Masaryk University

Publication Records

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    1. KRÁSNÁ, Denisa. Internship in Cascadia Cross-Border Law Firm in Bellingham, WA, USA. In Re:Views. Brno, Czech Republic: Re:Views Magazine, z.s., 2017, p. 7-10. Fall 2017. ISSN 2464-7306.
      English. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: USA, Canada; internship; research; Indian Law; immigration law; border crossing

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D., učo 39970. Changed: 23/1/2019 09:35.


    1. HYNEK, Nikola. Severokorejský program jaderných zbraní (North Korean Clandestine Nuclear Programme). Global Politics. 2009, vol. 3, 4 (2003), 8 pp. ISSN 1213-7685.
      Name (in English): North Korean Clandestine Nuclear Programme
      Political sciences. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: nuclear weapons; North Korea; USA; diplomacy; crisis

      Changed by: PhDr. RNDr. Nikola Hynek, M.A., PgDip Res, učo 45154. Changed: 26/11/2009 12:46.


    1. TOMEŠ, Zdeněk, Libor ŽÍDEK, Petr MUSIL, Aleš FRANC, Martin CHROMEC, Soňa BALCÁRKOVÁ, Zuzana HRDLIČKOVÁ, Monika JANDOVÁ and Pavel KREJČIŘÍK. Hospodářská politika 1900-2007 (Economic policy 1900-2007). 1st ed. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2008, 262 pp. Beckovy ekonomické učebnice. ISBN 978-80-7400-002-7.
      Name (in English): Economic policy 1900-2007
      Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: economic policy; USA; Japan; Sweden; Czech Republic, Great Britain; Germany; France
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Naďa Voráčová, učo 62883. Changed: 2/6/2009 13:52.
    2. SCHWEIGL, Johan. Spotřebitelské úvěry v USA - de lege lata (Consumer Credit Protection in USA). In Současné aktuální otázky spotřebitelského práva. první. Brno: Masarykova Univezita, 2008, p. 97-110. ISBN 978-80-210-4568-2.
      Name (in English): Consumer Credit Protection in USA
      RIV/00216224:14220/08:00026530 Proceedings paper. Legal sciences. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Schweigl, Johan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: USA; consumer; protection of consumer; consumer credit; credit report; credit score; mortgage; hypothecation; loan; Consumer Credit Protection Act; Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act; Truth in Lending Act; Regulation Z; disclosures; APR; predatory loans; kickbacks; Good Faith Estimate; consumer reporting agencies; subprime loans; subprime mortgage crisis.
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: JUDr. Johan Schweigl, Ph.D., učo 210729. Changed: 11/10/2008 10:17.


    1. SUCHÝ, Petr. Americká protiraketová obrana a ruský pocit nejistoty (The U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense and Russian Insecurity). Obrana a strategie. Univerzita obrany, Brno: Ústav strategických studií, 2007, vol. 7, No 1, p. 29-44. ISSN 1214-6463.
      Name (in English): The U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense and Russian Insecurity
      RIV/00216224:14230/07:00020413 Article in a journal. Political sciences. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Suchý, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Arms Control; Arms Race; Deterrence; Missile Defense; Disarmament; Strategic Stability; Strategic Nuclear Weapons; USA; Russian Federation
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D., učo 17886. Changed: 13/8/2007 12:13.
    2. HARTEMINK, Nijnke A., S. A. DAVIS, Paul REITER, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and J. A. HEESTERBEEK. Importance of bird-to-bird transmission for the establishment of West Nile virus. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases. New Rochelle, NY, USA: Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers, 2007, vol. 7, No 6, p. 575-584. ISSN 1530-3667.
      Name in Czech: Význam kontaktního přenosu pro vznik přírodního ohniska viru West Nile.

      Keywords in English: West Nile virus; Flavivirus; zoonoses; birds; outbreaks; ecology; natural foci of diseases; crows; Corvus brachyrhynchos; USA

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc., učo 34847. Changed: 10/5/2008 05:41.
    3. ŽÍDEK, Libor. Srovnání ekonomické situace v USA a Evropě (Comparisssion of economic situation in the USA and the EU). Global Politics, 2007. ISSN 1213-7685.
      Name in Czech: Srovnání ekonomické situace v USA a Evropě
      Name (in English): Comparisssion of economic situation in the USA and the EU
      Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: USA; European Union; economic development; unemployment

      Changed by: doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D., učo 360. Changed: 22/6/2009 11:09.


    1. TVRDOŇ, Michal. Analýza regulace trhu práce v Evropské unii a USA. In Sborník Mezinárodní Baťovy doktorandské konference 2006. První vydání. Zlín: Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky ve Zlíně, UTB Zlín, 2006, 13 pp. ISBN 80-7318-384-6.

      Keywords in English: Labour market; regulation; European Union; USA; employment protection legislation

      Changed by: doc. Ing. Mgr. Michal Tvrdoň, Ph.D., učo 156433. Changed: 13/5/2006 17:51.
    2. HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Lubomíra LUKÁČOVÁ, Jiří HALOUZKA, Petr ŠIRŮČEK, Jiří JANUŠKA, Jarmila PŘECECHTĚLOVÁ and Petr PROCHÁZKA. Import of West Nile virus infection in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Epidemiology. Dordrecht Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006, vol. 21, No 5, p. 323-324. ISSN 0393-2990.
      Name in Czech: Importovaná nákaza virem West Nile do Česka

      Keywords in English: CNS infection;Flavivirus;import;West Nile virus;západonilská horečka;USA
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc., učo 34847. Changed: 5/1/2007 07:49.
    3. TVRDOŇ, Michal. Míra otevřenosti tří center světové ekonomiky (Openness ratio of the three centers of the world economy). In MEKON 2006. Sborník příspěvků VIII. ročníku mezinárodní konference. První vydání. Ostrava: EKF VŠB - TU Ostrava, 2006, 12 pp. ISBN 80-248-1013-1.
      Name (in English): Openness ratio of the three centers of the world economy

      Keywords in English: Economic openness; foreign direct investment; current account; EU;USA;Japan

      Changed by: doc. Ing. Mgr. Michal Tvrdoň, Ph.D., učo 156433. Changed: 27/3/2006 14:29.
    4. ŽÍDEK, Libor and Martina VAŠENDOVÁ. Současná situace na ropném trhu (Contemporary Situation on the Oil Market). Politická ekonomie. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická, 2006, LIV, No 4, p. 529-542, 13 pp. ISSN 0032-3233.
      Name in Czech: Současná situace na ropném trhu
      Name (in English): Contemporary Situation on the Oil Market
      RIV/00216224:14560/06:00031588 Article in a journal. Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Žídek, Libor (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Vašendová, Martina (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Oil; oil market; price of oil; oil consumption; OPEC; USA; China
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D., učo 360. Changed: 18/6/2009 13:14.


    1. TVRDOŇ, Michal. Evropská unie ve světové ekonomice na prahu 21.století (European union in the world economy on the threshold of the 21st century). In Zborník príspevkov zo 4. medzinárodnej doktorandskej konferencie "Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov". Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 2005, 15 pp. ISBN 80-225-2047-0.
      Name (in English): European union in the world economy on the threshold of the 21st century

      Keywords in English: world economy; macroeconomics indicators; European Union; USA; Japan; comparison

      Changed by: doc. Ing. Mgr. Michal Tvrdoň, Ph.D., učo 156433. Changed: 14/12/2005 10:45.
    2. VILÍMEK, Petr. Smlouvy o omezení strategických jaderných zbraní (SALT I, SALT II). In Kuchyňková, Petra a Suchý, Petr (eds.): Vývoj a výsledky procesů kontroly zbrojení a odzbrojování. Marnost nad marnost? 1. vydání. Brno: Mezinárodní politologický ústav Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2005, p. 17-47. ISBN 80-210-3881-0.

      Keywords in English: USA; Soviet Union; Cold War; Arms Control; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

      Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Petr Vilímek, Ph.D., učo 44596. Changed: 2/2/2006 20:05.
    3. SUCHÝ, Petr. Strategie zadržování v americké zahraniční politice. Vznik a vývoj koncepce 1945-1953. (Strategy of Containment in the U. S. Foreign Policy. Inception and Evolution of the Concept 1945-1953.). 1st ed. Brno: Mezinárodní politologický ústav Masarykovy univerzity, 2005, 144 pp. Monografie; 13. ISBN 8021038039.
      Name (in English): Strategy of Containment in the U. S. Foreign Policy. Inception and Evolution of the Concept 1945-1953.
      RIV/00216224:14230/05:00020207 Book on a specialized topic. Political sciences. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Suchý, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Strategy; containment; Cold War; foreign policy; USA; USSR; Truman; Kennan; nuclear weapons;
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D., učo 17886. Changed: 17/6/2009 11:34.
    4. DANČÁK, Břetislav and Vít HLOUŠEK. Vzájemné vztahy EU a USA a zájmy ČR (Mutual relations of the EU and the USA and interests of the Czech Republic). 2005.
      Name (in English): Mutual relations of the EU and the USA and interests of the Czech Republic

      Keywords in English: USA; EU; Czech Republic; International Relations; Security Issues

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D., učo 22755. Changed: 10/1/2006 14:50.


    1. VAIL, Benjamin. Report on Immigration Law in the United States of America., 2004.
      Legal sciences. English. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Immigration, law, USA

      Changed by: Mgr. Benjamin Jeremiah Vail, Ph.D., M.Sc., učo 169446. Changed: 20/2/2015 12:28.
    2. SUCHÝ, Petr. Ronald Reagan: venit, vidit, vicit. Revue Politika. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2004, II., 6-7, p. 11-15. ISSN 1214-0899.
      Name (in English): Ronald Reagan: venit, vidit, vicit.

      Keywords in English: Reagan; Cold War; USA; USSR; nuclear weapons; arms control.

      Changed by: PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D., učo 17886. Changed: 11/1/2005 14:09.


    1. PARDY, Miroslav. Můj život fyzika (My life as a physicist). Vesmír. 2003, vol. 82, No 12, p. 701-703. ISSN 0042-4544.
      Name (in English): My life as a physicist
      RIV/00216224:14310/03:00009557 Article in a journal. Theoretical physics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Pardy, Miroslav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Rochester; Oppenheimer; Los Alamos; Lamb shift; CERN; USA

      Changed by: doc. RNDr. Miroslav Pardy, CSc., učo 139. Changed: 9/4/2004 11:54.


    1. HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. European experience with the West Nile virus ecology and epidemiology: could it be relevant for the New World? Viral Immunology. USA, 2000, vol. 13, No 4, p. 415-424. ISSN 0882-8245.
      Name (in English): European experience with the West Nile virus ecology and epidemiology: could it be relevant for the New World?
      Microbiology, virology. English. United States of America.
      Keywords in English: West Nile virus; Flavivirus; Europe; USA; epidemiology; ecology; mosquitoes; birds

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc., učo 34847. Changed: 15/2/2001 17:05.


    1. ŠTECHA, J. and Osvald VAŠÍČEK. Parametr Estimation of US Macroeconomic Alternative Models. In 2nd IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems. Smolenice (Slovakia): IFAC, 1997, p. 157-172. ISBN 80-227-0974-3.
      Name (in English): Parametr Estimation of US Macroeconomic Alternative Models
      RIV: Proceedings paper. Economics. English. Slovakia.
      Keywords in English: macroeconomics;model;parameter estimation;usa

      Changed by: prof. Ing. Osvald Vašíček, CSc., učo 894. Changed: 25/5/1999 14:31.


    1. OPEKAR, Aleš. Z New Orleansu do Seattlu. Stručný americký pop zeměpis. Rock & Pop. 1994, vol. 5, 1-12,17-21, p. 21-22.

      Keywords in English: music; rock; USA; geography; history

      Changed by: PhDr. Aleš Opekar, CSc., učo 203364. Changed: 21/8/2007 20:52.
Displayed: 16/11/2024 04:28