Deniz Ağaoğlu
I am a Ph.D. student and a researcher at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University under the supervision of Petr Hliněný.
My ongoing research topics are the recognition and isomorphism problems for geometric intersection graphs, and the parameterized complexity of these problems.
1. Deniz Ağaoğlu: Isomorphism problem for geometric intersection graphs. MSc thesis (2018)
2. Deniz Ağaoğlu, Petr Hliněný: Isomorphism problem for Sd -graphs. In: 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science MFCS 2020, LIPiCS, Dagstuhl (2020), 4:1--4:14. [full text]
- ITI Online Seminar 2020. Isomorphism problem for Sd -graphs.
- MFCS 2020, Prague. Pre-recorded talk: Isomorphism problem for Sd -graphs
- CSGT 2020, Brno. Isomorphism problem for Sd -graphs.
- ATCAGC 2020, Bedrichov. Sd -graph isomorphism.
- CSGT 2019, Smižany. Graph isomorphism for Sd -graphs.
Attended events
- ITI Online Seminar 2020.
- MFCS 2020, Prague.
- CSGT 2020, Brno.
- ATCAGC 2020, Bedrichov.
- DIMEA Days 2019, Brno.
- CSGT 2019, Smižany.
- Crossing Numbers Workshop 2019, Telč.
- MEMICS 2017, Telč.
- MEMICS 2016, Telč.