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    1. BRÁZDIL, Rudolf. Historical Climatology and its Progress after 1990. In People and Nature in Historical Perspective. 1st ed. Budapest: Central European University - Archaeolingua, 2003, p. 197-227. CEU Medievalia. ISBN 963 9241 86 5.
      Name in Czech: Historická klimatologie a její progres po roce 1990
      RIV/00216224:14310/03:00011359 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. English. Hungary.
      Brázdil, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: historical climatology; Europe

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc., učo 2755. Changed: 7/4/2005 19:32.
    2. BRÁZDIL, Rudolf, Hubert VALÁŠEK and Zbyněk SVITÁK. Historical economic data as a source of informationfor the study of meteorological and hydrological extremes in the Czech Republic. Jeleček, L. et al., eds. In Dealing with Diversity. 2nd International Conference of the European Society for Environmental History. Prague: Charles University, 2003, p. 23-28, 5 pp. ISBN 80-86561-09--7.
      RIV/00216224:14310/03:00008466 Proceedings paper. Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. English. Czech Republic.
      Brázdil, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Valášek, Hubert (203 Czech Republic) -- Sviták, Zbyněk (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: taxation; tax abatement; meteorological and hydrological extremes; historical climatology

      Changed by: Martina Maradová, učo 133782. Changed: 16/12/2004 10:23.
    3. BRÁZDIL, Rudolf, Hubert VALÁŠEK and Zbyněk SVITÁK. Meteorological and hydrological extremes in the Dietrichstein domains of Dolní Kounice and Mikulov between 1650 and 1849 according to official economic records of natural disasters. Geografický časopis. Bratislava: Geografický ústav SAV, 2003, vol. 55, No 4, p. 325-353. ISSN 0016-7193.
      Name in Czech: Meteorologické a hydrologické extrémy na ditrichštejnských panstvích Dolní Kounice a Mikulov v letech 1650 až 1849 podle oficiálních ekonomických záznamů o přírodních pohromách
      RIV/00216224:14310/03:00011764 Article in a journal. Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. English. Slovakia.
      Brázdil, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Valášek, Hubert (203 Czech Republic) -- Sviták, Zbyněk (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: historical climatology; economic records about damage; floods; convectional storms; strong winds; frosts; domains of Dolní Kounice and Mikulov

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc., učo 2755. Changed: 7/4/2005 19:49.


    1. BRÁZDIL, Rudolf. Patterns of climate in Central Europe since Viking times. In Climate Development and History of the North Atlantic Realm. 1st ed. Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag, 2002, p. 355-368, 486 pp. Není součástí žádné edice. ISBN 3-540-43201-9.
      Name in Czech: Klima ve střední Evropě od doby Vikingů
      Name (in English): Patterns of climate in Central Europe since Viking times
      RIV/00216224:14310/02:00019711 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. English. Germany.
      Brázdil, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: historical climatology; data; reconstructions

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc., učo 2755. Changed: 30/5/2006 17:00.
    2. PFISTER, Christian, Rudolf BRÁZDIL and Mariano BARRIENDOS. Reconstructing past climate and natural disasters in Europe using documentary evidence. PAGES News. Bern: PAGES International Project Office, 2002, vol. 10, No 3, p. 6-8. ISSN 1563-0803.
      Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. English. Switzerland.
      Keywords in English: documentary evidence; historical climatology

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc., učo 2755. Changed: 21/3/2003 15:26.


    1. STURM, Katrin, Ruediger GLASER, Jucundus JACOBEIT, Mathias DEUTSCH, Rudolf BRÁZDIL, Christian PFISTER, Juerg LUTERBACHER and Heinz WANNER. Hochwasser in Mitteleuropa seit 1500 und ihre Beziehung zur atmosphaerischen Zirkulation (Floods in Central Europe since AD 1500 and their relation to the atmospheric circulation). Pettermans Geographische Mitteilungen. Gotha: Justus Perthes Verlag, 2001, vol. 145, No 6, p. 14-23. ISSN 0031-6229.
      Name in Czech: Povodně ve střední Evropě od roku 1500 a jejich vztah k atmosférické cirkulaci
      Name (in English): Floods in Central Europe since AD 1500 and their relation to the atmospheric circulation
      RIV/00216224:14310/01:00028888 Article in a journal. Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. German. Germany.
      Sturm, Katrin (276 Germany, guarantor) -- Glaser, Ruediger (276 Germany) -- Jacobeit, Jucundus (276 Germany) -- Deutsch, Mathias (276 Germany) -- Brázdil, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic) -- Pfister, Christian (756 Switzerland) -- Luterbacher, Juerg (756 Switzerland) -- Wanner, Heinz (756 Switzerland)
      Keywords in English: flodds; atmospheric circulation; central Europe; historical climatology

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc., učo 2755. Changed: 30/5/2006 17:29.
    2. BRÁZDIL, Rudolf and Oldřich KOTYZA. Současná historická klimatologie a možnosti jejího využití v historickém výzkumu (Recent historical climatology and possibilities of its use in the historical research). In Časopis Matice Moravské - Supplementum. Brno: Matice moravská, 2001, p. 17-59. ISBN 80-86488-0603.
      Name in Czech: Současná historická klimatologie a možnosti jejího využití v historickém výzkumu
      Name (in English): Recent historical climatology and possibilities of its use in the historical research
      RIV: Proceedings paper. Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Brázdil, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Kotyza, Oldřich (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: historical climatology; data; methods; results

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc., učo 2755. Changed: 30/5/2006 17:38.
Displayed: 7/2/2025 19:10