_Kalbu studiios aukstoioie mokvkloie, Tarptautine konferenciia, Kaunas. LSMU. 2016 m, lapkricio 11 d. Summary INTEGRATION OF EVALUATION TECHNIQUES INTO DIAGNOSTIC TANDEM-BASED LEARNING CLASSES OF PROFESSIONAL LITHUANIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AT THE LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES The adapted Tandem-based Learning (TLE) classes focus on the (inter)oral-communication component that are closely related to the aims of the Professional Lithuanian as a Foreign Language program. Various types of assessment may be integrated into TLE classes by selecting suitable TLE components - here the elements of diagnostic, formal (criterion-referenced and normative), and informal (formative) assessment intertwine. Through evaluation and comparison of their achievements, the students may notice their own and their group mates' progress, may employ different assessment techniques, and may identify the barriers that impede language learning or suppress the motivation for learning. LATIN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR NON-MEDICAL HEALTH PROFESSIONS AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, CZECH REPUBLIC Jozefa Artimova, Libor Svanda Masaryk University Annotation: The article focuses on the importance of creating a specialized medical terminology textbook for various non-medical health professions study programmes. Such study material increases students' motivation and interest in the course and prepares them effectively for their future practice. Key terms: medicine, language for specific purposes, terminology, Latin, non-medical health professions. Introduction. Although students of non-medical health professions are expected to master, to a certain extent, basic Latin medical terminology related to their field of study, the study materials reflecting their specialisation are practically non-existing. Therefore, teachers often use the textbooks for students of General Medicine and try to adjust their content in order to make them usable for students of specific Bachelor's degree study programmes such as General Nurse, Nurse-Midwife, Nutritional Therapist, Optometry, Physiotherapy etc. Despite the teacher's effort, many students struggle with low motivation when learning from textbooks meant for someone else and containing terminology from various areas of medical specialization. Furthermore, the textbooks written for students of General Medicine are usually structured for a one-year course instead of one-semester course, which is common for Bachelor's degree study programmes. In pursuit of increasing the learning process efficiency as well as students' motivation to learn, the teachers of medical terminology at Masaryk University in Brno decided to prepare a series of narrowly focused textbooks of Latin medical terminology, which would meet both the objectives required by the study programme and the students' expectations of the course. In 2012 they started innovating study materials for General Nurse, Nurse-Midwife, Physiotherapy, and Nutritional Therapist study programmes. They strove not only for a usable teaching material, but also for the appealing textbook fully adjusted to the needs of the particular group of learners. During the curriculum and teaching materials development, the team followed the six core steps defined by Brown (1995: 20). The whole venture started with the (1) needs analysis, which was followed by a draft of a specific (2) list of goals and objectives, then came the (3) production of the new teaching material, which was (4) evaluated and (5) experimentally used for two consecutive years (during this period the preliminary versions were constantly reedited), then (6) finalised and prepared to be printed. (1) Needs analysis Even before the needs analysis it was obvious that traditional textbooks rarely include specific terms, clinical expressions or examples of diagnoses from one area of medicine as they served more needs of students of General Medicine, who have more time for study and need a whole variety of terms. Thus, particular groups of learners (Nurse-Midwife, Physiotherapy, Optometry etc.) would end up the Latin terminology course with not sufficient working vocabulary. 10 _Kalbu studiios aukštoioic ninkykloie. Tarptautiné konferenciia. Kaunas. LSMU. 2016 m. lapkričio 11 d. (2) Goals and objectives Similarly, the goals and objectives were in books for students of General Medicine defined too broadly for these specific groups of Bachelor programme students. The authors seriously considered the learner's profile and wider sociological aspects of the new generation of learners, level of preliminary knowledge of Latin, allotted number of contact hours and created a basic scheme of what the new textbook should contain and where the consecutive steps in grammar should be placed. (3) Production of the teaching material During the process of compiling the new teaching material, attention was also paid to narrowing the gap between modern teaching materials for living languages and Latin. The authors tried to create a user-friendly textbook similar to those used for teaching English, German etc., but with regard to specific nature of the subject. The greatest added value of the new textbook lies in use of a database of authentic clinical diagnoses and other authentic material collected from the University Hospitals in Brno, Hradec Králové and Thomayer Hospital in Prague (Pořízková - Švanda 2012, Pořízková - Blahuš 2015): the exercises were in great majority created using terms excerpted from authentic medical records in order to avoid non-existing or artificially created terms or term clusters. Thanks to contacts with medical professionals, the authors, who are philologists, could take advantage of interdisciplinary cooperation and the above-mentioned database of authentic sources. Due to financial support provided by the participation in the projects COMPACT project (CZ. 1.07/2.2.00/07.0442) and project IMPACT (CZ.1.07/ 2.2.00/28.0233) it was possible to employ aprofessional illustrator and graphic designer. 4) Evaluation Every exercise and every lesson was put through a thorough discussion with all members of the team. If there was no agreement whether the given exercise would work, it was replaced or adjusted. Much attention was paid to vocabulary selection for each lesson: Does the selected list contain terms that are used frequently enough? Does the student really have to know all the terminology that the author has selected? Could the list be shorter? Or should it be longer? 5) ^Piloting After having prepared the textbook, the authors piloted it for two years (in academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15) and continued editing the teaching material. Many exercises were replaced or modified again, the grammar explanations simplified, one lesson even divided into two. 6) Finalizing and publishing No sooner than in 2016 the first two workbooks with title Terminológia graeco-latina medica (TGL) were published: one for students of Physiotherapy and General Nurse study programmes and the other for students of Nurse-Midwife study programme. Both workbooks have identical structure: after an opening lesson introducing the learner into the subject, basic terminology is divided into ten lessons covering inflection of nouns and adjectives in the four most frequent cases (nominative, genitive, accusative and ablative), comparison of adjectives, ordinal numerals, basic syntax and rules governing the formulation of clinical diagnosis in Latin, prepositional phrases and the basics of word formation (derivation using Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes, principles of compounding). The authors put emphasis on careful selection of vocabulary, which reflects the respective specialization; the material for exercises in each lesson is excerpted from authentic medical documentation. The necessary grammar explanations were published as a separate Grammar book, which is identical for all specializations. The workbooks are naturally complemented by vocabulary for every lesson, a general dictionary for the whole textbook, and other appendixes, such as an overview of noun inflection and a list of basic clinical abbreviations used in the particular branches of clinical medicine. The Grammar book contains a 11 _Kalbi) studiios aukstoioic mokvkloic. Tarptautine konferencija, Kaunas. LSMU. 2016 m, lapkricio 11 d. list of frequent Greek stems, a list of common pharmaceutical abbreviations and a noun inflection table. The number of students using these textbooks is limited, as students use them only during winter semester and the group size in the special Bachelor courses remains low. TGL for students of Physiotherapy and General Nurse TGL for students of Nurse-Midwife Winter semester 2015' Physiotherapy: 36 students General Nurse: 63 students Radiology Assistant: 30 students Total: 129 students 26 students Winter semester 2016 Physiotherapy: 36 students General Nurse: 56 students Radiology Assistant: 36 students Paramedic: 21 students Total: 149 students 37 students Table No. 1: Numbers of students using new textbooks in Bachelor's degree study programmes The table shows, that the textbook created for students of Physiotherapy and General Nurse is used significantly more than the textbook for Nurses-Midwives. The reason is in unequal level of specialization: while the textbook for students of Nurse-Midwife study programme is focused strictly on anatomical and clinical terminology connected with the relevant area of human medicine, the broader and more general scope of the other textbook allows the teacher to use them not only for students of Physiotherapy and General Nurse, but also for future Radiology Assistants and most recently for Paramedics (until they have their own textbook). The low number of users was also the main reason for publishing the textbooks as electronic publication. The survey among the students at the end of Winter semester 2015 showed a positive feedback: 63% of the students appreciated the modern layout and thematic content of the new teaching material, the focus on practical use of terminology in medical documentation and the open access to the material (they could download it directly from the course study materials in the Masaryk University Information System). Conclusion. Using narrowly focused medical terminology textbooks proved to be effective in increasing motivation of students of non-medical health professions study programmes. Students appreciate learning the strictly selected vocabulary containing terms which they are verifiably going to use during their future professional life. The exercises, created from material excerpted from authentic medical documentation, prepare them right at the beginning of their studies for reading and better understanding medical records related to their medical specialization. Literature 1. Artimová, Jozefa - Pořízková, Kateřina - Švanda, Libor - Davidová, Eva (2016). Terminológia graeco-latina medica pro studijní obor porodní asistentka. [Terminológia Graeco-Latina Medica for Nurses-Midwives.] Brno: MUN1 Press. Available from URL https://munispace.muni.ez/index.php/munispace/catalog/book./835 [cit. 2016-09-13]. 2. Brown, James Dean (1995), The elements of language curriculum. Boston, MA. 3. Pořízková, Kateřina - Artimová, Jozefa — Švanda, Libor - Davidová, Eva (2016). Terminológia graeco-latina medica pro bakalářské obory LF MU (Gramatická příručka). [Terminológia Graeco-Latina Medica for Bachelor'sdegree study programmes. (Grammar Book)] Brno: MUNI Press. Available from URL [cit. 2016-09-13]. 4. Pořízková, Kateřina - Blahuš, Marek (2015), Corpus of Authentic Clinical Diagnoses: Sketch Engine as a Tool for Innovative Approach to Teaching Latin Medical Terminology. In Language Centres in Higher Education: Sharing, Innovations, Research, Methodology and Best Practices. 2015.01.15. Available from URL [cit. 2016-09-15]. 5. Pořízková, Kateřina - Blahuš, Marek (2015). Korpus autentických klinických diagnóz v prostředí softwaru Sketch Engine. [Corpus of authentic clinical diagnoses in Sketch Engine software environment.] In LATIN IT AS MEDIC A (sdílení zkušeností a inovace výuky lékařské terminologie, dějiny jazyka medicíny). Brno: Masaryk University, p. 31-42. Available from URL [cit. 2016-09-15]. 6. Pořízková. Kateřina - Švanda, Libor (2012). Inovace výuky lékařské terminologie s využitím autentické lékařské dokumentace. [Innovation in teaching basic medical terminology with the use of authentic medical documents.] In I. Vojteková- V. Ozorovský - E. Dobiášová - R. Knezovió. Fragmenty z dejín medicíny/armáde a veterinárnej medicíny. Bratislava: Kancelária WHO na Slovensku, p. 196-197. 7. The COMPACT project (CZ.l.07/2.2.00/07.0442) at Masaryk University Language Centre see URL [cit. 2016-09-15]. 8. The IMPACT project (CZ. 1.07/ 2.2.00/28.0233) see URL [cit. 2016-09-15], 9. Švanda, Libor — Pořízková, Kateřina — Artimová, Jozefa - Davidová, Eva (201 6). Terminológia graeco-latina medicapro studijní obory jýzioterapie a všeobecná sestra. [Terminológia Graeco-Latina Medica for Physiotherapists and General Nurses.] Brno: MUNI Press. Available from URL https://munispace.muni.cz/index.php/munispace/catalog/book/833 [cit. 2016-09-13]. Santrauka LOTYNIŠKOS MED1CJNOS TERMINIJOS DĚSTYMAS NEMEDICININITJ SVEIKATOS PRIEŽIÚROS PROFESIJTJ STUDENTAMS ČEKIJOS RESPUBLIKOS MASARYKO UNIVERSITETE Masaryko universiteto patirtis rodo, kad specializuotu medicinos terminijos vadovéliu naudojimas gali yeiksmingai padidinti ncmcdicinink; sveikatos priežiuros profesiji) studijn programose besimokančiij studentu motyvacija. Studentai išmoksta žodžius, reikalingus j 14 busimoms studijoms ir praktikai, o pratimai, kuriuose daugiausia panaudota medžiaga iš tikrq medicinos dokumentu, padeda studentams pasiruošti skaityti ir geriau suprasti su ju busima specialybe susijusius medicinos jrašus. SKOLINIAI LIETUVISKOJOJE MEDICINOS TERMINIJOJE Biruté Briaukiené Lietuvos sveikatos mokslif universitetas ' Anotacija. Straipsnyje apžvelgiama lietuviškoji medicinos terminy a, kuriy sudaro savi terminal ir svetimybés. Termini} skolinimas iš kitq kalby yra vienas terminu kürimo büdy. [prasčiausi daugelio kalby tenninijoje skoliniai yra tarptautiniai terminai. Skoliniai taip pat yra kitu kalby žodžiy bei žodžiy junginiy vertiniai. Daug vertiniy yra dabartinéje lietuviškojoje medicinos terminijoje. Kalbos patarimy knygos Leksika: skolinhj. vartojimas 2013 m. laidoje daugelio skolinii) vertinimas buvo pakeistas. Kai kurios iki šiol lietuviškojoje medicinos terminijoje buvusios vengtinos svetimybés tapo tarptautiniais žodžiais. Pagriežtintas buvo vos vieno medicinos termino -skolinio vartojimas. Taip buvusios vengtinos svetimybés tapo nors ir šalutiniais, tačiau lietuvit} bendrinés kalbos normos variantais. Reikšminiai žodžiai: leksikologija, skoliniai, lietuviškoji medicinos terminija. {vadas. Apie 1960 m., labiau susirupinus terminals, mokslas apie terminus atsiskyré nuo leksikologijos ir tapo savarankišku. Terminology os uždaviniy konkretizavimas ir ju. analizé leido išskirti terminology y kaip kompleksine moksline discipliny ir nustatyti j os victy lingvistiniy ir nelingvistinii} discipliny tarpe. Terminologija apima terminy kürimo ir norminimo teorijy (su istorija) ir praktiky. Terminams, skirtingai nei bendriniams žodžiams, keliami specialüs, dar didesni reikalavimai. Terminology os mokslas siejasi su jvairiais kitais kalbos mokslais: sémantika, leksikologija, morfologija, sintakse, fonetika, kalbos istorija, sociolingvistika. Terminologija susijusi ir su nelingvistiniais mokslais: matematika, informatika, logika, psichologija, sociologija. Norint 13