German linguistics (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
FF:NJII_1821A Dependency syntax • 88 %
FF:NJII_183A German lexicology II • 88 %
FF:NJII_22A Historical Development of German I • 88 %
FF:NJII_23A Contemporary Literature • 88 %
FF:NJII_34B Methods of Text Analysis • 63 %
FF:NJII_746A Project • 50 %
FF:NJII_747B Austrian Literature • 38 %
FF:NJII_755B Selected lecture • 38 %
FF:NJII_35B German mass media • 25 %
FF:NJII_3515A Textlinguistik • 25 %
FF:NJII_421B German word order compared to Czech • 25 %
FF:NJII_471B Culturtheory • 25 %
FF:NJII_97B Autobiography 19th and 20th Century • 25 %
FF:CJCFFUKR03 Czech for students of the Faculty of Arts from Ukraine I/6 • 13 %
FF:CJVA2M English for Academic Purposes II • 13 %
FF:CORE053 Information literacy course • 13 %
FF:LJ402 Classical Mythology: Heroic myths • 13 %
FF:MKM11 Introduction to Critical Thinking • 13 %
FF:NJII_132B Czech-German Language Contacts • 13 %
FF:NJII_24A Historical Development od German • 13 %
FF:NJII_25A Contemporary Literature • 13 %
FF:NJII_251A Stylistic • 13 %
FF:NJII_252A Contemporary Literature • 13 %
FF:NJII_3514B Korpuslinguistics • 13 %
FF:NJII_641 Swedish for beginners I • 13 %
FF:NJII_744B Literature in the courtyard of the Premyslid and Luxembourg 1250 -1400 • 13 %
FF:NJII_760A Rhetoric • 13 %
FF:NJII_788B The German Cinema • 13 %
FF:NJI_169A Practise of Phraseology • 13 %
FF:NJI_491B Selected lecture I • 13 %
FF:PRNJ015B Translation • 13 %
PdF:FJ0001 French for Beginners 1 • 13 %
PdF:RJ1077 Russian film 1 • 13 %
ESF:BPE_ZEKO Principles of Economics • 13 %
ESF:MPJ_PJPFD Presentation skills and techniques in German • 13 %
2nd term
FF:NJII_24A Historical Development od German • 100 %
FF:NJII_25A Contemporary Literature • 100 %
FF:NJII_251A Stylistic • 100 %
FF:NJII_252A Contemporary Literature • 100 %
FF:NJII_3515A Textlinguistik • 100 %
FF:NJII_760A Rhetoric • 100 %
FF:NJII_133B German Proper Names • 83 %
FF:NJII_746A Project • 50 %
FF:NJII_125B Selected Themes of the Historical Semantics (German) • 33 %
FF:NJII_3238B Trends in Contemporary German • 33 %
FF:NJII_421B German word order compared to Czech • 33 %
FF:NJII_94B Prague's German-Jewish Writers • 33 %
FF:NJII_954B applied linguistics and new media • 33 %
FF:HIB060BN Modern Russian History (1953-2024). From the Death of Stalin up till the End of Putin • 17 %
FF:KPI33 Digital Competence Course • 17 %
FF:NJII_137B German Chronicles of the Middle Ages • 17 %
FF:NJII_3251B Translation of Verba dicendi • 17 %
FF:NJII_3514B Korpuslinguistics • 17 %
FF:NJII_889B Literature and foreign language • 17 %
PdF:NJ_D740 Online German A2/B2: german sentence • 17 %
PdF:RJ1078 Russian film 2 • 17 %
PdF:TI9008 E-COURSE: News from the world of modern Hi-Tech aids for visually impaired people • 17 %
2nd year
3rd term
FF:NJII_744B Literature in the courtyard of the Premyslid and Luxembourg 1250 -1400 • 80 %
FF:NJII_271A Diploma Thesis Seminar - Master • 60 %
FF:NJII_35B German mass media • 60 %
FF:NJII_938B Literature and multilingualism • 60 %
FF:NJII_34B Methods of Text Analysis • 40 %
FF:NJII_747B Austrian Literature • 40 %
FF:NJII_948B Fantastic Literature • 40 %
PdF:SZ6072 E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 40 %
FF:BAX203 Finnish for Beginners III • 20 %
FF:KPI55 DigCompEdu: Technology in Education • 20 %
FF:NJII_1225B From Schnitzler to Schwab • 20 %
FF:NJII_471B Culturtheory • 20 %
FF:NJII_788B The German Cinema • 20 %
FF:NJI_491B Selected lecture I • 20 %
FF:ROM1BFR01 Practical French I • 20 %
PrF:BZ503K Rudiments of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - German • 20 %
PdF:TI9005 E-COURSE: Polymer processing from A to Z • 20 %
4th term
FF:NJII_125B Selected Themes of the Historical Semantics (German) • 60 %
FF:NJII_273A Final Exam - Master • 60 %
FF:NJII_284A Diploma Thesis Seminar - Master • 60 %
FF:NJII_38B German Phraseology in Texts • 60 %
FF:NJI_28A Diplomas Thesis - Master • 60 %
FF:KPI22 Creative Work with Information • 20 %
FF:NJII_117B Selected Themes of the Medieval Literature and their Realisations in German and Czech • 20 %
FF:NJII_133B German Proper Names • 20 %
FF:NJII_3238B Trends in Contemporary German • 20 %
FF:NJII_421B German word order compared to Czech • 20 %
FF:NJII_788B The German Cinema • 20 %
FF:NJII_889B Literature and foreign language • 20 %
FF:NJII_899B Comics • 20 %
FF:NJII_949B Fantastic Literature • 20 %
FF:NJII_954B applied linguistics and new media • 20 %
FF:ROM1BFR02 Practical French II • 20 %
PrF:NP205ZK Specific Language for Public Administration (German language) • 20 %
PdF:NJ_K311 Cultural Events in German • 20 %
CST:NPO_RS Grammar - German lawyer language • 20 %

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