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Number of results: 7990 (the number of these who do not have their thesis in the archive: 1175)

Faculty of Medicine
include only defended theses

Čížová, Denisa

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2021

Programme: Physiotherapy
Study plan: Physiotherapy
Bachelor's thesis: Medical rehabilitation plan and process in treatment of medial meniscus injury

Čmelíková, Nikola

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Medicine, 2024

Programme: Specializations in Health Science
Field of Study: Physiotherapy
Master's thesis: Variability of the blood pressure in healthy team sports players

Čuková, Eva

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2023

Programme: Physiotherapy
Study plan: Physiotherapy
Bachelor's thesis: Medical-rehabilitation plan and procedure for a patient after lumbar spine surgery

Daněk, Dominik

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2022

Programme: Paramedic practice
Study plan: Paramedic practice
Bachelor's thesis: Bleeding and its management in prehospital care

Daňková, Barbora

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2022

Programme: Optics and Optometry
Study plan: Optics and Optometry
Bachelor's thesis: Refractive errors correction possibilities

David, Richard

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2021

Programme: Physiotherapy
Study plan: Physiotherapy
Bachelor's thesis: Medical rehabilitation plan and process of obese patients

Dávidová, Mária

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Medicine, 2024

Programme: Dietitian
Study plan: Dietetian
Master's thesis: Selected microelements in vegetable meat substitutes

de Matos Ďuriníková, Anna

(awarded the degree Ph.D.)

Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2024

Programme: Oncology and Hematology
Study plan: Experimental Oncology and Tumor Biology
Doctoral theses, Dissertations: Study of heterogenity of mutant clones in patients with acute myeloid leukemia using NGS methods

Dědková, Lucie

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Medicine, 2022

Programme: Specializations in Health Science
Field of Study: Physiotherapy
Master's thesis: The Influence of Physical Activity on Nocturnal Dipping of Blood Pressure in Healthy Sportswomen – Volleyball Players

Demel, Jiří

(awarded the degree Ph.D.)

Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2023

Programme: Surgery and Reproductive Medicine
Study plan: Surgery
Doctoral theses, Dissertations: Issues in Treatment of Proximal Metaphyseal Fractures of the V. Metatarsus

Demlová, Lucie

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2021

Programme: Nursing
Field of Study: General Nurse
Bachelor's thesis: Prevention of ocular complications in an unconscious patient

Demlová, Lucie

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Medicine, 2024

Programme: Public Health
Study plan: Public Health
Master's thesis: A synthesis of the evidence on the cost-effectiveness of cystectomy

Deylová, Simona

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Medicine, 2021

Programme: Intensive Care
Study plan: Intensive Care
Master's thesis: Complications of Artificial Lung Ventilation in Resuscitation Care

Dítětová, Daniela

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Medicine, 2024

Programme: Intensive Care
Study plan: Intensive Care
Master's thesis: Safe manipulating of a short-term central venous catheter in intensive care

Dítětová, Nikol

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2024

Programme: Radiology Assistance
Study plan: Radiology Assistance
Bachelor's thesis: The Importance of Radiotherapy in Urological Oncology

Divišová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2022

Programme: Physiotherapy
Study plan: Physiotherapy
Bachelor's thesis: Medical-rehabilitation plan and process after lower limb traumatic injury

Dobešová, Hana

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2023

Programme: Midwifery
Study plan: Midwifery
Bachelor's thesis: How do fathers evaluate their presence at the birth of their child in retrospect

Dobešová, Klára

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2024

Programme: Dietitian
Study plan: Dietitian
Bachelor's thesis: Citrus-treasury of health

Dohnálek, Jakub

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Medicine, 2022

Programme: Specializations in Health Science
Field of Study: Physiotherapy
Master's thesis: Evaluation of the effect of post-acute rehabilitation in patients after lower limb fractures on functional independence

Dohnalová, Markéta

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Medicine, 2023

Programme: Dental Hygiene
Study plan: Dental Hygiene
Bachelor's thesis: Burnout syndrome at dental hygienists and dentists