Number of results: 100

Results of 3 selected fields/plans of study
Faculty of Arts
Field of Study/plan
FF - Humanities: General Linguistics FF - Philology: General Linguistics
include only defended theses

Jašíčková, Andrea

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2011

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Linguistic means of communication on the internet discussion forums

Jechová, Zdeňka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2011

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Rhaeto-Romance languages and their position among Italian and French

Kandusová, Eliška

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2011

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Oldřich Hujer - life and work.

Kašpárková, Blanka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2011

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: The Names for Porridge and Bread in Slavonic Languages. A Historical and Comparative Study

Kinská, Ivana

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2008

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: The concept of language and language sign of Ferdinand de Saussure and William Dwight Whitney

Klimeková, Lucia

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2015

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Communication of young people in social networks

Kloudová, Veronika

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2012

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Analyticity in the context of analytic philosophy of the 20th century

Klusková, Lucie

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2007

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Lingual comunation of childrens and teenagers in mixed czech-polish language

Kovaříková, Martina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2012

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Semantic Analyses of Czech numerals: A Case Study of the "-jí" Numerals

Kratochvílová, Irena

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2006

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: An Advertisement and its Written Language

Krivoshchekova, Jana

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2021

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Word taboo. Invective in russian language in a sociolinguistics context

Kroupová, Lucie

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2008

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Professor Bedřich Hrozný

Krpcová, Šárka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2007

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: On Application of Glottochronology for Kartvelian Languages

Křetínský, Jan

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2007

Programme: Humanities
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Mathematical Framework for Natural Language Formal Description

Kučera, Doman

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2016

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: The origin and motivation for the creation of the chess terminology in Czech

Kuruncziová, Dominika

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2016

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Homogeneity presupposition,

Květoňová, Michaela

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2019

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Generational transformations of traditional dialect

Lukešová, Pavlína

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2015

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Changes in Futhark in Connection to Evolution of Runic Swedish

Malinová, Barbora

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2022

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Folklore customs in the Zlin region (motivation of naming and origin)

Marková, Zuzana

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Arts, 2011

Programme: Philology
Field of Study: General Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis: Abbreviations of English Origin and Their Pronunciation in Czech Language Environment