Masaryk University

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    1. GLOSER, Vít, Pavel SEDLÁČEK and Jan GLOSER. Consequences of nitrogen deficiency induced by low external N concentration and by patchy N supply in Picea abies and Thuja occidentalis. Trees - Structure and function. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, 2009, vol. 23, No 1, p. 1-9. ISSN 0931-1890.


    1. ROHÁČEK, Karel, Julie SOUKUPOVÁ and Miloš BARTÁK. Chlorophyll fluorescence: A wonderful tool to study plant physiology and plant stress. In Plant Cell Compartments - Selected Topics. Kerala - India: Research Signpost, 2008, p. 41-104. B. Schoefs (ed.), 1st edition. ISBN 978-81-308-0104-9.
    2. BARTÁK, Miloš, Kamil LÁSKA and Peter VÁCZI. In-situ estimation of physiologically active time in Antarctic terrestrial vegetation at manipulated air temperature. 2008.
    3. BARTÁK, Miloš. Měření fyziologických procesů antarktických mechů a lišejníků (Measurements of physiological processes in Antarctic mosses and lichens). Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin. Praha: ČSEBR, 2008, vol. 8, No 1, p. 45-49. ISSN 1213-6670.


    1. VÁŇOVÁ, Lucie, Marie KUMMEROVÁ, Marek KLEMŠ, Helena FIŠEROVÁ and Štěpán ZEZULKA. Can organic pollutants influence quantity and quality of yield of cultivated plants? In Nové poznatky z genetiky a šľachtenia poľnohospodárskych rastlín - Zborník zo 14. konferencie, Piešťany, VÚVR, 2007. Piešťany: SCPV - Výskumný ústav rastlinnej výroby, Piešťany, 2007, p. 200-201. ISBN 978-80-88872-65-8.
    2. VÁŇOVÁ, Lucie, Marie KUMMEROVÁ and Štěpán ZEZULKA. Photosynthesis as a bioindicator of environmental contamination by organic pollutants. In Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin (Sborník příspěvků). Praha: VÚRV Praha-Ruzyně, ČZU v Praze, 2007, p. 464-468. ISBN 978-80-87011-00-3.
    3. BAČKOR, Martin, Peter VÁCZI, Miloš BARTÁK, Jana BUĎOVÁ and Alexander DZUBAJ. Uptake, photosynthetic characteristics and membrane lipid peroxidation levels in the lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici exposed to copper and cadmium. The bryologist. Brooklyn, N.Y.: American Bryological and Lichenological Society, 2007, vol. 110, No 1, p. 100-107. ISSN 0007-2745.


    1. BARTÁK, Miloš, Knut-Asbjorn SOLHAUG, Hana VRÁBLÍKOVÁ and Yngvar GAUSLAA. Curling during desiccation protects the foliose lichen Lobaria pulmonaria against photoinhibition. Oecologia. 2006, vol. 149, No 4, p. 553-560. ISSN 0029-8549.
    2. HÁJEK, Josef, Miloš BARTÁK and Jaroslava DUBOVÁ. Inhibition of photosynthetic processes in foliose lichens induced by temperature and osmotic stress. Biologia Plantarum. Dordrecht: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, 2006, vol. 50, No 4, p. 624-634, 10 pp. ISSN 0006-3134.
    3. VRÁBLÍKOVÁ, Hana, Miloš BARTÁK, Jana ŠTEPIGOVÁ, Josef HÁJEK, Peter VÁCZI and Kristýna VEČEŘOVÁ. Photosynthesis and photoprotection are more influenced by light duration than light intensity in the lichen Lasallia pustulata. In FESPB 2006 Congress: Book of Abstracts. Lyon (2006): University Lyon, 2006, p. 128-128.
    4. VÁCZI, Peter and Miloš BARTÁK. Photosynthesis of lichen symbiotic alga Trebouxia erici as affected by irradiance and osmotic stress. Biologia Plantarum. 2006, vol. 50, No 2, p. 257-264. ISSN 0006-3134.
    5. VÁŇOVÁ, Lucie, Marie KUMMEROVÁ, Jana KRULOVÁ and Štěpán ZEZULKA. Phytotoxic effect of photomodified fluoranthene on primary processes of photosynthesis. In Študentská vedecká konferencia - Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov - 1. zväzok. Bratislava: Kartprint, 2006, p. 176-178. ISBN 80-88870-58-5.
    6. VÁCZI, Peter, Jana ŠTEPIGOVÁ, Martin BAČKOR and Miloš BARTÁK. Studium oxidativního stresu v lišejnících a jejich symbiontech (Study of oxidative stress in lichens and their symbionts). In Inovační podnikání a tranfer technologií. Praha: Asociace inovačního podnikání, MŠMT, 2006, 1 pp. ISSN 1210-4612.
    7. VÁŇOVÁ, Lucie and Marie KUMMEROVÁ. Use of in vitro culture for risk assessment of PAHs in plants. In MendelNet ´06 Agro - Proceedings of intenational Ph.D. Students Conference. 2006. ISBN 80-7157-999-8.


    1. VÁŇOVÁ, Lucie and Marie KUMMEROVÁ. Photoinduced change of toxicity of fluoranthene on pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). In MendelNet 2005 Agro - Proceedings of Ph.D. students conference. 2005. ISBN 80-7157-905-X.
    2. BARTÁK, Miloš, Josef HÁJEK, Peter VÁCZI, Hana VRÁBLÍKOVÁ, Jaroslava DUBOVÁ, Jana ŠTEPIGOVÁ, Jan GLOSER and Marie KUMMEROVÁ. PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND STRESS - Central European Conference. 2005.
    3. ZEZULKA, Štěpán, Marie KUMMEROVÁ and Jana KRULOVÁ. Toxicity of photomodified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthene for lichens. In Plant Physiology Conference of PhD Students and Young Scientists - Book of Abstracts. 2005.
    4. BARTÁK, Miloš, Jan GLOSER and Josef HÁJEK. Visualized photosynthetic characteristics of the lichen Xanthoria elegans related to daily courses of light, temperature and hydration: a field study from Galindez Island, maritime Antarctica. The Lichenologist. Academic Press, 2005, vol. 37, No 5, p. 433-443. ISSN 0024-2829.


    1. BARTÁK, Miloš and Jan GLOSER. Detection of photochemical processes in Antarctic lichen Xanthoria elegans using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. In Book of Abstracts. Xth Days of Plant Physiology. Bratislava, Slovakia: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University,, 2004, p. 61.
    2. VRÁBLÍKOVÁ, Hana and Miloš BARTÁK. Differences in the susceptibility of Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria antarctica to high light stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. Cracow, Poland: Polish academy of sciences, 2004, vol. 26, No 3, p. 233. ISSN 0137-5881.


    1. HÁJEK, Josef and Miloš BARTÁK. Combined effect of NaCl and temperature on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria hirsuta. In Book of Abstracts. Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists. Brno: Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Masaryk University, 2003, p. 113-114. ISBN 80-7157-676-X.
    2. HÁJEK, Josef, Peter VÁCZI and Miloš BARTÁK. Photosynthesis in two foliose lichen species in response to a changing temperature and dehydration (Photosynthesis in two foliose lichen species in response to a changing temperature and dehydration.). In Book of Abstracts. Photosynthesis in a Changing World (PHOTOCHANGE). Kolymbari (Greece): European Union, 2003, p. 76.
    3. BARTÁK, Miloš, Hana VRÁBLÍKOVÁ and Josef HÁJEK. Sensitivity of photosystem 2 of Antarctic lichens to high irradiance stress:Fluorometric study of fruticose (Usnea antarctica)and foliose (Umbilicaria decussata) species. Photosynthetica. Praha: Elsevier, 2003, vol. 41, No 4, p. 497-504. ISSN 0300-3604.
    4. SEIDLOVÁ, Linda, Ivan NIJS and Jan GLOSER. Simulating the low-light intensities of dense vegetation: which plant traits promote the growth of potential invaders? In Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists, Book of Abstracts. Brno: Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Faculty of Agronomy and Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, 2003, p. 62-63. ISBN 80-7157-676-X.
    5. BARTÁK, Miloš, Josef HÁJEK and Hana VRÁBLÍKOVÁ. Spatial pattern of low-temperature photoinhibition on thalli of Antarctic lichen species Umbilicaria antarctica visualized by a novel approach. In Book of Abstracts. 10th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology. Vienna (Austria): European Society for Photobiology, 2003, p. 108.


    1. GLOSER, Jan and Miloš BARTÁK. Gas-exchange measurement of carbon fluxes in stands of Antarctic lichens and mosses. In Sborník (el. verze), Workshop on Changes of the Polar Ecosystem. Hradec Králové: M. Janouch, 2002, p. 3-4.


    1. KUMMEROVÁ, Marie, Eva KMENTOVÁ and Jana KOPTÍKOVÁ. Effect of fluoranthene on growth and primary processes of photosynthesis in faba bean and sunflower. Plant Production. Praha, 2001, Vol.47, No 8, p. 344-351.
    2. BARTÁK, Miloš, Jaroslava DUBOVÁ, Martina HÁJKOVÁ, Josef HÁJEK and Iva MUSILOVÁ. Intrathalline distribution of an alga Trebouxia sp. and its photosynthetic parameters in Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria decussata. In Botany in Time of Molecular Biology, Abstracts of 52nd Congress of Polish Botanical Society. Poznaň: Polish Botanical Society, 2001, p. 174. ISBN 83-7177-133-9.
    3. BARTÁK, Miloš, Josef HÁJEK and Hana VRÁBLÍKOVÁ. Low temperature photoinhibition and recovery in fruticose (Usnea antarctica) and foliose (Umbilicaria decussata) Antarctic lichen species. In IXth Days of Plant Physiology. České Budějovice: UMBR CAS CR, 2001, p. 19.
    4. KUMMEROVÁ, Marie, Eva KMENTOVÁ and Lenka BUREŠOVÁ. Využití fluorescence chlorofylu k posouzení krátkodobého působeni fluoranthenu na primární procesy fotosyntézy bobu obecného (Vicia faba L.) a slunečnice roční (Helianthus annuus L.). (Detection of fluoranthene effect on primary processes of photosynthesis in faba bean and sunflower using chlorophyll fluorescence.). In Sborník, Ovzduší 2001. Brno, 2001, p. 262-263.


    1. BARTÁK, Miloš. Chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool in physiological plant ecology: Assessment of plant photosynthetic response to long-term elevated CO2. In Topics in Ecology. Structure and Function in Plants and Ecosystems. Antwerp: University of Antwerp, 2000, p. 211-221. ISBN 90-5728-022-1.
    2. GLOSER, Vít and Jan GLOSER. Production processes in a grass Calamagrostis epigejos grown at different soil nitrogen supply. In Grassland Ecology V. Proceedings of the 5th Ecological Conference. Banská Bystrica: Grassland and mountain agriculture research institute, 2000, p. 69-76.


    1. BARTÁK, Miloš, Antonio RASCHI and Roberto TOGNETTI. Photosynthetic characteristics of sun and shade leaves in the canopy of Arbutus unedo L. trees exposed to in situ long-term elevated CO2. Photosynthetica. Praha: Elsevier, 1999, vol. 37, No 1, p. 1-17. ISSN 0300-3604.
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