Masaryk University

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    1. CHYTRÝ, Milan and Petr PYŠEK. Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 1. Rozdíly v invadovanosti velkých území (Where do alien plants spread to? 1. Differences in the level of invasion of large areas). Živa. Praha: Academia, 2009, vol. 2009, No 1, p. 11-14. ISSN 0044-4812.
      Name in Czech: Where do introduced plants spread to? 1. Differences in the level of invasion of large areas
      Name (in English): Where do alien plants spread to? 1. Differences in the level of invasion of large areas
      Ecology - communities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: biological invasions; plant communities
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 3/4/2010 12:17.
    2. CHYTRÝ, Milan and Petr PYŠEK. Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 2. Invadovanost a invazibilita rostlinných společenstev (Where do introduced plants spread to? 2. Level of invasions and invasibility of plant communities). Živa. Praha: Academia, 2009, vol. 2009, No 2, p. 60-63. ISSN 0044-4812.
      Name (in English): Where do introduced plants spread to? 2. Level of invasions and invasibility of plant communities
      Ecology - communities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: biological invasions; plant communities
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 26/6/2009 09:46.
    3. CHYTRÝ, Milan and Petr PYŠEK. Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 3. Obecné příčiny invazibility společenstev (Where do introduced plants spread to? 3. General determinants of community invasibility). Živa. Praha: Academia, 2009, vol. 2009, No 3, p. 110-112. ISSN 0044-4812.
      Name (in English): Where do introduced plants spread to? 3. General determinants of community invasibility
      Ecology - communities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: biological invasions; plant communities
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 3/4/2010 12:16.


    1. HÁJKOVÁ, Petra, Michal HÁJEK and Iva APOSTOLOVA. Diversity of wetland vegetation in the Bulgarian high mountains, main gradients and context-dependence of the pH role. Plant Ecology. Netherlands: Springer, 2006, vol. 184, No 1, p. 111-130, 19 pp. ISSN 1385-0237.
      Name in Czech: Diverzita mokřadní vegetace v bulharských vysokých horách, hlavní gradienty a role pH
      Name (in English): Diversity of wetland vegetation in the Bulgarian high mountains, main gradients and context-dependence of the pH role
      RIV/00216224:14310/06:00015355 Article in a journal. Ecology - communities. English. Netherlands.
      Hájková, Petra (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Hájek, Michal (203 Czech Republic) -- Apostolova, Iva (100 Bulgaria)
      Keywords in English: Altitude; Balkan Peninsula; Fen; Floristic elements; Ordination; Plant communities; Subalpine spring; Water conductivity

      Changed by: prof. Mgr. Michal Hájek, Ph.D., učo 16868. Changed: 29/6/2009 13:59.


    1. KUŽELOVÁ, Ilona and Milan CHYTRÝ. Interspecific associations in phytosociological data sets: how do they change between local and regional scale? Plant Ecology. Dordrecht, 2004, vol. 173, No 2, p. 247-257. ISSN 1385-0237.
      Online on SpringerLink
      Name in Czech: Mezidruhové asociace ve fytocenologických datových souborech: jak se mění mezi lokálním a regionálním měřítkem?
      RIV/00216224:14310/04:00011524 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Netherlands.
      Kuželová, Ilona (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Ecological scale; numerical methods; phytosociology; plant communities; sociological species groups; vegetation survey

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 5/9/2005 09:07.
    2. KNOLLOVÁ, Ilona and Milan CHYTRÝ. Oak-hornbeam forests of the Czech Republic: geographical and ecological approaches to vegetation classification. Preslia. Praha, 2004, vol. 76, No 4, p. 291-311. ISSN 0032-7786.
      Name in Czech: Dubohabřiny České republiky: geografický a ekologický přístup ke klasifikaci vegetace
      RIV/00216224:14310/04:00010353 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Knollová, Ilona (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: broad-leaved deciduous woodland; Carpinion; Carpinus; classification; local and regional classification; phytosociology; plant communities; Quercus

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 5/9/2005 09:13.


    1. CHYTRÝ, Milan and Lubomír TICHÝ. Diagnostic, constant and dominant species of vegetation classes and alliances of the Czech Republic: a statistical revision. Brno: Masaryk University Brno, 2003, 231 pp. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Mas. Brun., Biol. 108. ISBN 80-210-3221-9.
      Name in Czech: Diagnostické, konstantní a dominantní druhy vegetačních tříd a svazů České republiky: statistická revize
      RIV/00216224:14310/03:00010439 Book on a specialized topic. Ecology - communities. English. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Tichý, Lubomír (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Braun-Blanquet approach; phytosociology; plant communities; vegetation survey

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 5/11/2004 12:22.
    2. LOSOSOVÁ, Zdeňka. Estimating past distribution of vanishing weed vegetation in South Moravia. Preslia. Praha, 2003, vol. 75, No 1, p. 71-79, 8 pp. ISSN 0032-7786.
      RIV/00216224:14410/03:00008651 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Lososová, Zdeňka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Caucalidion lappulae; Caucalido-Conringietum; Czech Republic; floristic records; plant communities
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. RNDr. Zdeňka Lososová, Ph.D., učo 5767. Changed: 1/12/2006 08:38.
    3. CHYTRÝ, Milan and Jiří VICHEREK. Travinná, keříčková a křovinná vegetace Národního parku Podyjí/Thayatal (Grassland, heathland, and scrub vegetation of the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park). Thayensia. Znojmo: Správa Národního parku Podyjí ve Znojmě, 2003, vol. 5, No 1, p. 11-84. ISSN 1212-3560.
      Name (in English): Grassland, heathland, and scrub vegetation of the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park
      RIV/00216224:14310/03:00008990 Article in a journal. Botany. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Vicherek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Austria; Czech Republic; dry grassland; forest fringe; meadow; phytosociology; plant communities; reed; spring therophyte; vegetation complex

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 05:54.


    1. SPRIBILLE, Toby and Milan CHYTRÝ. Vegetation surveys in the circumboreal coniferous forests: A review. Folia Geobotanica. Pruhonice: Institute of Botany, 2002, vol. 37, No 4, p. 365-382. ISSN 1211-9520.
      RIV/00216224:14310/02:00007497 Article in a journal. Ecology - communities. English. Czech Republic.
      Spribille, Toby (840 United States of America) -- Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Boreal forests; Europe; Mountain forests; North America; Northern Asia; Phytosociology; Plant communities; Taiga; Vaccinio-Piceetea

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/8/2003 09:50.


    1. TICHÝ, Lubomír. Predictive Modeling of the Potential Natural Vegetation Pattern in the Podyjí National Park, Czech Republic. Folia Geobotanica. Průhonice: Institute of Botany, 1999, vol. 1999, No 2, p. 243-252. ISSN 1211-9520.
      RIV/00216224:14310/99:00001427 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Climate; Environmental factors; Phenology; Plant communities; Vegetation mapping

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Lubomír Tichý, Ph.D., učo 6669. Changed: 24/2/2000 10:09.
    2. SEDLÁKOVÁ, Iva and Milan CHYTRÝ. Regeneration patterns in a Central European dry heathland: effects of burning, sod-cutting and cutting. Plant Ecology. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999, vol. 143, No 1, p. 77-87. ISSN 1385-0237.
      RIV/00216224:14310/99:00001315 Article in a journal. Ecology - communities. English. Netherlands.
      Sedláková, Iva (203 Czech Republic) -- Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Calluna vulgaris; Management; Nature conservation; Plant communities; Secondary succession; Vegetation
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:51.


    1. ANENKHONOV, Oleg A. and Milan CHYTRÝ. Syntaxonomy of vegetation of the Svyatoi Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal. 2. Forests and krummholz in comparison with other regions of northern Buryatia. Folia Geobotanica. Průhonice: Institute of Botany, 1998, vol. 33, No 1, p. 31-75. ISSN 1211-9520.
      Name (in English): Syntaxonomy of vegetation of the Svyatoi Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal. 2. Forests and krummholz in comparison with other regions of northern Buryatia
      RIV/00216224:14310/98:00003811 Article in a journal. Ecology - communities. English. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Boreal; Braun-Blanquet approach; Eastern Siberia; Phytosociology; Plant communities; Taiga

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 06:25.
    2. KUHN, František and Vlastimil TLUSTÁK. Vegetace a její druhová skladba. Fytocenologický výzkum vegetace antropogenních a ruderálních stanovišť širší oblasti energetické soustavy Dukovany-Dalešice (Vegetation and its Specific Composition. Fytocenological Vegetaion Research of Anthropic and Rureal Stands in the Region of Energetic System of Dukovany-Dalešice). Přírodovědný sborník Západomoravského muzea v Třebíči. Třebíč: Západomoravské muzeum v Třebíči, 1998, vol. 38, p. 1-65. ISSN 0231-603X.
      Name (in English): Vegetation and its Specific Composition. Fytocenological Vegetaion Research of Anthropic and Rureal Stands in the Region of Energetic System of Dukovany-Dalešice
      RIV: Article in a journal. Ecology - communities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Czech Republic; Southwestern Moravia; plant communities; synathropis vegetation

      Changed by: RNDr. Vlastimil Tlusták, CSc., učo 1052. Changed: 14/6/1999 16:43.


    1. RODWELL, John S., Ladislav MUCINA, Sandro PIGNATTI, Joop H.J. SCHAMINÉE and Milan CHYTRÝ. European Vegetation Survey: context of the case studies. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica. Průhonice: Institute of Botany, 1997, vol. 32, No 2, p. 113-115. ISSN 0015-5551.
      RIV/00216224:14310/97:00003173 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Phytosociology; Plant communities; Vegetation survey
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:54.
    2. CHYTRÝ, Milan. Thermophilous oak forests in the Czech Republic: Syntaxonomical revision of the order Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica. Průhonice: Institute of Botany, 1997, vol. 32, No 3, p. 221-258. ISSN 0015-5551.
      Name in Czech: Teplomilné doubravy v České republice: syntaxonomická revize řádu Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae
      RIV/00216224:14310/97:00000674 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Phytosociology; Plant communities; Quercus; Vegetation survey

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 08:42.


    1. TICHÝ, Lubomír and Milan CHYTRÝ. Festuco pallentis-Alyssetum saxatilis na jihozápadní Moravě (Festuco pallentis-Alyssetum saxatilis in south-western Moravia). Zprávy České botanické společnosti. Praha: Česká botanická společnost, 1996, vol. 31, No 2, p. 187-192. ISSN 0009-0662.
      Name (in English): Festuco pallentis-Alyssetum saxatilis in south-western Moravia
      RIV: Article in a journal. Botany. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Tichý, Lubomír (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Phytosociology; Plant communities; Vegetation survey

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:01.
    2. CHYTRÝ, Milan and Jiří VICHEREK. Přirozená a polopřirozená vegetace údolí řek Oslavy, Jihlavy a Rokytné (Natural and semi-natural vegetation of the Oslava, Jihlava and Rokytná river valleys). Přírodovědný sborník Západomoravského muzea v Třebíči. Třebíč: Západomoravské muzeum v Třebíči, 1996, vol. 22, No 1, p. 1-125. ISSN 0231-603X.
      Name (in English): Natural and semi-natural vegetation of the Oslava, Jihlava and Rokytná river valleys
      RIV/00216224:14310/96:00005513 Article in a journal. Ecology - communities. English. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Vicherek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Czech Republic; dry grasslands; forests; Moravia; plant communities; river valley; vegetation classification
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 08:55.


    1. CHYTRÝ, Milan and Jiří VICHEREK. Lesní vegetace Národního parku Podyjí/Thayatal. Die Waldvegetation des Nationalparks Podyjí/Thayatal (Forest vegetation of the Podyji/Thayatal National Park). Praha: Academia, 1995, 166 pp. ISBN 80-200-0377-0.
      Name (in English): Forest vegetation of the Podyji/Thayatal National Park
      RIV/00216224:14310/95:00000384 Book on a specialized topic. Botany. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Vicherek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Forest; Phytosociology; Plant communities; Vegetation survey

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:10.
      Identification numbers: 3145301971, 3145301972, 3145301973, 3145301974, 3145301975, 3145303534, 3145313608
    2. CHYTRÝ, Milan. Předběžný přehled společenstev teplomilných doubrav jižní Moravy a západního Slovenska (Preliminary survey of the thermophilous oak forests in southern Moravia and western Slovakia). Zprávy České botanické společnosti. Praha: Česká botanická společnost, 1995, vol. 30, No 1, p. 61-68. ISSN 0009-0662.
      Name (in English): Preliminary survey of the thermophilous oak forests in southern Moravia and western Slovakia
      RIV: Article in a journal. Botany. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Phytosociology; Plant communities; Quercus; Vegetation survey

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:07.


    1. CHYTRÝ, Milan. Xerothermic Oak Forests in the Middle Váh Basin and the Southern part of the Strážovská hornatina Uppland. In Scripta Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis - Biology. Brno: Masaryk University, 1994, p. 121-134. Volume 22-23 (1992-1993). ISBN 80-210-0884-9.
      RIV/00216224:14310/94:00000311 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Phytosociology; Plant communities; Quercus; Vegetation survey
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:18.


    1. CHYTRÝ, Milan. Bemerkungen zur Vegetation der primär waldfreien Flächen auf nichtxerothermen Standorten in Flusstälern des Südostrandes des Böhmischen Massivs (Notes on the vegetation of primary open patches in non-xerothermic habitats of the south-eastern edge of the Bohemian Massif). Acta musei Moraviae : scientiae naturales. Brno: Moravské muzeum, 1993, vol. 77, No 1, p. 123-137. ISSN 0521-2359.
      Name (in English): Notes on the vegetation of primary open patches in non-xerothermic habitats of the south-eastern edge of the Bohemian Massif
      RIV/00216224:14310/93:00000262 Article in a journal. Botany. German. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Phytosociology; Plant communities; Vegetation survey
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:22.
    2. CHYTRÝ, Milan, Pavel PEŠOUT and Oleg A. ANENCHONOV. Syntaxonomy of vegetation of Svjatoj Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal 1. Non forest communities. Folia geobotanica et phytotaxonomica. Praha: Academia, 1993, vol. 28, No 4, p. 337-383. ISSN 0015-5551.
      Name (in English): Syntaxonomy of vegetation of Svjatoj Nos Peninsula, Lake Baikal 1. Non forest communities
      RIV/00216224:14310/93:00003744 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Chytrý, Milan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Plant communities; Phytosociology; Braun-Blanquet approach; New syntaxa; Validation of syntaxon names; Eastern Siberia
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., učo 871. Changed: 19/3/2009 09:30.
Displayed: 8/11/2024 01:48