Number of results: 389

Results of 5 selected fields/plans of study
Faculty of Science
Field of Study/plan
PřF - Geology: Geology
include only defended theses

Fürychová, Petra

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2013

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Evaluation of function of the impermeable barrier at site Litvinov - Kopisty

Gabzdyl, Pavel

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2007

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Research of selected lunar achondrites by their derivation, origin and status among other lunar rocks

Galová, Veronika

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2012

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Hydrogeological evaluation of new ground water supply wells for the Brno ZOO

Gazdová, Adéla

(awarded the degree Mgr.)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2018

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Sedimentary analysis of deposits of the Žerotice Member and their comparison to Eggenburgian to Ottnangian deposits

Goldbach, Marek

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2011

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Evaluation of vulnerability of karstic aquifer in the Moravian Karst

Gramblička, Roman

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2008

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: The characterization of amphiboles in metabasite rocks NE part of Bohemian Massif

Gricová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2016

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Petrological evaluation of the selected prospections drilings on the oil and gas.

Grünvald, Aleš

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2011

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Hydrogeology and engineering geology of the projected pond in Hradec nad Svitavou

Grydilová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2007

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Present state and provenance of the algal limestones of historic buildings in Brno

Habrda, Luděk

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2011

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Hydrogeology of the aquifer at the Karlova Studánka

Haifler, Jakub

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2013

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Characterization of the alteration processes of the metamict zirconolite

Halíková, Janetta

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2018

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Natural radioactivity of rock environment on the regional geological map 1: 50 000 Brno and surroundings

Halló, Miroslav

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2011

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Study of geometry of the seismo-active structure in the epicentral area Nový Kostel (western Bohemia)

Hanáček, Martin

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2010

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Sedimentological research of the glacifluvial deposits at the Kolnovice locality in Jeseníky area

Hasík, Zdeněk

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2013

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Shear strength of selected anisotropic rocks

Heroldová, Nikola

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2013

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Low-temperature alteration of metamict minerals

Hladík, Václav

(awarded the degree Mgr.)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2021

Programme: Geology
Study plan: Geology
Master's thesis: Sedimentological evaluation of selected borehole cores from the underground natural gas storage Dolní Dunajovice

Hladká, Zuzana

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2010

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Study of Soil Residues in Relation to Lithostratigraphy of Underlying Moravian Karst Limestones

Hlávka, David

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2020

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Gamma-spectrometric mapping in the Southernmost part of the Třebíč Pluton

Hnilicová, Kristýna

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2009

Programme: Geology
Field of Study: Geology
Master's thesis: Characteristic of the carbonate raw materials used for the specilaised lime production