Theses on a related topic (having the same keywords):
regional center, metropolitan area, regionalni centrum, ostrava, dopravni politika, metropolitni oblast, brno, doprava, transport, transport policyKeywords ordered alphabetically | Keywords ordered by occurrence rate
Pečtová, Magdaléna
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Teacher Training for Secondary Schools / Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Czech Language and Literature
Master's thesis defence: Beletristická tvorba Josefa Merhauta | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Teacher Training for Secondary Schools / Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Czech Language and Literature
Master's thesis defence: Beletristická tvorba Josefa Merhauta | Theses on a related topic
Pejchal, Jiří
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / Archaeology
Bachelor's thesis defence: Zpracování nálezů z objektů č. 7 a 17 z Dominikánské ulice v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / Archaeology
Bachelor's thesis defence: Zpracování nálezů z objektů č. 7 a 17 z Dominikánské ulice v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Pejšová, Petra
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Public Policy / Public Administration
Master's thesis defence: Financování kultury v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Public Policy / Public Administration
Master's thesis defence: Financování kultury v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Pelcová, Veronika
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Law and Legal Science / Law
Master's thesis defence: Ochrana hospodářských zvířat de lege lata a de lege ferenda | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Law and Legal Science / Law
Master's thesis defence: Ochrana hospodářských zvířat de lege lata a de lege ferenda | Theses on a related topic
Pelcová, Veronika
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Combined Art Studies / Combined Art Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Jezuitské školní divadlo v Brně v 17. století | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Combined Art Studies / Combined Art Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Jezuitské školní divadlo v Brně v 17. století | Theses on a related topic
Pelikánová, Lucie
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Theatre Science
Master's thesis defence: Scénografie Karla Zmrzlého | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Theatre Science
Master's thesis defence: Scénografie Karla Zmrzlého | Theses on a related topic
Pěrková, Denisa
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Regional Development and Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Firemní plány mobility na území města Brna | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Regional Development and Tourism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Firemní plány mobility na území města Brna | Theses on a related topic
Peřinová, Jana
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Philology / German Language and Literature
Bachelor's thesis defence: Nikolsburger und Brünner Sagen als Bestandteil des kulturellen Gedächtnisses | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Philology / German Language and Literature
Bachelor's thesis defence: Nikolsburger und Brünner Sagen als Bestandteil des kulturellen Gedächtnisses | Theses on a related topic
Pesrová, Veronika
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economy and Management / Business Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Podniková logistika v podniku Ferona, a.s. v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Podniková logistika v podniku Ferona, a.s. v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economy and Management / Business Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Podniková logistika v podniku Ferona, a.s. v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Podniková logistika v podniku Ferona, a.s. v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Pešl, Jan
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D.
Programme/field: Informatics / Informatics
Doctoral thesis defence: Uncertainty handling in the environmental modeling using computer algebra systems with online data manipulation
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D.
Programme/field: Informatics / Informatics
Doctoral thesis defence: Uncertainty handling in the environmental modeling using computer algebra systems with online data manipulation
Petláková, Ivana
Faculty: Faculty of Sports Studies
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Physical Education and Sport / Management in Sport (combination/specialization: Management of Tourist Trade)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza využívání a bezpečnosti cyklistické dopravy ZŠ Újezd u Brna | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Sports Studies
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Physical Education and Sport / Management in Sport (combination/specialization: Management of Tourist Trade)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza využívání a bezpečnosti cyklistické dopravy ZŠ Újezd u Brna | Theses on a related topic
Petlička, Filip
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / Museology
Master's thesis defence: Koncepce rozvoje Ostravského muzea 2023–2027 | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / Museology
Master's thesis defence: Koncepce rozvoje Ostravského muzea 2023–2027 | Theses on a related topic
Petrojová, Martina maiden name: Hanáková
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences (4-years) / Ethnology
Doctoral thesis defence: Současný busking a jeho kontexty (na příkladu výzkumu v českém prostoru) | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences (4-years) / Ethnology
Doctoral thesis defence: Současný busking a jeho kontexty (na příkladu výzkumu v českém prostoru) | Theses on a related topic
Petrović, Miloš
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Applied Informatics / Applied Informatics
Bachelor's thesis defence: Architectural Study for Building of a Restaurant as Part of Reconstruction of the Exhibition Grounds at "Cerna louka" (Black Meadow) in Ostrava | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Applied Informatics / Applied Informatics
Bachelor's thesis defence: Architectural Study for Building of a Restaurant as Part of Reconstruction of the Exhibition Grounds at "Cerna louka" (Black Meadow) in Ostrava | Theses on a related topic
Petrucha, Jakub
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / History
Master's thesis defence: Hrček & Neugebauer: Historie brněnské továrny na výrobu hasící techniky | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / History
Master's thesis defence: Hrček & Neugebauer: Historie brněnské továrny na výrobu hasící techniky | Theses on a related topic
Petružela, Tomáš
Faculty: Faculty of Sports Studies
Year: 2016, studies terminated for failure to fulfill study requirements
Programme/field: Physical Education and Sport / Management in Sport
Bachelor's thesis defence: Města České republiky s nejvyššími ligovými soutěžemi | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Sports Studies
Year: 2016, studies terminated for failure to fulfill study requirements
Programme/field: Physical Education and Sport / Management in Sport
Bachelor's thesis defence: Města České republiky s nejvyššími ligovými soutěžemi | Theses on a related topic
Pidima, Dominik
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / History
Master's thesis defence: Oslavy Prvního máje v letech 1945-1960 v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / History
Master's thesis defence: Oslavy Prvního máje v letech 1945-1960 v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Pilařová, Anna
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / Ethnology
Master's thesis defence: Komparace současného pohřbu v městském a venkovském prostředí. Na příkladu Brna a Ratíškovic | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / Ethnology
Master's thesis defence: Komparace současného pohřbu v městském a venkovském prostředí. Na příkladu Brna a Ratíškovic | Theses on a related topic
Pilařová, Zuzana
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2006, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Geography and Cartography / Geography (combination/specialization: Physical Geography)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Klimatické řady denních hodnot tlaku a teploty vzduchu v Brně v období 1848-2005 | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2006, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Geography and Cartography / Geography (combination/specialization: Physical Geography)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Klimatické řady denních hodnot tlaku a teploty vzduchu v Brně v období 1848-2005 | Theses on a related topic
Pinďáková, Gabriela
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / History of Arts
Bachelor's thesis defence: Nájemní dům v Brně, Koliště 29 a Otto Eisler | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / History of Arts
Bachelor's thesis defence: Nájemní dům v Brně, Koliště 29 a Otto Eisler | Theses on a related topic
Pipová, Anna
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2024, studies under way
Programme/field: Law / Law
Master's thesis defence: Ochrana dřevin rostoucích mimo les v právním řádu České republiky | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2024, studies under way
Programme/field: Law / Law
Master's thesis defence: Ochrana dřevin rostoucích mimo les v právním řádu České republiky | Theses on a related topic
Plevák, Ondřej
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Media and Communication Studies / European Studies, Media Studies and Journalism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Florbal v Brně: Soubor zpravodajských článků pro Brněnský deník Rovnost | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Media and Communication Studies / European Studies, Media Studies and Journalism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Florbal v Brně: Soubor zpravodajských článků pro Brněnský deník Rovnost | Theses on a related topic
Podhorný, Karel
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Specialization in Education / Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Civics, Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in History
Bachelor's thesis defence: FC Zbrojovka Brno (SK Židenice) v nejvyšší české fotbalové soutěži mezi válkami (1933-1939) | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Specialization in Education / Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Civics, Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in History
Bachelor's thesis defence: FC Zbrojovka Brno (SK Židenice) v nejvyšší české fotbalové soutěži mezi válkami (1933-1939) | Theses on a related topic
Podhrázský, Štěpán
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Geography and Cartography / Social Geography
Master's thesis defence: Morfogenetické zóny města a jejich vztah k funkční a socio-ekonomické městské struktuře | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Geography and Cartography / Social Geography
Master's thesis defence: Morfogenetické zóny města a jejich vztah k funkční a socio-ekonomické městské struktuře | Theses on a related topic
Podmol, Jan
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Media Studies and Journalism / Media Studies and Journalism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Naše Lužánky - série publicistických rozhovorů na téma fotbalový stadion za Lužánkami v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Media Studies and Journalism / Media Studies and Journalism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Naše Lužánky - série publicistických rozhovorů na téma fotbalový stadion za Lužánkami v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Podškubková, Barbora
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Brněnský filmový klub v období změn: Vytváření kulturního prostoru klubovými funkcionáři v letech 1968-1982 | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Brněnský filmový klub v období změn: Vytváření kulturního prostoru klubovými funkcionáři v letech 1968-1982 | Theses on a related topic
Podškubková, Barbora
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Master's thesis defence: Klubisté sobě. Funkcionáři Filmového klubu v Uherském Brodě v letech 1976-1989 | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Master's thesis defence: Klubisté sobě. Funkcionáři Filmového klubu v Uherském Brodě v letech 1976-1989 | Theses on a related topic
Pohlová, Tereza maiden name: Luzarová
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Culture Management
Master's thesis defence: Brno ve filmu - možnosti a uplatnění města ve filmovém průmyslu | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Culture Management
Master's thesis defence: Brno ve filmu - možnosti a uplatnění města ve filmovém průmyslu | Theses on a related topic
Pokorná, Aneta
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Civics and Basics of Social Studies for Education / Civics and Basics of Social Studies for Education, German Language for Education
Bachelor's thesis defence: Zapojení ukrajinských dětí v brněnském prostředí: Etické aspekty a dopady | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Civics and Basics of Social Studies for Education / Civics and Basics of Social Studies for Education, German Language for Education
Bachelor's thesis defence: Zapojení ukrajinských dětí v brněnském prostředí: Etické aspekty a dopady | Theses on a related topic
Pokorná, Monika maiden name: Krautová
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Legal Specializations / Legal Questions of Land Register
Bachelor's thesis defence: Výstavba dopravní infrastruktury - právní aspekty | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Legal Specializations / Legal Questions of Land Register
Bachelor's thesis defence: Výstavba dopravní infrastruktury - právní aspekty | Theses on a related topic
Pokorná, Petra
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Mathematics / Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography, Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics
Master's thesis defence: Evidence, komparace a zhodnocení dopravních záměrů krajů a regionů NUTS 2 v České republice
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Mathematics / Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography, Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics
Master's thesis defence: Evidence, komparace a zhodnocení dopravních záměrů krajů a regionů NUTS 2 v České republice
Pokorná, Romana
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Economic Policy
Master's thesis defence: Švédská železniční reforma | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / Economic Policy
Master's thesis defence: Švédská železniční reforma | Theses on a related topic
Pokorný, Tomáš
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Za školu radostnou, bojovnou, socialistickou: film a jiná kultura brněnských škol mezi lety 1945-1953 | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Za školu radostnou, bojovnou, socialistickou: film a jiná kultura brněnských škol mezi lety 1945-1953 | Theses on a related topic
Pokorný, Tomáš
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Culture Management
Master's thesis defence: Kultura mezi paneláky: případová studie sídliště Brno-Vinohrady | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Culture Management
Master's thesis defence: Kultura mezi paneláky: případová studie sídliště Brno-Vinohrady | Theses on a related topic
Poláčková, Karolína
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Media Studies and Journalism / Environmental Studies, Media Studies and Journalism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Současný stav sociálního bydlení pro rodiny s dětmi v Brně – série článků pro MF DNES | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Media Studies and Journalism / Environmental Studies, Media Studies and Journalism
Bachelor's thesis defence: Současný stav sociálního bydlení pro rodiny s dětmi v Brně – série článků pro MF DNES | Theses on a related topic
Poláchová, Petra
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / European Economy, Administrative and Cultural Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Evropské kulturní město, současnost a vize | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Administration
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economic Policy and Administration / European Economy, Administrative and Cultural Studies
Bachelor's thesis defence: Evropské kulturní město, současnost a vize | Theses on a related topic
Polák, Jan
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Visual informatics / Computer Games Development
Master's thesis defence: Multimediální instalace pro "Mrak" Uměleckoprůmyslového muzea | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Visual informatics / Computer Games Development
Master's thesis defence: Multimediální instalace pro "Mrak" Uměleckoprůmyslového muzea | Theses on a related topic
Polák, Martin
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Culture Management
Master's thesis defence: Kulturní spolupráce partnerských měst | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Culture Management
Master's thesis defence: Kulturní spolupráce partnerských měst | Theses on a related topic
Polák, Martin
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Musicology
Master's thesis defence: Hudební vysílání Československé televize Brno v letech 1961-1973 | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Musicology
Master's thesis defence: Hudební vysílání Československé televize Brno v letech 1961-1973 | Theses on a related topic
Poláková, Klára
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Specialization in Education / Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Health Education, Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Natural Science
Bachelor's thesis defence: Želva nádherná v okolí Brna | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Specialization in Education / Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Health Education, Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Natural Science
Bachelor's thesis defence: Želva nádherná v okolí Brna | Theses on a related topic
Poláková, Michaela
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Specialization in Education / Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Health Education, Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Natural Science
Bachelor's thesis defence: Řasová flóra studánek na území městské části Brno-Královo Pole | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Specialization in Education / Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Health Education, Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Natural Science
Bachelor's thesis defence: Řasová flóra studánek na území městské části Brno-Královo Pole | Theses on a related topic
Polášková, Dominika maiden name: Vdolečková
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Theatre Science
Master's thesis defence: Počátky českého stálého divadla v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Theatre Science
Master's thesis defence: Počátky českého stálého divadla v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Polívka, Petr
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Teacher Training for Secondary Schools / Teacher Training of Specialized Subjects for Secondary Schools
Master's thesis defence: Environmentální vzdělávací programy Zoo Brno pro střední školy | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Teacher Training for Secondary Schools / Teacher Training of Specialized Subjects for Secondary Schools
Master's thesis defence: Environmentální vzdělávací programy Zoo Brno pro střední školy | Theses on a related topic
Polochová, Petra
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / History
Bachelor's thesis defence: Epidemie na Ostravsku v letech 1780-1850 | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Historical Sciences / History
Bachelor's thesis defence: Epidemie na Ostravsku v letech 1780-1850 | Theses on a related topic
Ponížil, Jan
Faculty: Faculty of Sports Studies
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Physical Education and Sport / Management in Sport
Master's thesis defence: Aktivní formy dopravy perspektivou české populace | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Sports Studies
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Physical Education and Sport / Management in Sport
Master's thesis defence: Aktivní formy dopravy perspektivou české populace | Theses on a related topic
Popelínský, Jan
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Mathematics / Geography for Multi-Branches Study, Mathematics for Multi-Branches Study
Bachelor's thesis defence: K biogeografii městských parků v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Mathematics / Geography for Multi-Branches Study, Mathematics for Multi-Branches Study
Bachelor's thesis defence: K biogeografii městských parků v Brně | Theses on a related topic
Popelka, Kryštof
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Humanities / History, Political Science
Bachelor's thesis defence: Volební geografie současného Brna | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Social Studies
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Humanities / History, Political Science
Bachelor's thesis defence: Volební geografie současného Brna | Theses on a related topic
Popelka, Kryštof
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History / Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History, Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Social Studies Basics
Master's thesis defence: Cenzura brněnského tisku v éře první československé republiky jako námět pro výuku | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History / Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History, Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Social Studies Basics
Master's thesis defence: Cenzura brněnského tisku v éře první československé republiky jako námět pro výuku | Theses on a related topic
Porubčanská, Terézia
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Master's thesis defence: Filmová kultúra v Brne v tridsiatych rokoch. Porovnávanie diváckych preferencií v priestorovom a spoločenskom kontexte | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr.
Programme/field: General Theory and History of Arts and Culture / Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies
Master's thesis defence: Filmová kultúra v Brne v tridsiatych rokoch. Porovnávanie diváckych preferencií v priestorovom a spoločenskom kontexte | Theses on a related topic
Porubčanská, Terézia
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D.
Programme/field: Theatre and Film Studies / Theatre and Film Studies
Doctoral thesis defence: Looking over the Iron Curtain. A Theoretical and Methodological Exploration within the Comparative New Cinema History With a Case Study on Brno (Czech Republic), Antwerp and Ghent (Belgium) | Theses on a related topic
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D.
Programme/field: Theatre and Film Studies / Theatre and Film Studies
Doctoral thesis defence: Looking over the Iron Curtain. A Theoretical and Methodological Exploration within the Comparative New Cinema History With a Case Study on Brno (Czech Republic), Antwerp and Ghent (Belgium) | Theses on a related topic