Masarykova univerzita

Výpis publikací

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    1. HOUŠTĚK, Josef, E. BERTOLI, I. STIPANI, Stanislav PAVELKA, J. MEGLI a Ferdinando PALMIERI. Characterization of sulphydryl groups of phosphate translocator using maleimide spin labels. In Second European Bioenergetics Conference Reports [IF=n.a.; SCI #cit.<1>]. Villeurbanne: L.B.T.M.-C.N.R.S. Editeur, 1982, s. 479-480.


    1. HOUŠTĚK, Josef, Stanislav PAVELKA, Jan KOPECKÝ, Ferdinando PALMIERI a Zdeněk DRAHOTA. Specific labelling of mitochondrial phosphate translocator by 14C-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). In Vectorial Reactions in Electron and Ion Transport in Mitochondria and Bacteria (Palmieri F. et al., eds.). Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, 1981, s. 303-306.
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