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Faculty of Science
include only defended theses

Varaďa, Jan

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2023

Programme: Chemistry
Study plan: Chemistry
Bachelor's thesis: Synthesis and characterization of phosphonium salts

Vařečka, Vojtěch

(awarded the degree Mgr.)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Chemistry
Study plan: Physical Chemistry
Master's thesis: Structural and interaction properties of carbonic anhydrase IX's PG domain – Applications towards selective inhibition

Vašek, Antonín

(awarded the degree Mgr.)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2022

Programme: Biochemistry
Study plan: Genomics and Proteomics
Master's thesis: Chronopotentiometric analysis of galectins

Vašková, Karolina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Biochemistry
Study plan: Applied biochemistry
Bachelor's thesis: Mapping the frequency and persistence of breaks and bulky DNA lesions in histone chaperone mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

Večeře, Jiří

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2022

Programme: Physics
Study plan: Plasma physics and nanotechnology
Master's thesis: Determination of the optical constants of thin substrates in the infrared region

Večeřová, Aneta

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2023

Programme: Computational biology and biomedicine
Study plan: Epidemiology and modeling
Bachelor's thesis: Epidemiology of patients with depression in relationship to COVID19 period

Vechetová, Jitka

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Biotechnology
Study plan: Biotechnology
Master's thesis: The periplasmic copper-binding CusF family proteins from the bioleaching bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

Vejvodová, Markéta

(awarded the degree Mgr.)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2022

Programme: Chemistry
Study plan: Analytical Chemistry
Master's thesis: Biorecognition tools

Velecká, Kateřina

(awarded the degree Bc.)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Study plan: Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Bachelor's thesis: Synurbanization of bats – ecology of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in city

Velecká, Miroslava

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Biochemistry
Study plan: Biochemistry
Master's thesis: Analysis of telomere binding proteins in Arabidopsis

Vernerová, Karolína

(awarded the degree Mgr.)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Computational biology and biomedicine
Study plan: Epidemiology and modeling
Master's thesis: Transmission model of human papillomavirus for evaluation of health policies in the Czech population

Veselá, Barbora

(awarded the degree Bc.)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Computational biology and biomedicine
Study plan: Epidemiology and modeling
Bachelor's thesis: Life expectancy of patients with selected diagnoses

Veselá, Veronika

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Biotechnology
Study plan: Biotechnology
Master's thesis: Optimization of 3D printed titanium parameters to improve osseointegration and promote healing

Veselý, Lukáš

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2023

Programme: Chemistry
Study plan: Physical Chemistry
Master's thesis: Dependance of methylene blue aggregation extent on salt concentration in frozen aqueous solutions

Víchová, Dorota

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Study plan: Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Bachelor's thesis: Noninvasive genetic monitoring of European wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Javorníky Mts

Vilkova, Anastassiya

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2023

Programme: Biochemistry
Study plan: Biochemistry
Bachelor's thesis: Isolation and expansion of proximal tubular cells from urine

Vítek, Tomáš

(awarded the degree Bc.)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Physics
Study plan: Physics
Bachelor's thesis: Gamma-ray detector calibration for GRBBeta nanosatellite

Vítková, Michaela

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Science, 2022

Programme: Physics
Study plan: Astrophysics
Master's thesis: Radial velocity measurements with the iodine cell

Vittová, Annette

(awarded the degree Bc.)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2024

Programme: Biochemistry
Study plan: Biochemistry
Bachelor's thesis: Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium in the intestinal content of domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica) using RealTime PCR Method

Vláčil, Matěj

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Science, 2023

Programme: Chemistry
Study plan: Chemistry
Bachelor's thesis: Effect of surface modification on kinetic properties of monolithic stationary phases