Masaryk University

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    1. VALIGUROVÁ, Andrea and Břetislav KOUDELA. Eugregarines and cryptosporidia: peculiar parasites with epicellular development. In Xth European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Program and Abstract book. 2008.


    1. VALIGUROVÁ, Andrea, Břetislav KOUDELA, Lada HOFMANNOVÁ and Jiří VÁVRA. An Ultrastructural Comparison of the Attachment Sites Between Gregarina steini and Cryptosporidium muris. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 2007, vol. 54, No 6, p. 495-510. ISSN 1802-128X.


    1. VALIGUROVÁ, Andrea, Lada HŮRKOVÁ and Břetislav KOUDELA. Gregarines and Cryptosporidium: comparison of their early developmental stages on ultrastructural level. In 12 th International Congress of Protozoology), Guangzhou, China, July 10-15, 2005, p. 22. Guangzhou: Southern Medical University, 2005, p. 22.


    1. VALIGUROVÁ, Andrea, Břetislav KOUDELA and Lada HŮRKOVÁ. Gregarina vs. Cryptosporidium: Naozaj sú podobné? (Gregarines vs. Cryptosporidium: are they really similar?). In 34. Jírovcovy protozoologické dny. 2004.


    1. VALIGUROVÁ, Andrea. First records of gregarines (Gregarina, Apicomplexa) from Slovakia. Biologia. Bratislava, 2003, vol. 58, No 5, p. 895 - 896. ISSN 0006-3088.
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