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    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita and Jana ZERZOVÁ. Multimodal Approach as Scaffolding for Literary Analytical Skills. In International Conference – Education in Motion: Disciplinary Literacy and Critical Thinking. Department of English Language and Culture, Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. 2024.
      Education in Motion: Disciplinary Literacy and Critical Thinking
      English. Slovakia.
      Keywords in English: multimodal approach; literary analysis; scaffolding
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Zerzová, M.A., Ph.D., učo 79615. Changed: 8/11/2024 08:08.


    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Henry Fielding between Satire and Sentiment. Politeness and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Politeness and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Britain). Online. 1., elektronické vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2023, 99 pp. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, sv. 531. ISBN 978-80-280-0404-0. Available from:
      Name in Czech: Slzy a smích Henryho Fieldinga. Maskulinita a zdvořilost v Británii 18. století
      Name (in English): Politeness and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Britain

      Keywords in English: Henry Fielding, satire, sentiment, masculinity, politeness
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: PhDr. Lea Novotná, učo 110512. Changed: 10/4/2024 10:01.
    2. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Henry Fielding between Satire and Sentiment. Politeness and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Politeness and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Britain). Brno. 1.: Masarykova univerzita, 2023, 99 pp. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, číslo svazku 531. ISBN 978-80-280-0403-3.
      Name in Czech: Slzy a smích Henryho Fieldinga. Maskulinita a zdvořilost v Británii 18. století
      Name (in English): Politeness and Masculinity in Eighteenth-Century Britain

      Keywords in English: Henry Fielding, satire, sentiment, masculinity, politeness

      Changed by: Mgr. Martina Švaříčková Hlavatá, učo 13047. Changed: 11/1/2024 09:15.
    3. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Marriage and Masculinity in the Later Fiction of Eliza Haywood. In English and Irish Women Writers of the Long Eighteenth Century. 2023.
      English and Irish Women Writers of the Long Eighteenth Century, Pécs, 24-25 Nov 2023
      Name in Czech: Maskulinita a manželství v pozdější próze Elizy Haywoodové
      Name (in English): Marriage and Masculinity in the Later Fiction of Eliza Haywood
      English. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: masculinity, marriage, Eliza Haywood
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Dita Hochmanová, Ph.D., učo 178804. Changed: 25/1/2024 16:43.
    4. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Raising Students´ Employability by Targeting Transferable Skills in Task-based Teaching. Humanising Language Teaching. Pilgrims, 2023, Year 25, Issue 1. ISSN 1755-9715.
      Name in Czech: Výuka přenositelných dovedností metodou task-based
      English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
      Keywords in English: empolyability, transferable skills, task-based teaching
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Dita Hochmanová, Ph.D., učo 178804. Changed: 9/2/2023 15:59.


    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Designing a task-based course for special educators. In LSP4Employability: Language skills for employable graduates. 2022.
      Name in Czech: Metoda TBL v navrhování kurzů pro speciální pedagogy
      Keywords in English: task-based learning, employability, soft skills
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: Mgr. Dita Hochmanová, Ph.D., učo 178804. Changed: 30/8/2022 14:31.


    1. DVOŘÁČKOVÁ, Veronika, Dita HOCHMANOVÁ and Dita TRČKOVÁ. Anglická terminologie pro učitele Praktický průvodce (English Terminology for Teachers - Practical Guide). Praha: Grada, 2021, 223 pp. ISBN 978-80-271-2470-1.
      Name (in English): English Terminology for Teachers - Practical Guide
      Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: teacher; teaching; education; special educational needs; professional development
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Veronika Dvořáčková, Ph.D., učo 37764. Changed: 31/5/2021 20:21.


    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Entering the Public Sphere. In Breaking Boundaries. 2020.
      11th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies
      Name in Czech: Veřejný hlas anglických žen na přelomu 17. a 18. století
      Name (in English): Entering the Public Sphere
      RIV/00216224:14640/20:00115391 Presentations at conferences. English. Czech Republic.
      Hochmanová, Dita (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: public voice; female writers; public space
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: PaedDr. Marta Holasová, Ph.D., učo 38218. Changed: 28/4/2021 16:08.


    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. The Problem of Ridicule in Henry Fielding´s Joseph Andrews. Brno Studies in English. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018, vol. 44, No 2, p. 91-104. ISSN 0524-6881. Available from:
      RIV/00216224:14640/18:00110025 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
      Hochmanová, Dita (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: satire; politeness; ridicule; decorum

      Changed by: PaedDr. Marta Holasová, Ph.D., učo 38218. Changed: 12/5/2020 21:28.


    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Henry Fielding between Reason and Sentiment. In ESSE Conference. 2016.
      English. Ireland.
      Keywords in English: satire, sentiment, 18th century Britain,

      Changed by: Mgr. Dita Hochmanová, Ph.D., učo 178804. Changed: 27/6/2019 20:43.
    2. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. The Rhetoric of Sensibility in Henry Fielding. In ESSE Conference. 2016.
      English. Ireland.
      Keywords in English: satire, politeness, sensibility, masculinity

      Changed by: Mgr. Dita Hochmanová, Ph.D., učo 178804. Changed: 22/4/2020 16:04.


    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. The Significance of the Female Reader. In Creating, Shaping, Signifying. 10th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. 2015.
      English. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: female readers, role models, 18th century Britain, media

      Changed by: Mgr. Dita Hochmanová, Ph.D., učo 178804. Changed: 27/6/2019 20:38.


    1. HOCHMANOVÁ, Dita. Image and discourse: the rhetoric of virtue and vice in early 18th century England. Theory and Practice in English Studies (THEPES). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013, vol. 6, No 1, p. 1-16. ISSN 1805-0859.
      Digitální knihovna FF MU
      RIV/00216224:14210/13:00086037 Article in a journal. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. English. Czech Republic.
      Hochmanová, Dita (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Image; Discourse; Virtue; Vice; 18th century; Literature

      Changed by: Mgr. Vendula Hromádková, učo 108933. Changed: 4/4/2016 10:42.
Displayed: 13/2/2025 23:25