Alternative estimates of NAIRU for the Czech economy: Implications for economic growth and stabilityNĚMEC, Daniel and Osvald VAŠÍČEK. Alternative estimates of NAIRU for the Czech economy: Implications for economic growth and stability. In 20th Annual Conference EALE 2008. 2008.Elektronická verze příspěvku Elektronická verze sborníku abstraktů
Name in Czech: Odhady NAIRU pro českou ekonomiku: Implikace pro ekonomický růst a stabilitu
RIV/00216224:14560/08:00026453 Presentations at conferences. Economics. English. Netherlands.
Němec, Daniel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vašíček, Osvald (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: NAIRU; hysteresis in unemployment; Bayesian inference
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: doc. Ing. Daniel Němec, Ph.D., učo 22939. Changed: 7/3/2011 14:39. -
NĚMEC, Daniel and Osvald VAŠÍČEK. Estimating NAIRU in Small Open Economies: Models with Adaptive and Rational Expectations. In ESAM08: Markets and Models - Policy Frontiers in the AWH Phillips Tradition (Symposium Handbook). 2008.Elektronická verze příspěvku Elektronická verze sborníku
Name in Czech: Odhady NAIRU v malých otevřených ekonomiách: Modely s adaptivními a racionálními očekáváními
RIV/00216224:14560/08:00026290 Presentations at conferences. Economics. English. New Zealand.
Němec, Daniel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vašíček, Osvald (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: NAIRU; output gap; Phillips curve; Bayesian inference; hysteresis
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: doc. Ing. Daniel Němec, Ph.D., učo 22939. Changed: 7/3/2011 14:38. -
NĚMEC, Daniel. Kvantitativní analýza mezery nezaměstnanosti a výstupu v České republice (Unemployment gap and output gap: A quantitative analysis). In TOMEŠ, Zdeněk and Libor ŽÍDEK. Determinanty hospodářského růstu v zemích východní Evropy. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, p. 314-332. CVKS. ISBN 978-80-210-4786-0.
Name in Czech: Kvantitativní analýza mezery nezaměstnanosti a výstupu v České republice
Name (in English): Unemployment gap and output gap: A quantitative analysis
RIV/00216224:14560/08:00027030 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Němec, Daniel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: unemployment gap; output gap; bayesian inference; hysteresis; Gibbs sampler; Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; Kalman filter
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Naďa Voráčová, učo 62883. Changed: 1/6/2009 12:32. -
NĚMEC, Daniel. Kvantitativní analýza mezery nezaměstnanosti a výstupu v České republice (Unemployment gap and output gap: A quantitative analysis). Brno: CVKSČE MU, 2008.
Name in Czech: Kvantitativní analýza mezery nezaměstnanosti a výstupu v České republice
Name (in English): Unemployment gap and output gap: A quantitative analysis
Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: unemployment gap; output gap; bayesian inference; hysteresis; Gibbs sampler; Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; Kalman filter
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Naďa Voráčová, učo 62883. Changed: 9/2/2009 16:17. -
NĚMEC, Daniel. Odhady NAIRU a potenciálního produktu v ČR (Estimating NAIRU and potential output in the Czech Republic). In SLANÝ, Antonín a kol. Konkurenceschopnost ekonomiky (komparace zemí 10CE). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, p. 309-321. CVKS. ISBN 978-80-210-4725-9.
Name in Czech: Odhad NAIRU a potenciálního produktu v ČR
Name (in English): Estimating NAIRU and potential output in the Czech Republic
RIV/00216224:14560/08:00026697 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Němec, Daniel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: unemployment gap; output gap; bayesian inference; hysteresis; Gibbs sampler; Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; Kalman filter
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Naďa Voráčová, učo 62883. Changed: 1/6/2009 12:31. -
MICHU, Elleni. A short guide to phylogeny reconstruction. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2007, vol. 53, No 10, p. 442-446, 4 pp. ISSN 1214-1178.URL
Name (in English): A short guide to phylogeny reconstruction
Genetics and molecular biology. English.
Keywords in English: sequence alignment; phylogenetic analysis; neighbor-joining; maximum parsimony; maximum likelihood; Bayesian inference
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Mgr. Elleni Ponechal Michu, učo 42244. Changed: 19/8/2008 20:50. -
NĚMEC, Daniel. Alternativní odhady NAIRU české ekonomiky a jejich implikace pro ekonomický růst (Alternative estimates of NAIRU for the Czech economy and their implications for economic growth). Národohospodářský obzor. Brno: ESF MU Brno, 2007, VII., No 4, p. 30-44. ISSN 1213-2446.
Name (in English): Alternative estimates of NAIRU for the Czech economy and their implications for economic growth
RIV/00216224:14560/07:00020729 Article in a journal. Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Němec, Daniel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: NAIRU; potential output; economic growth; bayesian inference; filtration
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: doc. Ing. Daniel Němec, Ph.D., učo 22939. Changed: 18/1/2008 12:23. -
MATĚJUSOVÁ, Iveta, Milan GELNAR, Olivier VERNEAU, Carey O. CUNNINGHAM and Timothy J. LITTLEWOOD. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gyrodactylus (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) inferred from rDNA ITS region: subgenera versus species groups. In Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology, Proceedings of the XXI. Symposium of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology. Bergen, Norway: HS-Trykk A/S, 2003, p. 45. ISBN 0803-4907.
Name (in English): Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gyrodactylus (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) inferred from rDNA ITS region: subgenera versus species groups
RIV/00216224:14310/03:00008782 Proceedings paper. Genetics and molecular biology. English. Norway.
Matějusová, Iveta (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Gelnar, Milan (203 Czech Republic) -- Verneau, Olivier (250 France) -- Cunningham, Carey O. (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) -- Littlewood, Timothy J. (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Keywords in English: monogenea; gyrodactylus; maximum likelihood; bayesian inference; ITS; SSU
Changed by: Mgr. Iveta Matějusová, Ph.D., učo 7545. Changed: 3/12/2003 16:09.
Displayed: 21/2/2025 20:52