Masaryk University

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    1. HODES, Aleš. God above government : Reinterpretation of political governance in the age of right-wing populism and religious legitimization of autonomy in debates about social inequality. In Twelfth Biennial Henry Symposium on Religion and Public Life, Grand Rapids, Michagan, USA. 2024.
    2. SLÁMA, Bohumil. Kontinuity kolektivních pamětí a identit v česko-muslimských smíšených manželstvích: Mezigenerační transmise islámské tradice a hybridní identity českých adolescentů v muslimských rodinách (Continuity of collective memories and identities in Czech-Muslim mixed marriages: Intergenerational transmision of islamic traditon and hybrid identites of Czech Muslim – adolescents). 2024.


    1. HINZ-WIECZOREK, Lidia-Ernestyna, Peter ONDREJKA and David ZBÍRAL. Early heresy : heresy cases in the West, c.1000–c.1150 (v. 0.5.0). 2023.
    2. HOŘÍNKOVÁ, Hana, Peter ONDREJKA and David ZBÍRAL. Religious houses in the Czech Lands (v. 0.2.0). 2023.
    3. ZBÍRAL, David. Remembering and Forgetting in Medieval Inquisitorial Interrogations. In Joint Seminars with Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Univerzita Pardubice. 2023.
    4. MICHALÍK KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Sound on the Quiet: Speaker Identification and Auditory Objectivity in Czechoslovak Fonoscopy, 1975–90. TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE. UNITED STATES: JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV PRESS, 2023, vol. 64, No 2, p. 379-406, 27 pp. ISSN 0040-165X. Available from:


    1. BRYS, Zoltán, Albert FRUZSINA and Penzes MELINDA. A COVID–19 elleni oltóanyagot elutasítók az aktív korú felnőtt magyar lakosság körében 2021 decemberében (COVID-19 vaccination refusal in the active Hungarian adult population in December, 2021 An exploratory study). ORVOSI HETILAP. HUNGARY: AKADEMIAI KIADO ZRT, 2022, vol. 163, No 29, p. 1135-1143. ISSN 0030-6002. Available from:
    2. BRYS, Zoltán, Gergely TOTH, Robert URBAN, Vitrai JOZSEF, Magyar GABOR, Bakacs MARTA, Berezvai ZOMBOR, Ambrus CSABA and Penzes MELINDA. A dohányzás és az e-cigaretta-használat epidemiológiája a felnőtt magyar népesség körében 2018-ban (The epidemiology of smoking and e-cigarette use in the Hungarian adult population in 2018). ORVOSI HETILAP. HUNGARY: AKADEMIAI KIADO ZRT, 2022, vol. 163, No 1, p. 31-38. ISSN 0030-6002. Available from:
    3. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Audio Forensics behind the Iron Curtain: From Raw Sounds to Expert Testimony. In Forensic Voices: Cultures of Identification through Sound. 2022.
    4. KAPANADZE, Oleg, Gideon KOTZÉ and Thomas HANNEFORTH. Building Resources for Georgian Treebanking-based NLP. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer-Verlag, 2022, vol 13206, p. 60-78. ISSN 0302-9743. Available from:
    5. SIKK, Kaarel, CARUSO, ROSENTAU and A KRIISKA. Comparing contemporaneous hunter-gatherer and early agrarian settlement systems with spatial point process models: Case study of the Estonian Stone Age. Journal of Archaeological Science : Reports. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, vol. 41, p. 103330. ISSN 2352-409X. Available from:
    6. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Hearing aid or a scientific instrument? “Opistophone” as an ever-changing object of acoustic research. In MUSTS series, Maastricht University Science and Technology Studies group. 2022.
    7. MOKRÝ, Matouš, Gabriela STAŠOVÁ and Tomáš TROMBIK. „Kráčíme levou cestou ke gnózi za hranice pěti smyslů.“ Rozhovor s Adramelechem, frontmanem blackmetalové kapely Inferno ("We Tread the Left-Hand Path towards the Gnosis beyond the Five Senses." Interview with Adramelech, the Frontman of the Black Metal Band Inferno). In Czech Metal Studies. Czech Metal Studies, 2022.
    8. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. ocenění v Soutěži za vysoce kvalitní monografie Univerzity Karlovy. 2022.
    9. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Other than Ethical: STS-Oriented Approaches to Communist Audio Forensics in Sensitive Sound Recordings, ed. Renata Tańczuk and Sławomir Wieczorek, Special issue. Prace Kulturoznawcze. Poland, 2022, vol. 26, No 1, p. 121-247. ISSN 0860-6668. Available from:
    10. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Psychoakustika v české vědě 19. století: nitrolebeční zvuky a prostorové slyšení v Purkyňových akustických experimentech. In 12. sjezd českých historiků. 2022.
    11. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Sonic Experiments at the Margins: Inventing the Psychophysical Listener in 19th-Century Prague. In The 10th Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. 2022.
    12. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Sound studies a obrat ke zvuku. Svět rozhlasu. 2022.
    13. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Zvuk, věda a umění: od vln na rybníce k sonografickému záznamu. 2022.


    1. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Can Occult Books Be Still Powerful? Fine Editions and Strategies of Regaining Value of Esoteric Printed Publications. In 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, 30 August–3 September, 2021, Pisa, European Association for the Study of Religions. 2021.
    2. SALIHOVIĆ, Davor. Pro sustentatione castrorum: the role of the Hospitaller priory of Hungary in King Matthias Corvinus' anti-Ottoman defensive policies, c.1464-90. JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY. 2021, vol. 47, No 1, p. 89-118. ISSN 0304-4181. Available from:
    3. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Purkyně’s Opistophone: The Hearing ‘Deaf’, Auditory Attention and Organic Subjectivity in Prague Psychophysical Experiments, ca 1850s.”. Annals of Science. 2021, vol. 79, No 1, p. 60-80, 20 pp. Available from:
    4. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. The Second Sense: Purkyně’s Ophistophone, Organic Subjectivity and Auditory Experiment in the 19th Century. In 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology. 2021.
    5. PENZES, Melinda, Marta BAKACS, Zoltán BRYS, Jozsef VITRAI, Gergely TOTH, Zombor BEREZVAI and Robert URBAN. Vaping-Related Adverse Events and Perceived Health Improvements: A Cross-Sectional Survey among Daily E-Cigarette Users. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Basel: MDPI AG, 2021, vol. 18, No 16, 15 pp. ISSN 1660-4601. Available from:
    6. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Zpráva z konference Deus ex Machina : Transcending Esoteric Traditions Through Modern Technology (Report from the Conference Deus ex Machina : Transcending Esoteric Traditions Through Modern Technology). Sacra. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021, vol. 19, No 1, p. 82-84. ISSN 1214-5351.


    1. SIKK, Kaarel and G CARUSO. A spatially explicit agent-based model of central place foraging theory and its explanatory power for hunter-gatherers settlement patterns formation processes. Adaptive Behavior. 2020, 28(5), p. 377-397. ISSN 1059-7123.
    2. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Contesting Modern Nature: Sonic Artefacts and Acoustic Hyperreality in the Practices of Acoustic Ecology. In European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Conference: Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds. 2020.
    3. SIKK, Kaarel, KRIISKA, JOHANSON, SANDER and A VINDI. Environment and settlement location choice in Stone Age Estonia. ESTONIAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY. ESTONIA: ESTONIAN ACAD PUBLISHERS, 2020, 24(2), p. 89-140. ISSN 1406-2933.
    4. KOTZÉ, Gideon and Friedel WOLFF. Exchanging image processing and OCR components in a Setswana digitisation pipeline. South African Computer Journal. South Africa: South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), 2020, vol. 32, No 2, p. 218-231. ISSN 2313-7835. Available from:
    5. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. (In)Visible Sounds:Voice Dissection in the Czechoslovak Fonoscopy Lab. In THE SECOND LIFE OF RECORDED SOUNDS The Third International Conference of the Central European Network for Sonic Ecologies (CENSE),. 2020.
    6. RICCARDO, Katia. Paulinus of Aquileia and the Adoptionist Controversy: Rhetorical Strategies and Political Embedding. In Leeds International Medieval Congress. 2020.
    7. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Plánovaný teroristický útok v režii satanistické skupiny (Planned Terroristic Attack under the Direction of a Satanic Group.). In Dingir : Náboženský infoservis. DINGIR, s. r. o., 2020.
    8. MERTEL, Adam, Jaroslava FABÍKOVÁ and David ZBÍRAL. Premonstratensian monasteries in France : interactive map (v. 1.0.3). 2020.
    9. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Tiché jaro a ruch antropocénu (The silent spring and Anthropocene’s bustle). In Petr Pokorný, David Storch. Antropocén. 1st ed. Praha: Academia, 2020, p. 344-360, 16 pp. ISBN 978-80-200-3129-7.
    10. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. “Truly Unnatural”: Losing the Human in the Anthropocene / „Skutečně nepřirozené“: Ztráta člověka v antropocénu (“Truly Unnatural”: Losing the Human in the Anthropocene). In Pavel Mrkus, Jan Krtička. Sound end Environment: Contemporary Approaches to Sonic Ecology in Art / Zvuk a prostředí: Současné přístupy ke zvukové ekologii. Ústí nad Labem: FUD, Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně, 2020, p. 40-51. ISBN 978-80-7561-268-7.
    11. MOKRÝ, Matouš. „Záblesk na severní obloze“ : Black metal coby vzpoura proti liberální společnosti v díle esoterika Sebastiána Jahiče ("Blaze in the Northern Sky" : Black Metal as a Revolt against Liberal Society in the writings of the Esotericist Sebastián Jahič). In Metal made in Česko(a)Slovensko : IV. česká odborná konference o metalu, 23. září, 2020, online, Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita. 2020.
    12. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Zvuk jako ztracený klíč k evropské modernitě/Sound: The Lost Key to European Modernity. In Zvuky kódy obrazy/Sounds Codes Images, ed. Miloš Vojtěchovský and Jitka Hlaváčková. Prague: Artmap, 2020, p. 13-27, 14 pp.
    13. 217133 and Anna KVÍČALOVÁ. Zvuk v sakrálnom priestore (Sound in the sacred space). In Ján Solčáni. Nothing to Hear. Brno: Vysoké učení v Brně, Fakulta výtvarných umění, 2020, p. 33-40, 7 pp.


    1. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Crossing Traditions : Essays on the Reformation and Intellectual History in Honour of Irena Backus. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History. 2019, vol. 70, No 3, p. 622-623. ISSN 0022-0469. Available from:
    2. SALIHOVIĆ, Davor. Exploiting the Frontier—A Case Study: the Common Endeavour of Matthias Corvinus and Nicholas of Ilok in Late Medieval Bosnia. In Dženan Dautović, Emir O. Filipović, and Neven Isailović. Medieval Bosnia and South-East European Relations: Political, Religious, and Cultural Life at the Adriatic Crossroads. Leeds: Amsterdam University Press, Arc Humanities Press, 2019, p. 97-112. Available from:
    3. ZBÍRAL, David and Adam MERTEL. Houses of heretics : Cathar religious houses in Languedoc, 1175–1244 (v. 1.0.5). 2019.
    4. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Hugh B. Urban : Magia Sexualis : Sex, magie a osvobození v moderním západním esoterismu, Malvern, Praha 2018 [recenze] (Hugh B. Urban : Magia Sexualis : Sex, magie a osvobození v moderním západním esoterismu, Malvern, Praha 2018 [review]). Dingir. Praha: DINGIR, s. r. o., 2019, vol. 22, No 4, p. 143–144. ISSN 1212-1371.
    5. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Listening and Knowledge in Reformation Europe : Hearing, Speaking and Remembering in Calvin's Geneva. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-03836-6. Available from:
    6. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Listening to Nature in the Anthropocene : Noise, Signal, and “Natural” Sounds. In Conference “Anfangen und Beenden” (DFG: Self-Making. Practices of Subjectivation in Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives), Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. 2019.
    7. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Manufacturing Nature : How to do things with sound in the Anthropocene. In Conference “Murmurans Mundus: Sonic Ecology and Beyond”, Faculty of Art and Design at JEPU, Ústí nad Labem. 2019.
    8. MOKRÝ, Matouš. „Romersk Katolsk svartmetall“ : Reverorum ib Malacht a římský katolicismus mezi transgresivním subkulturním kapitálem a esoterickou exotickou jinakostí („Romersk Katolsk svartmetall“ : Reverorum ib Malacht and Roman Catholicism between the Transgressive Subcultural Capital and Esoteric Exotic Otherness). In Metal, okultura, umění, 6. června, 2019, Brno, Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita. 2019.
    9. MOKRÝ, Matouš. The conference "Consciously Illicit : Transgression in Western Esotericism". Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro religionistiku, 2019, vol. 26, No 2, p. 231–234. ISSN 1210-3640.
    10. SALIHOVIĆ, Davor. The Process of Bordering at the Late Fifteenth-Century Hungarian-Ottoman Frontier. History in Flux. 2019, vol. 1, p. 93-120. ISSN 2706-4441. Available from:
    11. RICCARDO, Katia. The Reception of Dante’s «Monarchia» in the Reflections upon Universal Monarchy in the Early Modern Dutch Humanism. In annual ODS lecture. 2019.
    12. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. The Search for Auditory Objectivity in the Czechoslovak Fonoscopy. In Workshop “Slicing Sound: Speaker Identification and Music Censorship in the Former East Bloc,” Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. 2019.
    13. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Vizualizace zvuku v dějinách vědy. In kolokvium “Vizualita-věda-vnímání”, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague. 2019.


    1. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Animal Sacrifice in Chaos-Gnosticism : Return to Tradition? In Consciously Illicit : Transgression in Western Esotericism, 6–7 June 2018, Brno, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. 2018.
    2. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Do Senses Have History? Sensory Mediations in Cultural-Historical Perspectives. In Univerzita Hradec Králové. 2018.
    3. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Hearing and Acoustics as Instruments of Knowledge in 16th c. Geneva. In workshop “Senses and Knowledge in Early Modern History,” Friendrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin. 2018.
    4. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Hearing Difference and Epistemologies of Listening. In colloquium, Gotha research centre, University of Erfurt. 2018.
    5. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Hearing difference in Calvin's Geneva: From margins to Center. Sixteenth Century Journal. 2018, vol. 49, No 1, p. 25-47.
    6. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Hearing History: Knowledge, Media, and the Senses in Calvin’s Geneva. In Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University. 2018.
    7. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Hluchota v období reformace. In Institute of Deaf Studies, Charles University, Prague. 2018.
    8. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Church Acoustics in the History of Knowledge. In workshop “Architecture and the Senses,” Center for Architetural Heritage Plasy, National Technical Museum. 2018.
    9. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Kirche. In Daniel Morat - Hansjakob Ziemer. Handbuch Sound: Geschichte-Begriffe-Ansätze. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler, 2018, p. 262-265.
    10. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Sensing the Reformation: How Media-Historical Narratives Constrain the Study of Religious Change. Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 2018, vol. 26, No 1, 31-48.
    11. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Vědění a zvuk v raně modern Evropě: vadný sluch, slabá paměť a špatná akustika jako nástroje pro zkoumání reformace. In Centrum pro teoretická studia, Charles University & The Czech Academy of Sciences. 2018.
    12. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Zpráva z konference Metal, náboženství a spiritualita, 12. 6. 2018, Brno, Česká republika (Report from the Conference Metal, náboženství a spiritualita, 12. 6. 2018, Brno, Czech Republic). Sacra. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018, vol. 16, No 2, p. 59-62. ISSN 1214-5351.


    1. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Creating Hearing Difference: Deafness, Disability and Hardness of Hearing in Reformation Geneva. In Deutscher Historikertag: „Glaubensfragen“ (Panel “On the epistemologies of Hearing in the Early Modern Era“), University of Hamburg. 2017.
    2. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Epistemologies of Hearing in the Calvinist Reformation. In conference “Metodological Innovation in Late Medieval Studies,” University of Oxford. 2017.
    3. HOŘÍNKOVÁ, Hana, Adam MERTEL and David ZBÍRAL. Christian baptisteries: interactive map (v. 1.0.5). 2017.
    4. MOKRÝ, Matouš and Kennet GRANHOLM. Interview with Dr. Kennet Granholm. In Sacra. Brno: Ústav religionistiky FF MUNI, 2017, p. 102-109. ISSN 1214-5351.
    5. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Introvigne, M. (2016). Satanism : A Social History. Leiden: Brill, 668 s. ISBN: 978-90-04-24496-2 [recenze] (Introvigne, M. (2016). Satanism : A Social History. Leiden: Brill, 668 s. ISBN: 978-90-04-24496-2 [review]). Sacra. Brno: Ústav religionistiky FF MUNI, 2017, vol. 15, No 2, p. 117–120. ISSN 1214-5351.
    6. KOTZÉ, Gideon, Vincent VANDEGHINSTE, Scott MARTENS and Jörg TIEDEMANN. Large aligned treebanks for syntax-based machine translation. LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION. NETHERLANDS: SPRINGER, 2017, Vol. 51(2), p. 249-282. ISSN 1574-020X. Available from:


    1. MOKRÝ, Matouš. Kontrakulturní tvorba Thursatrú : Black metal coby model tvorby náboženské identity v chaos-gnosticismu (Counter-cultural formation of Thursatrú : black metal as a model of identity formation in Chaos-gnosticism). Sacra. Brno: Ústav religionistiky FF MUNI, 2016, vol. 14, No 2, p. 18-36. ISSN 1214-5351.
    2. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Learning by (Mis)Hearing: Listening Problems Before the Genevan Consistory. In conference “False Alarm: Aurality, Errancy and Voice,“ King’s College London. 2016.
    3. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Practices of Auditory Remembering in Sixteenth-Century Calvinist Geneva. In Colloquium Epistemes of Modern Acoustics, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. 2016.


    1. KVÍČALOVÁ, Anna. Workshop Listening and Knowledge in Reformation Europe (1500-1650). 2015.


    1. KOTZÉ, Gideon. Complementary Approaches to Tree Alignment: Combining Statistical and Rule-Based Methods. Online. Groningen, The Netherlands: University of Groningen, 2013, 221 pp. ISBN 978-90-367-6177-2.
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