Number of results: 133

Results of 13 selected fields/plans of study
Field of Study/plan
FSS - Environmental Humanities: Gender Studies FSS - Humanities: Gender Studies FSS - International Territorial Studies: Gender Studies FSS - Media and Communication Studies: Gender Studies FSS - Psychology: Gender Studies FSS - Social Policy and Social Work: Gender Studies FSS - Sociology: Gender Studies

Dostálová, Petra

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2010

Programme: Media and Communication Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: The phenomenon of anorexia nervosa in men through gender lens

Dovrtělová, Monika

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2012

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Hegemonic masculinity and emphasized femininity in books for children

Dubová, Magdaléna

(the defence was not successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2012

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Masculinity Crisis in the Post Soviet Russia and its Potential Inspirations for the Czech Context

Dvorská, Lenka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2009

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Stereotypes of Victims and Perpetrators in a TV Program "Home Alone"

Fabiánová, Lucie

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2012

Programme: Environmental Humanities
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Gender reflections on representation of childbirth in "zdravotnické noviny" (Medical newspaper)

Frančiak, Matúš

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2015

Programme: Media and Communication Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Analysis of the gender equality policies of the Slovak Republic

Frantová, Pavlína

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2010

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Women managers and their careers from the perspective of gender

Glatzová, Marie

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2020

Programme: Environmental Humanities
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Developing and Nurturing Children in Homoparental Families as Seen by Comentators on the portal

Havlíková, Petra

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2010

Programme: Media and Communication Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Reprezentation of sportsmmen masculinity in social magazines

Hávová, Barbora

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2013

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Reconciliation of work and private life in the context of promoting gender equality

Helešic, Štěpán

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2008

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Physical education and sport - (non)gendering body

Hendrychová, Vanda

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2018

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Sexual harrasment as seen by participants in the #metoo campaign

Hilarová, Dagmar

(the defence was not successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2011

Programme: Psychology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Domestic Violence concepts of two jewish organisations

Hilarová, Dagmar

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2011

Programme: Psychology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Against all Jewish values: some conceptions od the domestic violence in the world of orthodox Judaism

Hlavoňová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2008

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Gender Analysis of Czech and Slovak Hip Hop Scene

Holešová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2010

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Discourses of risk sexual behaviour in sex education materials: A case study

Hortová, Simona

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2015

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Content analysis of press releases announced by the Brno City Police Department

Horynová, Michaela

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2013

Programme: Media and Communication Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Logic of Dominance in Residential Suburbs

Hořavová, Šárka

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2009

Programme: Sociology
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Voluntary childlessness of women under the social surveillance

Hučková, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2009

Programme: Media and Communication Studies
Field of Study: Gender Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Pro-ana: Anorexia as a subversion?