Number of results: 106

Results of 2 selected fields/plans of study
Faculty of Education
Field of Study/plan
PdF - Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools: Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in English Language and Literature

Vítek, Martin

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Education, 2015

Programme: Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Field of Study: Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in English Language and Literature
Master's thesis: Approach to children with agressive behaviour

Vondráčková, Tereza

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Education, 2012

Programme: Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Field of Study: Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in English Language and Literature
Master's thesis: Using Graphic Novels with Pupils at Upper Primary School

Vyžrálková, Marie

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Education, 2015

Programme: Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Field of Study: Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in English Language and Literature
Master's thesis: Comparison of Selected Features of Traditional and Modern Fairy Tales

Ziklová, Anna

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Education, 2016

Programme: Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Master's thesis: Toastmasters as alternative approach to preparation for school leaving examination.

Zouharová, Veronika

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Education, 2012

Programme: Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Field of Study: Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in English Language and Literature
Master's thesis: The Consequences of the Abolition of Slavery

Zvolská, Petra

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Education, 2014

Programme: Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Master's thesis: Teacher Professional Development and Teacher Training Program in the USA: A Case Study