Masarykova univerzita

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    1. JANOTKOVÁ, Ivona, Markéta HOLÁ, Jiří PINKAS, Vlastimil KUBÁŇ, Ilse STEFFAN, Jiří ZBÍRAL a Viktor KANICKÝ. Comparison of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and laser ablation with plasma spectrometry in the elemental analysis of experimentally contaminated archive agricultural soils. In Abstract book of colloquium spectroscopicum internationale XXXV. 2007. ISBN 978-7-5615-2870-9.


    1. KANICKÝ, Viktor, Markéta HOLÁ, Linda ZAORÁLKOVÁ, Tomáš VACULOVIČ, Tereza ČTVRTNÍČKOVÁ, Aleš HRDLIČKA, Karel NOVOTNÝ, Marie PIŠTĚKOVÁ a Vítězslav OTRUBA. Laser Ablation Plasma Spectroscopy and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in the Analysis of Powdered and Layered Materials. ICP Information Newsletter. Massachusetts, USA: Ramon M. Barnes, 2006, roč. 2006, č. 31, s. 172-173. ISSN 0161-6951.


    1. KANICKÝ, Viktor. Atomic Spectrometry in Environmental Analysis. In International Conference on Inorganic Environmental Analysis - Proceedings of the 4th Conference. Pardubice: Spektroskopická společnost J.M.Marci; Univerzita Pardubice, 2005, s. 82-84.


    1. VACULOVIČ, Tomáš, Karel NOVOTNÝ, Viktor KANICKÝ a Vítězslav OTRUBA. The influence of atmosphere composition in the ablation chamber on the analysis of steels by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry LA-ICP-AES. In Book of Abstracts XVI-th Slovak Spectroscopic conference. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2002, s. 49.
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