Masaryk University

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    1. KALVODA, Jiří and Tomáš KUMPAN. Nové paleontologické nálezy v lomech cementárny v Mokré v roce 2014 (New palentological researches in quarries of the Mokrá cement work in 2014). Brno: Českomoravský cement,a.s., 2014, 72 pp.


    1. BÁBEK, Ondřej, Eva FRANCŮ, Jiří KALVODA and Franz NEUBAUER. A digital image analysis approach to measurement of the conodont colour alteration index (CAI): a case study from the Moravo-Silesian Zone, Czech Republic. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. Stuttgart: E. Schweitzerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlun, 2008, vol. 249, No 2, p. 185-201. ISSN 0077-7749.
    2. ISAACSON, P.E., E. DÍAZ-MARTÍNEZ, G.W. GRADER, J. KALVODA, O. BÁBEK and F.X. DEVUYST. Late Devonian - earliest Mississippian glaciation in Gondwanaland and its biogeographic consequences. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2008, vol. 268, 3-4, p. 126-142, 16 pp. ISSN 0031-0182.


    1. BÁBEK, Ondřej, Tomáš PŘIKRYL and Jindřich HLADIL. Progressive drowning of carbonate platform in the Moravo-Silesian Basin (Czech Republic) before the Frasnian/Famennian event: facies, compositional variations and gamma-ray spectrometry. Facies. Německo: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007, vol. 53, No 2, p. 293-316, 23 pp. ISSN 0172-9179.


    1. BÁBEK, Ondřej and Jiří OTAVA. Biostratigrafické doklady pro tence šupinovitou stavbu hranického paleozoika, moravskoslezská zóna (Biostratigraphic evidence for thin-skinned structure of the Hranice Palaeozoic, Moravo-Silesian Zone). Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku v roce 2005. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006, vol. 13, -, p. 60-63. ISSN 1212-6209.
    2. MENNING, M., A.S. ALEKSEEV, B.I. CHUVASHOV, V.I. DAVYDOV, F.X. DEVUYST, H.C. FORKE, T.A. GRUNT, L. HANCE, P.H. HECKEL, N.G. IZOKH, Y.G. JIN, P.J. JONES, G.V. KOTLYAR, H.W. KOZUR, T.I. NEMYROVSKAYA, J.W. SCHNEIDER, X.D. WANG, K. WEDDIGE, D. WEYER and D.M. WORK. Global time scale and regional stratigraphic reference scales of Central and West Europe, East Europe, Tethys, South China, and North America as used in the Devonian–Carboniferous–Permian Correlation Chart 2003 (DCP 2003). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 2006, vol. 240, 1/2, p. 318-372. ISSN 0031-0182.
    3. KALVODA, Jiří, Ondřej BÁBEK, Jaromír LEICHMANN, Rostislav MELICHAR and Petr ŠPAČEK. Tectonostratigraphic development of the Devonian and Carboniferous in the Brunovistulian terrane, Czech Republic (Tectonostratigraphic development of the Devonian and Carboniferous in the Brunovistulian terrane). Aretz, M., Herbig, H.-G. (Eds.). In Carboniferous Conference Cologne. From Platform to Basin, Sept. 4-10 2006. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 15. Köln: Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie der Universität zu Köln, 2006, p. 53-54. ISBN 3-934027-18-0.


    1. GERŠL, Milan and Jindřich HLADIL. Gamma-ray and magnetic susceptibility correlation across a Frasnian carbonate platform and the search for "punctata" aquivalents in stromatoporoid-coral limestone facies of Moravia. Geological Quarterly. Warszawa, 2004, vol. 48, no. 3, p. 283-292. ISSN 1641-7291.


    1. HLADIL, Jindřich, Pavel BOSÁK, Ladislav SLAVÍK, James L. CAREW, John E. MYLROIE and Milan GERŠL. Early diegenetic origin and persistence of gamma-ray and magnetosusceptibility patterns in platform carbonates: comparison of Devonian and Quaternary sections. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2003, No 28, p. 719-727. ISSN 1464-1895.


    1. KALVODA, Jiří. Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Foraminiferal Fauna: Zonations, Evolutionary Events, Paleobiogeography and Tectonic Implications. Brno: Masaryk University, 2002, 213 pp. Folia. ISBN 80-210-2931-5.
    2. KALVODA, Jiří. Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Foraminiferal Fauna: Zonations, Evolutionary Events, Paleobiogeography and Tectonic Implications. Brno: Masaryk University, 2002, 213 pp. Folia. ISBN 80-210-2931-5.


    1. REIF, Jaroslav and Bohuslav FOJT. Mineralogy and geochemistry of iron ores from Horní Benešov deposit. 1st ed. Wien: Oesterreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft, 2001, 2 pp. Mitt.Oesterr.Min.Ges., 146. ISBN 1609-0144.


    1. KALVODA, Jiří. Paleozoic evolution of the Moravosilesian Basin. Geolines. Praha: Institute of Geology AS CR, 2000, vol. 10, No 4, p. 40. ISSN 1210-9606.
    2. CHLUPÁČ, Ivo, Jindřich HLADIL, Arnošt GALLE and Jiří KALVODA. Series and stage boundaries in the Devonian of Czech Republic. Courier Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg. Frankfurt a. M.: Senckenberg Naturforschende Gesellschaft, 2000, vol. 225, No 1, p. 159-171. ISSN 0341-4116.


    1. ONDRÁČKOVÁ, Ladislava. Devon (Devonian). Estavela. Brno, 1999, vol. 1, No 3, p. 13. ISSN 1212-396X.
    2. SYNEK, Jiří. Devonian and Lower Carboniferous limestones in the southernmost part of the Moravian Karst. Acta musei Moraviae : Sci. geol. Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 1999, roč. 84, -, p. 89-96. ISSN 0521-2359.
    3. ONDRÁČKOVÁ, Ladislava and Jiří KALVODA. Fosílie ve vápencích Moravského krasu (Fossils in the limestones of Moravian Karst). Estavela. Brno, 1999, vol. 1, No 1, p. 38. ISSN 1212-396X.
    4. ISAACSON, Peter, Jindřich HLADIL, Wei SHEN JIAN, Jiří KALVODA and George GRADER. Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous glacial sediments of South America and sea-level drops on other continents. Abh. Geol. B.-A. Wien, 1999, vol. 54, No 1, p. 239-256. ISSN 0016-7800.
    5. KALVODA, Jiří, Ondřej BÁBEK and Alena MALOVANÁ. Sedimentary and Biofacies record in Calciturbidites at the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in Moravia (Moravian-Silesian Zone, Middle Europe). Facies. Erlangen: University of Erlangen, 1999, vol. 41, -, p. 141-157. ISSN 0172-9179.
    6. ŠPAČEK, Petr, Jiří KALVODA and Rostislav MELICHAR. Tectonic and Stratigraphic Study of Limestones at the Western Border of the Brno Massif. Geolines. Praha: AV ČR Praha, 1999, vol. 8, -, p. 63. ISSN 1210-9606.
    7. HLADIL, Jindřich, Rostislav MELICHAR, Jiří OTAVA, Arnošt GALLE, Miroslav KRS, Otakar MAN, Petr PRUNER, Petr ČEJCHAN and Petr OREL. The Devonian in the Easternmost Variscides, Moravia: a Holistic Analysis Directed Towards Comprehensoin of the Original Context. Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Wien: Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 1999, vol. 54, -, p. 27-47. ISSN 0016-7800.
    8. ŠPAČEK, Petr. Výzkum kořeneckých slepenců a studium deformace vápencových valounů v kulmských horninách Drahanské vrchoviny (The Kořenec Conglomerate and the analysis of deformation of limestone pebbles in Culmian rocks of the Drahany Upland). Geol. výzk. Mor. Slez. v r. 1998. Brno: MU Brno, ČGÚ Brno, 1999, vol. 1999, -, p. 94-97. ISSN 1212-6209.
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