French language and literature (master's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
FF:FJ2A021 French Literature I • 100 %
FF:FJ2A031 French linguistics I • 100 %
FF:FJ2B035 French Sociolinguistics • 100 %
FF:HIB046N The Liechtenstein Phenomenon • 50 %
FF:LGMA01 Introduction to Indo-European comparative linguistics I • 50 %
FF:LGMA03 Experimental syntax and semantics I. • 50 %
FF:LGMA05 Anthropolinguistics • 50 %
FF:LGMB02 Methodology of linguistics of 19th and 20th century • 50 %
FF:LGV01 Celtic languages • 50 %
2nd term
FF:FJ2A022 French Literature II • 100 %
FF:FJ2A032 French linguistics II • 100 %
FF:FJ0B732 Love in French poetry of the Renaissance and baroque periods • 50 %
FF:FJ0B807 Political imaginary • 50 %
FF:LGMA02 Introduction to Indo-European comparative linguistics II • 50 %
FF:LGMA04 Experimental syntax and semantics II. • 50 %
FF:LGMA07 Phonotactics • 50 %
FF:LGV03 Finno-Ugric languages • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
FF:FJ2A023 French Literature III • 100 %
FF:FJ2A033 French linguistics III • 100 %
ESF:MPR_ORKH Protection and Regeneration of Cultural Values in Teritory • 100 %
4th term
FF:FJ0B765 Quebec Drama • 100 %

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