Masaryk University

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    1. BÁBEK, Ondřej, Jiří KALVODA and Francois-Xavier DEVUYST. Redeposition patterns in Mississippian carbonate breccias (Moravo-Silesian Basin, Central Europe): from passive margin to foreland basin. In 25th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology 2007, Patras - Greece, Book of Abstracts. Patras, Greece: IAS, International Association of Sedimentologists, 2007, p. 198-198.


    1. BELKOV, Atanas-Ivan, Martin HUSER and Jana HABÁNOVÁ. Eroze TVT do pochvy a močového měchýře - ojedinělá pozdní komplikace (Late complication of TVT - erosion to the vesika urinaria). In Praktická gynekologie. Brno: Medica Publishing and Consulting, s.r.o., 2004, p. 17-18.


    1. SVATOŇOVÁ, Hana and Pavel VRANKA. Úskalí přípravy dat pro model AnnAGNPS (The AnnAGNPSs dates prepare reef). In Zborník referátov z 15. kartografickej konferencie. 1st ed. Zvolen: kartografická spolenost SR., 2003, p. 268 - 275, 7 pp. ISBN 80-89060-04-8.


    1. FRANCŮ, E., J. FRANCŮ, J. KALVODA, H.S. POELCHAU and J. OTAVA. Burial and uplift history of the Paleozoic Flysch in the Variscan foreland basin (SE Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) (Paleozoic Flysch in the Vqariscan foreland basin (SE Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)). In Continental collision and the tectono-sedimentary evolution of forelands. Katlenburg-Lindau: European Geophysical Society, 2002, p. 167-179, 12 pp. Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, Vol. 1.
    2. KUKLETOVÁ, Martina and Hana STŘEŠTÍKOVÁ. Protetické ošetření erozivně-abrazivního defektu chrupu. (Prosthetic treatment of erosive-abrasive defect of dentition.). In Pražské dentální dny. Praha: Česká stomatologická komora, 2002, p. 56.


    1. FAIMON, Jiří and Slavomír NEHYBA. The recent formation of spherical clay balls on sedimentary basin slopes. Book of abstracts: 15th Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, Sept 3-10, 1998 Brno, Scripta Fac. Sci.Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun. (Geology). Brno: MU, 1998, vol. 1996, No 26, p. 76.
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