Masaryk University

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    1. HÁJEK, Michal and Petr HEKERA. Can seasonal variation in fen water chemistry influence the reliability of vegetation-environment analyses? Preslia. 2004, vol. 76, No 1, p. 1-14. ISSN 0032-7786.
      Name in Czech: Může sezónní variabilita chemismu vody na slatiništích ovlivnit spolehlivost vegetačně-stanovištních analýz?
      Name (in English): Can seasonal variation in fen water chemistry influence the reliability of vegetation-environment analyses?
      RIV/00216224:14310/04:00019259 Article in a journal. Botany. English. Czech Republic.
      Hájek, Michal (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Hekera, Petr (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: anion and cation concentration; bog; central Europe; fen meadow; mire; nutrient availability; seasonal variation; spring; Western Carpathians; wetlands

      Changed by: prof. Mgr. Michal Hájek, Ph.D., učo 16868. Changed: 29/6/2009 13:59.
    2. PROŠEK, Pavel, Kamil LÁSKA, Marie BUDÍKOVÁ and Gennadi MILINEVSKY. The Regime of Total and Biological Effective Ultraviolet Radiation at Vernadsky Station (Argentine Islands, Antarctica) and the Impact of Ozone and Cloudiness in 2002 and 2003. Olomouc: Czech Geographical Society, Palacky University olomouc, 2004, 13 pp. Czech Geography at the Dawn of Milenium. ISBN 80-244-0858-9.
      Name in Czech: Režim celkového a erythemálně účinného UV záření na stanici Vernadsky (Argentinské souostroví, Antarktida) a vliv ozónu a oblačnosti v letech 2002-2003
      Name (in English): The Regime of Total and Biological Effective Ultraviolet Radiation at Vernadsky Station (Argentine Islands, Antarctica) and the Impact of Ozone and Cloudiness in 2002 and 2003.
      RIV/00216224:14310/04:00021278 Book on a specialized topic. Atmospheric sciences, meteorology. English. Czech Republic.
      Prošek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Láska, Kamil (203 Czech Republic) -- Budíková, Marie (203 Czech Republic) -- Milinevsky, Gennadi (804 Ukraine)
      Keywords in English: Antarctica; Vernadsky Station; total UV radiation; UVB radiation; seasonal variation; ozone; cloudiness;
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Kamil Láska, Ph.D., učo 17016. Changed: 30/6/2008 15:14.


    1. HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Seasonal changes of bird communities in a managed lowland riverine ecosystem. Folia Zoologica. Brno: Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, 1999, vol. 48, No 3, p. 203-210. ISSN 0139-7893.
      Name (in English): Seasonal changes of bird communities in a managed lowland riverine ecosystem
      Ecology - communities. English. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: bird community; riverine ecosystem; seasonal variation; abundance; belt transect

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc., učo 34847. Changed: 15/2/2001 16:48.
Displayed: 11/9/2024 04:43