Masaryk University

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    1. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Between Two Alchemical Traditions : Florilegia During Late Middle Ages. In Conference on Authorial Style, It's Analysis, and Limits of Automatic Recognition, 27.9.2022, National Library of the Czech Republic, Klementinum, Prague. 2022.
    2. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Prinke, Rafał Tadeusz. Omylů svůdná zahrada : alchymické písemnictví do konce XVIII. století. Religio. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku, 2022, vol. 30, No 2, p. 207-209. ISSN 1210-3640. Available from:


    1. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Construction of alchemical corpus of medieval florilegia. In Programming in Digital Humanities. 2021.
    2. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Kvantitatívne spracovanie alchymických textov : Od znaku k symbolu (Quantitative processing of alchemical texts : From character to symbol). In Digitální data perspektivou humanitního vědce, online, 23. 11. 2021, Brno, Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita. 2021.


    1. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Networks of Alchemical Symbols : Selected Early Prints from Bohemia. In International Medieval Congress, Leeds 1-4 July 2019. 2019.


    1. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Alchýmia na pomedzí vedy a teológie : Vnímanie vedeckých disciplín vrcholného a neskorého stredoveku v spojitosti s bohemikálnym kontextom (Alchemy between Theology and Science : Perception of Scientific Disciplines during High and Late Middle Ages in Relation to Bohemical Context). In Věda, theologie, magie, 5. 5. 2018, Husitská teologická fakulta UK v Praze. 2018.
    2. VRZAL, Miroslav, Tancredi Andrew MARRONE, Zdenko VOZÁR, František NOVOTNÝ, David William MAC GILLAVRY and Andrej KAPCÁR. Consciously Illicit : Transgression in Western Esotericism, 6-7 June 2018, Brno. 2018.
    3. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Metadata for the Middle Ages : A Network Analysis of In International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2.-5.7. 2018. 2018.
    4. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Metadata for the Middle Ages: A Network Analysis of II. In Historical Network Research Conference. 2018.


    1. VOZÁR, Zdenko. Between the Astral Plane and Scholasticism: A Parisian Interview with the Expert on Virtutes Occultae Nicolas Weill-Parot. In Sacra. Brno, 2015, p. 77-94. ISSN 1214-5351.
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