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    1. ADAM, Vojtěch, Jitka PETRLOVÁ, David POTĚŠIL, Přemysl LUBAL, Josef ZEHNÁLEK, Bernd SURES, Libuše TRNKOVÁ and René KIZEK. Elektrochemický biosenzor pro studium platinových cytostatik (Electrochemical biosensor for the study anticancer drugs of platinum). In , Pokroky v klinické biochemii 2005; VII.Celostátní sjezd České společnosti klinické biochemie. Olomouc: Česká společnost klinické biochemie, 2005, p. 18-18. ISBN 80-239-5267-6.
    2. NAJAJREH, Yousef, Jana KAŠPÁRKOVÁ, María Victoria MARINI PALOMEQUE, Dan GIBSON and Viktor BRABEC. Structural characterization and DNA interactions of new cytotoxic transplatin analogues containing one planar and one nonplanar heterocyclic amine ligand. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. Germany: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2005, vol. 10, No 7, p. 722-731. ISSN 0949-8257.


    1. BRABEC, Viktor. DNA modifications by antitumor platinum and ruthenium compounds: their recognition and repair. In Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc., 2002, p. 1-68. 71.
    2. CÍDLOVÁ, Hana, Lenka FIKROVÁ and Nicholas FARRELL. "Electrostatic Compounds" of Pt(II). In Biophysics of the Genome and Its Interactions. Hlohovec: Czech Committee for Biophysics, 2002, p. 16. ISBN 80-7041-868-0.
    3. CÍDLOVÁ, Hana, Lenka FIKROVÁ and Nicholas FARRELL. Nová třída protinádorově účinných koordinačních sloučenin Pt(II)? (A new class of antitumour coordination compounds of Pt(II)?). In Profil učitele chemie II. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2002, p. 282 - 289. ISBN 80-7041-868-0.


    1. ZEHNULOVÁ, Jana, Jana KAŠPÁRKOVÁ, Nicholas FARRELL and Viktor BRABEC. Conformation, recognition by high mobility group domain proteins, and nucleotide excision repair of DNA intrastrand cross-links of novel antitumor trinuclear platinum complex BBR3464. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Bethesda, USA: Amer. Soc. Biochem. Mol., 2001, vol. 276, No 25, p. 22191-22199. ISSN 0021-9258.


    1. PAZOUREK, Jiří and Josef HAVEL. Highly Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Pt(IV) with the Molybdate-Basic Dyes-Poly(Vinyl alcohol) System. Mikrochimica Acta. SRN: Springer Verlag, 2000, vol. 133, 1-4, p. 341-343.
    2. NEPLECHOVÁ, Kamila, Jana KAŠPÁRKOVÁ, Nicholas FARRELL and Viktor BRABEC. Steric control of DNA interstrand cross-link sites of antitumor trans-platinum complexes. In 34th ICCC, Abstracts, Oral Presentations. Edinburgh, GB: Royal Chemical Society, 2000, p. 1173.


    1. KANICKÝ, Viktor, Vítězslav OTRUBA and Jean-Michel MERMET. Comparison of some analytical performance characteristic in inductively coupled plasma spectrometry of platinum group metals and gold. Talanta. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1999, vol. 1999, No 4, p. 859-866, 7 pp. ISSN 0039-9140.
    2. NEPLECHOVÁ, Kamila. Interactions of DNA with novel antitumour aminophosphine platinum complexes. In Cells. České Budějovice: KOPP nakladatelství, 1999, p. 104.


    1. KRÁSENSKÝ, Pavel and Viktor KANICKÝ. Preconcentration of chloroplatinate (IV) on anion exchanger with on-line detection using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Jan Novotný, Miloš Bartušek, Milan Vrchlabský. In Scripta Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. 1st ed. Brno (Czech Republic): Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno, 1998, p. 75-81. ISBN 80-210-2008-3.


    1. ŽALUDOVÁ, R., Alena ŽÁKOVSKÁ, J. KAŠPÁRKOVÁ, Z. BALCAROVÁ and O. VRÁNA. DNA modifications by tumor trans - [PtCl2 (E-iminoether)2]. Molecular Pharmacology. American Society for Pharmacology, 1997, vol. 52, No 1, p. 354-361. ISSN 0026-895X.


    1. ŽALUDOVÁ, Renata, Jana BUCHLOVSKÁ, Vladimír KLEINWACHTER and Alena ŽÁKOVSKÁ. Biophysical analysis of DNA modified with bis Platinum complexes containing monodentate coordination spheres. In Analysis of Structure of Biomacromolecules and their Interaction with Environmental Cytotoxix agents. první. Brno: Institute of Biophysics Academy of Sciences, 1993, p. 45-104.
    2. OTRUBA, Vítězslav, Marie STRNADOVÁ and Blanka SKALNÍKOVÁ. Determination of platinum in plants by emission spectrometry after preconcentration on modified silicagel. Talanta. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1993, vol. 1993, No 2, p. 221-225. ISSN 0039-9140.
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