Masarykova univerzita

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    1. VALTR, Miroslav, Petr KLAPETEK, Jan MARTINEK, Ondrej NOVOTNY, Zdenek JELINEK, Vaclav HORTVIK a David NECAS. Scanning Probe Microscopy controller with advanced sampling support. HardwareX. AMSTERDAM: Elsevier, 2023, roč. 15, 11 s. Dostupné z:


    1. NEČAS, David, Miroslav VALTR a Petr KLAPETEK. How levelling and scan line corrections ruin roughness measurement and how to prevent it. Nature Scientific Reports. London: NATURE RESEARCH, 2020, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 15294-15308. ISSN 2045-2322. Dostupné z:
    2. NECAS, David, Miroslav VALTR a Petr KLAPETEK. How levelling and scan line corrections ruin roughness measurement and how to prevent it. Nature Scientific Reports. BERLIN: NATURE PORTFOLIO, 2020, roč. 10, č. 1, 15 s. ISSN 2045-2322. Dostupné z:


    1. MARTINEK, Jan, Miroslav VALTR, Vaclav HORTVIK, Petr GROLICH, Danick BRIAND, Marjan SHAKER a Petr KLAPETEK. Large area scanning thermal microscopy and infrared imaging system. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2019, roč. 30, č. 3, 12 s. ISSN 0957-0233. Dostupné z:


    1. KLAPETEK, Petr, Andrew YACOOT, Petr GROLICH, Miroslav VALTR a David NEČAS. Gwyscan: a library to support non-equidistant Scanning Probe Microscope measurements. Measurement Science and Technology. Bristol: IOP Pub., 2017, roč. 28, č. 3, s. nestránkováno, 11 s. ISSN 0957-0233. Dostupné z:


    1. ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, Vlasta, Pavel SLAVÍČEK, Miroslav VALTR, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a Monika STUPAVSKÁ. Improvement of glass wettability using Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge and gliding arc considering aging effect. In TANGER Ltd. NANOCON 2015: 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOMATERIALS - RESEARCH & APPLICATION. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd, 2015, s. 321-326. ISBN 978-80-87294-63-5.
    2. ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, Vlasta, Pavel SLAVÍČEK, Miroslav VALTR, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a Monika STUPAVSKÁ. Plasma treatment of glass using dielectric barrier discharge and gliding arc. In Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (CESPC-6), Bressanone. 2015. ISBN 978-88-6938-045-7.
    3. MURESAN, Mihai George, Anna CHARVÁTOVÁ CAMPBELL, Pavel ONDRAČKA, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Vratislav PEŘINA, Tomáš POLCAR, Stephan REUTER, Malte U. HAMMER, Miroslav VALTR a Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ. Protective double-layer coatings prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition on tool steel. Surface & coatings technology. Lausanne: Elsevier Science, 2015, roč. 272, June, s. 229-238. ISSN 0257-8972. Dostupné z:


    1. KLAPETEK, Petr, Miroslav VALTR a Martin MATULA. A long-range scanning probe microscope for automotive reflector optical quality inspection. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2011, roč. 22, č. 9, 7 s. ISSN 0957-0233. Dostupné z:
    2. KLAPETEK, Petr, Miroslav VALTR, David NEČAS, Ota SALYK a Petr DZIK. Atomic force microscopy analysis of nanoparticles in non-ideal conditions. Nanoscale Research Letter. New York: Springer, 2011, roč. 6, č. 1, s. "nestránkováno", 9 s. ISSN 1931-7573. Dostupné z:


    1. MAN, Jiří, Miroslav VALTR, Anja WEIDNER, Martin PETRENEC, Karel OBRTLÍK a Jaroslav POLÁK. AFM study of surface relief evolution in 316L steel fatigued at low and high temperatures. FATIGUE 2010. 2010, roč. 2010, č. 1, s. 1625-1633. ISSN 1877-7058.
    2. KLAPETEK, Petr a Miroslav VALTR. Near-field optical microscopy simulations using graphics processing units. Surface and Interface Analysis. 2010, roč. 42/2010, č. 6, 5 s. ISSN 1096-9918.
    3. KLAPETEK, Petr, Miroslav VALTR, Aleš PORUBA, David NEČAS a Miloslav OHLÍDAL. Rough surface scattering simulations using graphics cards. Applied Surface Science. USA: ELSEVIER (NORTH-HOLLAND), 2010, roč. 2010, č. 256, s. 5640-5643. ISSN 0169-4332.
    4. CAMPBELLOVÁ, Anna, Petr KLAPETEK, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Miroslav VALTR a Jiří BURŠÍK. Small-load nanoindentation experiments on metals. Surface and Interface Analysis. 2010, roč. 42/2010, č. 6, s. 766-769. ISSN 1096-9918.


    1. NEČAS, David, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Daniel FRANTA, Pavel SŤAHEL, Petr MIKULÍK, Mojmír MEDUŇA a Miroslav VALTR. Optical Characterization of Ultra-Thin Iron and Iron Oxide Films. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology. Tokyo: The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2009, roč. 7, březen, s. 486-490. ISSN 1348-0391.
    2. BURŠÍKOVÁ, Vilma, Tomáš FOŘT, Libor DUPÁK, Adrian STOICA, Tomáš GARDELKA, Petr KLAPETEK, Miroslav VALTR a Vratislav PEŘINA. Optimization of Discharge Conditions for Deposition of Protective Coatings on Polymer Substrates. 2009.
    3. CAMPBELLOVÁ, Anna, Petr KLAPETEK a Miroslav VALTR. Tip-sample relaxation as a source of uncertainty in nanoscale scanning probe microscopy measurements. Measurement Science and Technology. Bristol, England: IOP Publishing, 2009, roč. 20, č. 084014, 6 s. ISSN 0957-0233.


    1. STOICA, Adrian, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Rodica VLADOIU, Petr KLAPETEK, Miroslav VALTR, Jiří BURŠÍK a Olga BLAHOVA. Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of DLC Coatings Prepared by Several Different Deposition Techniques. 2008.
    2. KLAPETEK, Petr, Miroslav VALTR, Petr KLENOVSKÝ a Jiří BURŠÍK. Characterization of near field optical microscope probes. Surface and Interface Analysis. USA: John Wiley & Sons., 2008, roč. 40, č. 1, s. 482-485. ISSN 0142-2421.
    3. BRZOBOHATY, O., Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, David NEČAS, Miroslav VALTR a David TRUNEC. Influence of substrate material on plasma in deposition/sputtering reactor: experiment and computer simulation. Journal of physics D: Applied physics. Bristol, England: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2008, roč. 41, č. 3, s. 1-8. ISSN 0022-3727. Dostupné z:
    4. BRZOBOHATÝ, Oto, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, David NEČAS, Miroslav VALTR a David TRUNEC. Influence of substrate material on plasma indeposition/sputtering reactor: experiment and computer simulation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Bristol, England: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2008, roč. 41, č. 035213, s. 1-8. ISSN 0022-3727.
    5. KLAPETEK, Petr, Jiří BURŠÍK, Miroslav VALTR a Jan MARTÍNEK. Near-field scanning optical microscope probe analysis. Ultramicroscopy. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008, roč. 108, č. 7, s. 671-676. ISSN 0304-3991. Dostupné z:
    6. FRANTA, Daniel, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Monika KARÁSKOVÁ, Ondřej JAŠEK, David NEČAS, Petr KLAPETEK a Miroslav VALTR. Optical Characterization of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films. Diamond and Related Materials. New York: Elsevier, 2008, roč. 17, č. 1, s. 1278–1282. ISSN 0925-9635.
    7. VALTR, Miroslav, Petr KLAPETEK, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Ivan OHLÍDAL a Daniel FRANTA. Surface morphology of amorphous hydrocarbon thin films deposited in pulsed radiofrequency discharge. Chem. listy. Praha: Česká společnost chemická, 2008, roč. 102, č. 16, s. 1529-1532. ISSN 0009-2770.


    1. KLAPETEK, Petr, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a Miroslav VALTR. Scanning probe microscopy analysis of delaminated thin films. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Institute of Physics (IoP), 2007, roč. 61, č. 1, s. 576-581. ISSN 1742-6588.
    2. VALTR, Miroslav, Petr KLAPETEK, Ivan OHLÍDAL a Václav DUCHOŇ. Study of thickness reduction of a-C:H thin film under UV light irradiation. In Proceedings of ICPIG XXVIII Conference. Prague: Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, 2007, s. 761-764. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4.
    3. VALTR, Miroslav, Petr KLAPETEK, Ivan OHLÍDAL a Daniel FRANTA. UV light enhanced oxidation of a-C:H thin film in air: A study of thickness reduction. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications. Bucharest: INOE & INFM, 2007, roč. 1, č. 11, s. 620-624. ISSN 1842-6573.


    1. BURŠÍKOVÁ, Vilma, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Pavel DVOŘÁK, Miroslav VALTR, Jiří BURŠÍK, Olga BLÁHOVÁ, Vratislav PEŘINA a Jan JANČA. Influence of Silicon, Oxygen and Nitrogen Upon the Properties of Plasma Deposited Amorphous Diamond-like Carbon Coatings. Journal of advanced oxidation technologies. Dundas, Ontario, Canada: Science & Technology Network, Inc., 2006, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 232-237, 5 s. ISSN 1203-8407.
    2. VALTR, Miroslav, Ivan OHLÍDAL a Daniel FRANTA. Optical characterization of carbon films prepared by PECVD using ellipsometry and reflectometry. Czech. J. Phys. Praha: Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, 2006, roč. 56/2006, Suppl. B, s. 1103 - 1109. ISSN 0011-4626.


    1. VALTR, Miroslav, Ivan OHLÍDAL a Petr KLAPETEK. AFM Study of Hydrocarbon Thin Films. In WDS'05 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part II - Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media (ed. J. Safrankova). Praha: Matfyzpress, 2005, s. 391-396. ISBN 80-86732-59-2.
    2. ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Lenka, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Miroslav VALTR, Vratislav PEŘINA, Anna MACKOVÁ a Jana HOUDKOVÁ. Plasma enhanced CVD of hard DLC/SiOx coatings from methane and hexamethyldisiloxane. In 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Toronto, Kanada: University of Toronto Press Inc., 2005, s. 589-590.


    1. VALTR, Miroslav, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ a Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ. Dependence of the Normalized Absorbance of the DLC:SiOx Thin Films on the Flow Rate of HMDSO. In JUNIORMAT 03. 1. vyd. Brno: ÚMI VUT FSI v Brně ve spolupráci s Českou společností pro nové materiály a technologie, 2003, s. 58-59. ISBN 80-214-2462-1.
    2. DVOŘÁK, Pavel, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Miroslav VALTR, J. HOUDKOVÁ, V. PEŘINA a A. MACKOVÁ. Plasma Deposition of Diamond-Like Protective Coating with Silicon Oxide Content. In 46th Annual SVC Technical Conference Proceedings. San Francisco: Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC), 2003, s. 23-27. ISBN 0737-5921.
    3. ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Lenka, Siegmar RUDAKOWSKI, Hans-Werner BECKER, Dirk MEYER, Miroslav VALTR a Klaus WIESEMANN. Study of Plasma Polymerization from Acetylene in Pulsed RF Discharges. Thin Solid Films. Oxford: Elsevier, 2003, roč. 2003, č. 425, s. 72-84. ISSN 0040-6090.


    1. VALTR, Miroslav, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ a Siegmar RUDAKOWSKI. Thin Films Deposited from Ar/C2H2 by Pulsed RF PECVD: Deposition Profiles in Tubular Plug-Flow Reactor. In JUNIORMAT 01. 1. vyd. Brno: ÚMI VUT FSI v Brně ve spolupráci s Českou společností pro nové materiály a technologie, 2001, s. 277-278. ISBN 80-214-1885-0.
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