Number of results: 133

Results of 12 selected fields/plans of study
Faculty of Social Studies
Field of Study/plan
FSS - Environmental Humanities: Gender Studies FSS - International Territorial Studies: Gender Studies FSS - Media and Communication Studies: Gender Studies FSS - Psychology: Gender Studies FSS - Social Policy and Social Work: Gender Studies FSS - Sociology: Gender Studies

Šplíchal, Pavel

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2009

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Gendered language in equal opportinites for bussiness

Šťastná, Ivona

(the defence was not successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2010

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Content Analysis of Bravo and Popcorn Magazines Through Gender Lens

Šťastná, Ivona

(the defence was not successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2010

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Content Analysis of Bravo and Popcorn Magazines Through Gender Lens

Štefečková, Veronika

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2015

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Transgenderism - Towards a Human Rights Perspective

Šturmová, Jana

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2012

Programme: Psychology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Some Legal issues of understanding of domestic violence

Trinkewitz, Zdeněk

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2009

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Sexuality in the Discourse of Sociology, Psychology and Sexology: Medical Discourse on Disorders of Sexual Differentiation from a Gender Perspective

Vácová, Jitka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2009

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Gender anylysis of a town budget

Varchoľáková, Kamila

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2012

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: Czech Courts’ Practice From Feminist Perspective

Vysloužilová, Karolína

(the defence was not successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2016

Programme: Media and Communication Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Representation of violence in section Black Chronicle in a daily newspaper Brněnský deník Rovnost

Vysloužilová, Karolína

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2017

Programme: Media and Communication Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Representation of family and gender roles of its members in the journal Mateřídouška

Zapletalová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2008

Programme: Psychology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Understanding and acceptance of feminist fairy-tales by preschool children

Zmeškalová, Zuzana

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2010

Programme: International Territorial Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Open Relationships: Subversive Potential or Normative Construciton?

Žáková, Vendula

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2014

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Masculinities in the lifestyle magazine Maxim