DOLEŽALOVÁ, Iva. Přesahy judaismu do raného křesťanství v oblasti svátků. Židovské pozadí křesťanských rituálů. (Overlaps of Judaism into Early Christian Holidays. Jewish Backgound of Christian Rituals). In Židovské náboženství v proměnách věků: Seminář pro pedagogy (Židovské muzeum v Praze, pobočka Brno; Muzeum regionu Boskovicka). 2020.
Name in Czech: Přesahy judaismu do raného křesťanství v oblasti svátků. Židovské pozadí křesťanských rituálů.
Name (in English): Overlaps of Judaism into Early Christian Holidays. Jewish Backgound of Christian Rituals
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: early Christian holidays, Jewish Holidays, rituals, baptism, common meals
Type of participation: requested lecture
Changed by: Mgr. Ivona Vrzalová, učo 361753. Changed: 22/1/2023 20:45. -
PAPOUŠEK, Dalibor. Petr Pokorný, Ježíš Nazaretský : historický obraz a jeho interpretace (Petr Pokorný, Jesus of Nazareth : historical image and its interpretation). Religio : revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství, 2006, vol. 14, No 2, p. 283-285. ISSN 1210-3640.
Name in Czech: Petr Pokorný, Ježíš Nazaretský : historický obraz a jeho interpretace
Name (in English): Petr Pokorný, Jesus of Nazareth : historical image and its interpretation
RIV/00216224:14210/06:00018296 Article in a journal. Philosophy and religion. Czech. Czech Republic.
Papoušek, Dalibor (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: Jesus Christ; history; early Christianity
Changed by: PhDr. Dalibor Papoušek, Ph.D., učo 349. Changed: 24/2/2007 18:18. -
PAPOUŠEK, Dalibor. Večeře Páně v Korintu : k archeologii sociálního konfliktu (The Lord's supper in Corinth : towards the archaeology of social conflict). Religio : revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství, 2006, vol. 14, No 2, p. 207-224. ISSN 1210-3640.
Name in Czech: Večeře Páně v Korintu : k archeologii sociálního konfliktu
Name (in English): The Lord's supper in Corinth : towards the archaeology of social conflict
RIV/00216224:14210/06:00018295 Article in a journal. Philosophy and religion. Czech. Czech Republic.
Papoušek, Dalibor (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: early Christianity; Corinth; Paul of Tarsus; sociology; archaeology; social conflict
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: PhDr. Dalibor Papoušek, Ph.D., učo 349. Changed: 7/1/2010 11:57. -
PAPOUŠEK, Dalibor. Burton L. Mack a projekt religionistické reinterpretace počátků křesťanství (Burton L. Mack and the project of academic reinterpretation of Christian origins). Religio : revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství, 2002, vol. 10, No 1, p. 95-112. ISSN 1210-3640.online
Name (in English): Burton L. Mack and the project of academic reinterpretation of Christian origins
RIV/00216224:14210/02:00067076 Article in a journal. Philosophy and religion. Czech. Czech Republic.
Papoušek, Dalibor (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Burton L. Mack; early Christianity; study of religions; social formation
Changed by: prof. PhDr. David Zbíral, Ph.D., učo 52251. Changed: 13/9/2013 20:23. -
PAPOUŠEK, Dalibor. The Soviet school of historians of early Christianity and its influence in former Czechoslovakia: the question of Jesus' historicity. In DOLEŽALOVÁ, Iva, Luther H. MARTIN and Dalibor PAPOUŠEK. The academic study of religion during the Cold War: east and west. 1st ed. New York et al.; Bern et al.: Peter Lang, 2001, p. 119-135. Toronto studies in religion; vol. 27. ISBN 0-8204-5151-7.
Name (in English): The Soviet school of historians of early Christianity and its influence in former Czechoslovakia: the question of Jesus' historicity
Keywords in English: early Christianity; Jesus Christ; Soviet school
Changed by: PhDr. Dalibor Papoušek, Ph.D., učo 349. Changed: 9/7/2001 10:38. -
DOLEŽALOVÁ, Iva. Raně křesťanská misie a problém konverze (Early Christian mission and the problem of conversion). In Normativní a žité náboženství. 1. vyd. Brno - Bratislava: Masarykova univerzita - Chronos, 1999, p. 80-90. Religionistika; sv. 9. ISBN 80-210-2047-4.
Name (in English): Early Christian mission and the problem of conversion
Keywords in English: early Christianity; conversion; community; identity
Changed by: PhDr. Iva Doležalová, učo 954. Changed: 15/1/2007 13:30.
Displayed: 19/1/2025 04:03