Masaryk University

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    1. PINKOVÁ, Aneta and Jakub JUSKO. Experts and Questions : Exploring Perceptions of Corruption. Politics in Central Europe. De Gruyter Open, 2021, vol. 17, No 2, p. 317-345. ISSN 1801-3422. Available from:
      článek - open access
      Name in Czech: Experti a otázky : výzkum vnímání korupce
      RIV/00216224:14230/21:00119116 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
      Pinková, Aneta (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Jusko, Jakub (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Measuring Corruption Perceptions; Bribery; Corruption; Experts; Survey Experiment
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Blanka Farkašová, učo 97333. Changed: 23/3/2022 10:56.


    1. PINKOVÁ, Aneta. Lobbying Legitimacy in the Czech Republic. In 24TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF CEPSA. 2019.
      Name in Czech: Legitimita lobbování v České republice
      Name (in English): Lobbying Legitimacy in the Czech Republic

      Keywords in English: Lobbying; Legitimacy; Civil Society; Population-Based Experiment
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Aneta Pinková, Ph.D., učo 52717. Changed: 6/1/2020 09:34.
Displayed: 15/9/2024 11:33