Modern History (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
FF:HIA200S Methodology of Practising History • 61 %
FF:HIA282 The social development of the Czech lands and Central Europe, 1815-1939 • 61 %
FF:HIA201S History of Medieval Europe: Selected Chapters • 58 %
FF:HIB029N The Year 1848 • 48 %
FF:HIA287 Religion in the second half of the 20th century • 33 %
FF:HIA202S Basic Issues of the Early Modern Age in Europe • 30 %
FF:HIB036N Modern and Contemporary History of Poland • 30 %
FF:HIB054N Interpretation of 20th century history • 30 %
FF:HIA205S Modern Historiography • 27 %
FF:HIA203S Fundamental problems and concepts of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries • 18 %
FF:HIA204S Christianity and secularisation of Europe in the 19th and 20th century • 18 %
FF:HIB026N Superpowers and the Balkans in the 19th and 20th Century • 15 %
FF:HIA279 Introduction to the Iconography of Legal History • 12 %
FF:HIA283 Interpretation of Sources and Contemporary history • 12 %
FF:HIB045N Problems of democracy and Edward Beneš • 12 %
FF:HIB048N Multicultural Heritage of the Czech Lands • 12 %
FF:HIB056N History of Czech-Balkan relations • 12 %
2nd term
FF:HIA202S Basic Issues of the Early Modern Age in Europe • 61 %
FF:HIA205S Modern Historiography • 61 %
FF:HIA287 Religion in the second half of the 20th century • 58 %
FF:HIA204S Christianity and secularisation of Europe in the 19th and 20th century • 42 %
FF:HIA200S Methodology of Practising History • 35 %
FF:HIA282 The social development of the Czech lands and Central Europe, 1815-1939 • 35 %
FF:HIA284 Moravia in the History of the Nineteenth Century • 35 %
FF:HIA201S History of Medieval Europe: Selected Chapters • 29 %
FF:HIA203S Fundamental problems and concepts of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries • 29 %
FF:HIB029N The Year 1848 • 29 %
FF:HIA279 Introduction to the Iconography of Legal History • 19 %
FF:HIA283 Interpretation of Sources and Contemporary history • 19 %
FF:HIB026N Superpowers and the Balkans in the 19th and 20th Century • 16 %
FF:HIB045N Problems of democracy and Edward Beneš • 13 %
FF:HIB061N Provincial Parliament and his Representatives, 1848-1918 • 13 %
FF:JSB253 Wars, coups, dictatorships: Balkans 1900-1945 • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
FF:HIA277I Dissertation supervision I • 65 %
FF:HIA283 Interpretation of Sources and Contemporary history • 42 %
FF:HIA203S Fundamental problems and concepts of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries • 35 %
FF:HIA297 Friends and Foes: Vienna and Berlin, 1815-1938 • 35 %
FF:HIB021N Gustáv Husák in the Context of Slovak and Czechoslovak History of the 20th Century • 31 %
FF:HIB061N Provincial Parliament and his Representatives, 1848-1918 • 23 %
FF:HIA284 Moravia in the History of the Nineteenth Century • 19 %
FF:HIA287 Religion in the second half of the 20th century • 19 %
FF:HIA205S Modern Historiography • 15 %
FF:HIB060BN Modern Russian History (1953-2024). From the Death of Stalin up till the End of Putin • 15 %
FF:HIA201S History of Medieval Europe: Selected Chapters • 12 %
FF:HIA202S Basic Issues of the Early Modern Age in Europe • 12 %
FF:HIA204S Christianity and secularisation of Europe in the 19th and 20th century • 12 %
FF:HIB034N History of Balkans since 1944 • 12 %
FF:HIB036N Modern and Contemporary History of Poland • 12 %
FF:HIB046N The Liechtenstein Phenomenon • 12 %
FF:HIB059BN Internship in an academic library • 12 %
FF:HIB066N Chapters from the history of State Security in Czechoslovakia (StB) in 1945-1990 • 12 %
FF:JSB253 Wars, coups, dictatorships: Balkans 1900-1945 • 12 %
4th term
FF:HIA277II Dissertation supervision II • 62 %
FF:HIA294 Master’s Thesis • 43 %
FF:HIA295 Master`s State Exam • 38 %
FF:HIB061N Provincial Parliament and his Representatives, 1848-1918 • 33 %
FF:HIA277I Dissertation supervision I • 29 %
FF:HIA204S Christianity and secularisation of Europe in the 19th and 20th century • 24 %
FF:HIA283 Interpretation of Sources and Contemporary history • 24 %
FF:HIB066N Chapters from the history of State Security in Czechoslovakia (StB) in 1945-1990 • 19 %
FF:HIA203S Fundamental problems and concepts of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries • 14 %

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