KAŠPAROVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Michal TUŠER, Oleg DITRICH a Ivan FIALA. Myxosporea beyond the Arctic circle. In 41st PARSA. 2012.
    11. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, František TENORA a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Oochoristica koubeki n. sp. (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae) from African Chamaeleo senegalensis (Chamaeleonidae) and emendation of the genus Oochoristica Lühe, 1898. Helminthologia. Košice: Parasitological Institute of SAS, 2012, roč. 49, č. 1, s. 27-32. ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné z:
    12. KAŠPAROVÁ, Eva, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Oleg DITRICH, Tomáš TYML, Michal TUŠER, Alena KODÁDKOVÁ a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Parasitic roundworms from Petuniabukta (Svalbard). In XI International Scientific Conference «Integrated researches of Spitzbergen Nature». 2012.
    13. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a Eva KAŠPAROVÁ. Preliminary report on fish diversity at the Prince Gustav Channel, the northern part of the James Ross Island, Antarctica. Czech Polar Reports. Brno: Masaryk University, 2012, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 92-102. ISSN 1805-0689.
    14. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka. Structure of the cephalic end and eggs of female Cithariniella khalili Petter, Vassiliades et Troncy, 1972 (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae), a parasite of African fishes. Helminthologia. Košice, Slovak republic: Parasitological Institute SAS, 2012, roč. 49, č. 2, s. 115-118. ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné z:
    15. ŠMARDOVÁ, Veronika, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, K. L. SÁNCHEZ a Ivona FOITOVÁ. Tapeworms of Slow Loris with a new record of family Anoplocephalidae. In X. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-5862-0.
    16. BARUŠ, Vlastimil, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ a Jiljí SITKO. The remarkable nematode of the genus Subulura Molin, 1860 parasitizing in Otus scops (Strigiformes). In 41st PARSA. 2012.
    17. BARUŠ, Vlastimil, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ a Jiljí SITKO. The remarkable nematode of the genus Subulura Molin, 1860 parasitizing in Otus scops (Strigiformes) in the Czech Republic. In X. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-5862-0.


    1. BLAŽEK, Radim, Martina DÁVIDOVÁ, Dagmar JÍRSOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Mikuláš OROS, Iva PŘIKRYLOVÁ, Eva ŘEHULKOVÁ a Miloslav JIRKŮ. Fish assemblages and their parasites in the Lake Turkana, Kenya. In Zoologické Dny Brno. 2011. ISBN 978-80-87189-09-2.
    2. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Iveta HODOVÁ, Radim SONNEK, Eva ŘEHULKOVÁ a Milan GELNAR. From light microscopy to microradiology: selected imaging methods in helminthology. In 19. Helmintologické dny. 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5478-3.
    3. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ a František MORAVEC. New morphological data on the first-stage larvae of two Procamallanus species (Nematoda: Camallanidae) based on SEM studies. Folia Parasitologica. České Budějovice: Institute of Parasitology, ASCR, 2011, roč. 58, č. 4, s. 318-321. ISSN 0015-5683.
    4. FOITOVÁ, Ivona, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, František TENORA, Iveta HODOVÁ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ, Martina MRKVICOVÁ, Vlastimil BARUŠ a Wisnu NURCAHYO. Redescription and resurrection of Bertiella satyri (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae) parasitizing the orangutan (Pongo abelii) in Indonesia. Parasitology Research. Berlin: Springer, 2011, roč. 109, č. 3, s. 689-697. ISSN 0932-0113. Dostupné z:
    5. PETRÁŠOVÁ, Jana, Peter VALLO, Klára PETRŽELKOVÁ, Ivona FOITOVÁ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Milan JIRKŮ, Tomáš SCHOLZ a David MODRÝ. Sdílíme tasemnice s našimi nejbližšími příbuznými? Molekulární a morfologická studie anoplocephalidních tasemnic z primátů. In XIII. konference mladých vědeckých pracovníků s mezinárodní účastí, Veterinarni a farmaceuticka univerzita Brno. 2011. ISBN 978-80-7305-010-8.
    6. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Mária SEIFERTOVÁ a Vlastimil BARUŠ. SEM and molecular characterization of Dujardinascaris madagascariensis (Heterocheilidae) - gastric crocodile nematode. In 19. Helmintologické dny. 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5478-3.
    7. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Petr WANDROL a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Stereoscopic scanning electron micrographs of head structures of parasitic vertebrate nematode. 2011.


    3. FOITOVÁ, Ivona, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ, Šárka MAŠOVÁ a Wishnu NURCAHYO. Description of Lemuricola (Lemuricola) pongoi-male (Nematoda: Enterobiinae) parasitising orangutan Pongo abelii. Parasitology Research. Berlin: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010, roč. 106, č. 4, s. 817-820. ISSN 1432-1955.
    4. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, František MORAVEC a Božena KOUBKOVÁ. Hlístice čeledi Camallanidae z afrických sladkovodních ryb. In IX. Slovenské a české parazitologické dni. 2010. ISBN 978-80-968473-6-5.
    5. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a Vlastimil BARUŠ. How many species of the subgenus Procamallanus is really exist in African freshwater fishes? In 30th International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists. 2010.
    6. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ a František MORAVEC. Procamallanus (Procamallanus) laeviconchus (Wedl, 1862) - really the only species of the subgenus Procamallanus parasiting fish in Africa? In XIIth International Congress of Parasitology. 2010.
    7. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, František MORAVEC, Vlastimil BARUŠ a Mária SEIFERTOVÁ. Redescription, systematic status and molecular characterisation of Multicaecum heterotis Petter, Vassiliades et Marchand, 1979 (Nematoda: Heterocheilidae), an intestinal parasite of Heterotis niloticus (Osteichthyes: Arapaimidae) in Africa. Folia Parasitologica. Česká republika: Institute of Parasitology, Acad. Sci., 2010, roč. 57, č. 4, s. 280-288. ISSN 0015-5683.
    8. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ a František MORAVEC. SEM observation on Procamallanus (Procamallanus) laeviconchus (Wedl, 1861). In 18. helmintologické dny. 2010. ISBN 978-80-210-5244-4.
    9. FOITOVÁ, Ivona, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, Božena KOUBKOVÁ a Šárka MAŠOVÁ. Specialized pinworms of orang-utan (Pongo abelii: Hominidae) from Sumatra. In 30th International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists. 2010.
    10. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Structure of cephalic end and eggs of Cithariniella khalili Petter, Vassiliades & Troncy, 1972 (Pharyngodonidae). In 18. helmintologické dny. 2010. ISBN 978-80-210-5244-4.


    1. BLAŽEK, Radim, Mikuláš OROS, Šárka MAŠOVÁ, Martina DÁVIDOVÁ a Miloslav JIRKŮ. Fish parasites in the Lake Turkana Kenya. In VIII European Congress of Ichthyology. 2009. ISBN 978-9955-18-452-2.
    2. JIRKŮ, Miloslav, Radim BLAŽEK, Šárka MAŠOVÁ a Oros MIKULÁŠ. Ichtyoparasitology of the Lake Turkana, Kenya - project progress report. In Helminthologial Days 2009. 2009. ISBN 978-80-210-4887-4.
    3. MORAVEC, František, Miloslav JIRKŮ, Harrison CHARO-KARISA a Šárka MAŠOVÁ. Mexiconema africanum sp. n. (Nematoda: Daniconematidae) from the catfish Auchenoglanis occidentalis from Lake Turkana, Kenya. Parasitology Research. Berlin: Springer, 2009, roč. 105, č. 4, s. 1047-1052. ISSN 0932-0113.
    4. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, František TENORA, Vlastimil BARUŠ a Petr KOUBEK. Interesting findings of two members of the genus Oochoristica (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae, Linstowiinae) from reptiles (Senegal, Africa). In 17th Helminthological Days 2009. 2009. ISBN 978-80-210-4887-4.
    5. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, František MORAVEC a Božena KOUBKOVÁ. Morphology of Brevimulticaecum heterotis (Ascarididae: Nematoda) studied by SEM and ESEM. In 17th Helminthological Days 2009. 2009. ISBN 978-80-210-4887-4.
    6. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, Petr KOUBEK a Božena KOUBKOVÁ. Redescription of Parapharyngodon micipsae (Seurat 1917) (Nematoda Pharyngodonidae) from the new host Tarentola parvicarinata Joger 1980 (Squamata Gekkonidae). Tropical Zoology. Italy: CENTRO STUDIO FAUNISTICA ECOLOGIA TROPIC, 2009, roč. 22, č. 2, s. 243-255. ISSN 0394-6975.
    7. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Iveta HODOVÁ a Vlastimil BARUŠ. SEM and LM Observations on Parapharyngodon micipsae (Nematoda, Pharyngodonidae) from Senegal. In Mikroskopia 2009 (25. 3. - 26. 3. 2009 Congress Centre Academia, Stará Lesná, Slovakia). 2009. ISBN 978-80-7399-739-7.
    8. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Iveta HODOVÁ a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Studying of Nematode Morphology with Three Kinds of Methods: LM, CLSM and SEM. In MC 2009 GRAZ, Volume 2: Life Sciences. 2009. ISBN 978-3-85125-062-6.


    1. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, Iveta MATĚJUSOVÁ, Petr KOUBEK a Božena KOUBKOVÁ. Morphometric and molecular characterization of Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda, Pharyngodonidae) from the Senegal gecko (Tarentola parvicarinata). Acta Parasitologica. 2008, roč. 53, č. 3, s. 274-283. ISSN 1230-2821.


    1. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, Iveta MATĚJUSOVÁ a Petr KOUBEK. Morfometrická a molekulární charakteristika druhu Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) ze senegalského gekona (Tarentola parvicarinata). In Helmnínthological Days 2006-2008. Book of Abstracts. 2007. ISBN 978-80-210-4689-4.
    2. MAŠOVÁ, Šárka, Vlastimil BARUŠ, Iveta HODOVÁ, Iveta MATĚJUSOVÁ, Petr KOUBEK a Božena KOUBKOVÁ. Parapharyngodon echinatus (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) from the Senegal gecko (Tarentola parvicarinata): morphometrical and molecular characteristics. In Program and abstracts Tenth International Helminthological Symposium HELMINTHS, HELMINTHOSES AND ENVIRONMENT. 2007.
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