Masarykova univerzita

Výpis publikací

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Filtrování publikací


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Bromide interference with iodine metabolism: Goitrogenic and whole-body effects of excessive inorganic bromide in the rat (Chapter 61 in the book: Comprehensive Handbook of Iodine). In Comprehensive Handbook of Iodine. Nutritional, Biochemical, Pathological and Therapeutic Aspects. Edited by Victor R. Preedy, Gerard N. Burrow and Ronald Watson. Oxford: Academic Press ((C) 2009 Elsevier Inc.), 2009, s. 587-595. Iodine, 1. ISBN 978-0-12-374135-6. Dostupné z:


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Bromide interference with iodine metabolism in the rat. Cell Biology and Toxicology [IF=2.155 (2008)]. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2008, roč. 24, Suppl. 1, s. S97-S98, 2 s. ISSN 0742-2091.
    2. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Effects of antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac-TM) on the metabolism of thyroid hormones. In Sborník, XXI. Biochemický sjezd, Čes. Budějovice, P7. 2008. ISBN 80-86313-21-2.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Interference of exogenous bromide with the metabolism of thyroid hormones in the rat. In Sborník, XXI. Biochemický sjezd, Čes. Budějovice, P176. 2008. ISBN 80-86313-21-2.


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Bromide interference with iodine metabolism in the rat. In ISTERH/NTES/HTES Joint Conference on Trace Elements in Diet, Nutrition & Health: Essentiality and Toxicity. 2007.
    2. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Impairment of iodine and thyroid hormones metabolism in very premature infants. In ISTERH/NTES/HTES Joint Conference on Trace Elements in Diet, Nutrition & Health: Essentiality and Toxicity. 2007.


    1. MASOPUSTOVÁ, Zuzana a Lenka LACINOVÁ. Návrh modelu způsobu vzniku autismu. In Úspěšný život s LMD (elektronický sborník příspěvků a prezentací, ed. Masopustová, Z.; Lacinová, L.; Škrdlíková, P.). Brno: Centrum pro rodinu a sociální péči; IVDMR FSS MU, 2006, s. 1 - 6, 5 s.
    2. KONEČNÝ, Jiří a Zdeněk GLATZ. Stanovení aktivity isoformy CYP450 2C9 pomocí micelární elektrokinetické chromatografie. In X. pracovní setkání biochemiků a molekulárních biologů. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006, s. 71. ISBN 80-210-3942-6.


    1. HADAŠOVÁ, Eva. Clinical relevance of drug metabolism and metabolic interactions in psychopharmacotherapy. Psychiatrie. Praha: Tigis, 2004, roč. 8, Suppl. 4, s. 23. ISSN 1211-7579.
    2. JUŘICA, Jan. Cytochrom P450 a klinicky významné interakce. Rigorózní práce. Brno: VFU Brno, 2004, 98 s.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Effects of excessive bromide on the metabolism of iodine in the rat. Physiological Research [IF=1.140 (2003)]. 2004, roč. 53, Suppl. 1, s. 29P-30P, 2 s. ISSN 0862-8408.
    4. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Metabolism of bromide and its interference with the metabolism of iodine. Physiological Research [IF=1.140 (2003); SCI #cit.<6>]. 2004, roč. 53, (Suppl. 1), s. S81-S90, 10 s. ISSN 0862-8408.
    5. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Metabolism of iodine in the rat is markedly affected by high bromide intake. In Proceedings, 8th Workshop of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Brno: Masaryk University, 2004, s. 14-15. ISBN 80-210-3321-5.


    1. LEXA, Matej, Todor Nikolaev GENKOV, Jiří MALBECK, Ivana MACHÁČKOVÁ a Břetislav BRZOBOHATÝ. Dynamics of Endogenous Cytokinin Pools in Tobacco Seedlings: A Modelling Approach. Annals of Botany. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, roč. 91, č. 5, s. 585-597. ISSN 0305-7364.
    2. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Effects of exogenous bromide on the metabolism of iodine. In Trace Elements in Human: New Perspectives (S. Ermidou-Pollet, S. Pollet, eds.) [IF=n.a.; SCI #cit.<1>]. Athens: University of Athens, 2003, s. 615-624. Proceedings Book, Part I.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Excessive bromide intake in the rat markedly influences its metabolism of iodine. In Proceedings, 7th Workshop of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Brno: Masaryk University, 2003, s. 54-55. ISBN 80-210-3053-4.


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav. A survey of effects of excessive bromide intake on iodine metabolism in the rat. In Macro and Trace Elements/Mengen- und Spurenelemente (Anke M., Müller R., Schäfer U., Stoeppler M., eds.) [IF=n.a.]. Leipzig: SCHUBERT-Verlag, 2002, s. 567-574. Agricult., Biological, Environmental, Nutrit., 21. ISBN 3-929526-73-5.
    2. SLANINA, Jiří a Eva TÁBORSKÁ. Bioavailability and metabolism of artichoke caffeoylquinic acids in man. In Zborník XVIII. Biochemický zjazd. Vysoké Tatry, Stará Lesná: Slovenská společnost pre biochemiu a molekularnu biologiu pri SAV, 2002, s. 250. ISBN nepřiděleno.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ a Miloslav VOBECKÝ. Effects of high bromide intake on various aspects of iodine metabolism in the rat. In Proceedings, 6th Workshop of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Brno: Masaryk University, 2002, s. 60-61. ISBN 80-210-2777-0.
    4. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Exogenous bromide influences iodine metabolism in the rat. In Zborník, XVIII. Biochemický zjazd (Timko J., Turňa J., Pastorek J., eds.). 2002.
    5. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ a Miloslav VOBECKÝ. High bromide intake in the lactating rat reduces transfer of iodine to the young and adversely affects their development. In Proceedings, 6th Workshop of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Brno: Masaryk University, 2002, s. 56-57. ISBN 80-210-2777-0.


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Effects of exogenous bromide on iodine metabolism in the rat: An overview. In Industrial Toxicology '2001 (Romančík V., ed.) [IF=n.a.]. Bratislava: Slovak Society for Industrial Chemistry, 2001, s. 138-144. ISBN 80-968011-5-5.
    2. ZELENKOVÁ, Olga, Eva HADAŠOVÁ, Marie TOMANDLOVÁ, Jana NOVÁKOVÁ a Jana VINKLEROVÁ. Changes of CYP2D6 acitivity in rats after drugs of abuse medication. Homeostasis. Milano, Italy: C.I.A.N.S., 2001, roč. 40, č. 6, s. 258-260. ISSN 0960-7560.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav. Interference of exogenous bromide with iodine metabolism in the rat. In Sborník, XVI. Biologické dny. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2001, s. 124. ISBN 80-244-0327-7.
    4. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ, Miloslav VOBECKÝ a Jaroslav LENER. Kinetics of accumulation of iodide in rat thyroid and skin is influenced by high bromide intake. In Proceedings, 5th Workshop of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Brno: Masaryk University, 2001, s. 37-38. ISBN 80-210-2538-7.


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ a Miloslav VOBECKÝ. Effect of very high bromide intake on iodine metabolism in the rat. Chemické Listy [IF=0.278 (1999)]. 2000, roč. 94, 8,, s. 697-698. ISSN 0009-2770.
    2. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ, Miloslav VOBECKÝ a Jaroslav LENER. Effects of an enhanced bromide intake on iodine metabolism in the rat. In Trace Elements in Human: New Perspectives (Ermidou-Pollet S., Pollet S., eds.) [IF=n.a.; SCI #cit.<1>]. Athens: University of Athens, 2000, s. 179-187.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Miloslav VOBECKÝ, Emile DJAMBA KALONDA a Arnošt BABICKÝ. Kinetics and distribution of bromine in the rat tissues: its influence on the metabolism of iodine. In Proceedings, 3rd and 4th Workshops of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Brno: Masaryk University, 2000, s. 24-25. ISBN 80-210-2266-3.
    4. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ a Miloslav VOBECKÝ. Metabolism of iodine in rat tissues is markedly influenced by excessive bromide intake. In Mengen- und Spurenelemente 2000 (Anke M. et al., eds.) [IF=n.a.]. Leipzig: Verlag Harald Schubert, 2000, s. 196-204. ISBN 3-929526-61-1.
    5. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ, Emile DJAMBA KALONDA a Miloslav VOBECKÝ. The effects of very high bromide intake on iodine metabolism in the rat. In Proceedings, 3rd and 4th Workshops of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Brno: Masaryk University, 2000, s. 57-58. ISBN 80-210-2266-3.


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ, Miloslav VOBECKÝ a Jaroslav LENER. Effect of high dose of bromide on iodine metabolism in the rat. In Industrial Toxicology '99 (Romančík V., ed.) [IF=n.a.; SCI #cit.<5>]. Bratislava: Slovak Technical University, 1999, s. 224-228. ISSN 1335-3160.
    2. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Arnošt BABICKÝ, Miloslav VOBECKÝ a Jaroslav LENER. Effects of an enhanced bromide intake on iodine metabolism in the rat. In Proceedings, 2nd Internat. Symp. on Trace Elements in Human: New Perspectives. Athens: University of Athens (S. Ermidou-Pollet, S. Pollet, eds.), 1999, s. 179-187. ISSN 0733-4680.


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Jan KOPECKÝ a Petr BRAUNER. Characterization of tissue metabolism of thyroid hormones in very premature infants. Chemical Papers [IF=0.156 (1997)]. 1998, roč. 52, 11,, s. 387-388. ISSN 0366-6352.
    2. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Miloslav VOBECKÝ, Arnošt BABICKÝ a Jaroslav LENER. Interference of bromine with iodine metabolism in the thyroid. Folia Biologica [IF=0.632 (1997)]. 1998, roč. 44, 4,, s. S11-S12, 2 s. ISSN 0015-5500.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Petr BRAUNER a Jan KOPECKÝ. Metabolism of thyroid hormones in tissues of very premature human newborns. Folia Biologica [IF=0.632 (1997)]. 1998, roč. 44, 4,, s. S11-S12, 2 s. ISSN 0015-5500.


    1. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Miloslav VOBECKÝ, Arnošt BABICKÝ a Jaroslav LENER. Interference bromu s metabolismem jodu ve štítné žláze. [Interference of bromine with iodine metabolism in the thyroid]. In Sborník, XIV. Biologické dny, Abstr. PS4/1. 1997.
    2. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Petr BRAUNER a Jan KOPECKÝ. Metabolismus thyroidních hormonů ve tkáních velmi předčasně narozených novorozenců. [Metabolism of thyroid hormones in tissues of very premature human newborns]. In Sborník, XIV. Biologické dny, Abstr. PS14/1. 1997.
    3. PAVELKA, Stanislav, Pavel KOPECKÝ, Běla BENDLOVÁ, Pavel ŠTOLBA, Ivana VÍTKOVÁ, Václav VOBRUBA, Richard PLAVKA, Josef HOUŠTĚK a Jan KOPECKÝ. Tissue metabolism and plasma levels of thyroid hormones in critically ill very premature infants. Pediatric Research [IF=2.661 (1996); SCI #cit.<31>]. 1997, roč. 42, 6,, s. 812-818. ISSN 0031-3998.
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