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Faculty of Social Studies
include only defended theses

Buda, Tomáš

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2025

Programme: Political Science
Study plan: Political Science
Master's thesis: The impact of Benjamin Netanyahu on party polarization in Israel

Buchtová, Martina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Security & Strategic Studies
Study plan: Security and Strategic Studies
Bachelor's thesis: The use of artificial intelligence and other modern technologies at international airports

Bujnochová, Kateřina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: International Relations
Study plan: International Relations
Bachelor's thesis: The impact of the conflict in Ukraine on Estonia's security policy

Bukovinová, Barbora

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2025

Programme: Media Studies and Journalism
Study plan: Media Studies and Journalism
Bachelor's thesis: Young farmers: A shorter version of the show Bilance focused on generational renewal in agriculture

Bunďálek, Radim

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Security & Strategic Studies
Study plan: Security and Strategic Studies
Bachelor's thesis: Analysis & comparison of potential replacements for BMP-2 in Czech Republic army

Burešová, Martina

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Public and Social Policy and Human Resources
Study plan: Public and Social Policy
Master's thesis: Public collections in the Czech Republic: Options for strengthening trust in non-profit initiatives

Burget, Martin

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Psychology
Study plan: Psychology
Bachelor's thesis: Eye gaze fixation during item-response process: consequence with manifest response and psychometric correlates

Burian, Tomáš

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Security and Strategic Studies
Study plan: Security and Strategic Studies
Master's thesis: Analysis of Ammunition Production in the EU and its evolution from 2008 to the present

Bzhadug, Alina

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2023

Programme: International Relations and European Politics
Study plan: International Relations and European Politics
Bachelor's thesis: The End of a Nation-Wide Right to Abortion in the United States: A Content Analysis Of European Daily Press

Caha, Jakub

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2023

Programme: Psychology
Study plan: Psychology
Master's thesis: "They come with the hope that something will improve... but let's define 'improve' first.": Side effects of family and systemic therapy from the perspective of therapists

Cao, Le

(awarded the degree Ph.D.)

Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Sociology
Doctoral theses, Dissertations: From the Belt and Road Initiative to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Discursive Constructions of the Global South and Chinese National Self-Imagination

Carbol, Daniel

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Psychology
Study plan: Psychology
Master's thesis: Teachers and Misinformation: A Thematic Analysis of Teachers' and Youth Workers' Perceptions of Resources and Barriers in Teaching Media Literacy in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Castrillón Levoyer, Diego Eduardo

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2025

Programme: International Relations and European Politics
Study plan: International Relations and European Politics
Master's thesis: Paths Towards Economic Recovery for Argentina

Çavuş, Selcen Gülce

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: International Relations and European Politics
Study plan: International Relations and European Politics
Bachelor's thesis: Turkey - China Relations in the Context of Xinjiang Region: An Analysis of Media in Turkey

Cenedese, Viktorie

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: Public and Social Policy and Human Resources
Study plan: Personnel management and organisational development
Master's thesis: Wage discrimination against women and its factors in the selected company

Csonková, Timea

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: European Studies
Study plan: European Studies
Master's thesis: Comparative analysis of the recommendations proposed by the European Citizens' Panel with the measures taken by the European Commission

Cutáková, Alžběta

(the defence was successful)

Master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), Faculty of Social Studies, 2025

Programme: Media Studies and Journalism
Study plan: Media research and analytics
Master's thesis: “I have two university diplomas, yet I still watch this.” A Qualitative study on motivations of viewers of Czech Wife Swap (Výměna manželek) and phenomena related to this consumption.

Cyprianová, Ema

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2023

Programme: International Relations
Study plan: International Relations
Bachelor's thesis: Afghanistan under the Taliban: engagement or isolation?

Czepiec, Jakub

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2025

Programme: International Relations
Study plan: International Relations
Bachelor's thesis: Transforming Poland’s Coal Sector: Options for a Sustainable Energy Future

Czúdor, Matúš

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, 2024

Programme: International Relations
Study plan: International Relations
Bachelor's thesis: Hungarian minority policy and the failure of the activism policy of Hungarian minority parties in interwar Czechoslovakia