Other lines of investigation have highlighted the importance of water transport sectoriality PUBLIKACE 1-2 and showed that this syndrome occurs more frequently under particular environmental conditions. Loepfe et al. PUBLIKACE 3 used graph theory to model xylem properties as a network of interconnected elements. They employed their model to assess the signifi cance of conduit connectivity on Other lines of investigation have highlighted the importance of water transport sectoriality PUBLIKACE 1-2 and showed that this syndrome occurs more frequently under particular environmental conditions. Loepfe et al. PUBLIKACE 3 used graph theory to model xylem properties as a network of interconnected elements. They employed their model to assess the signifi cance of conduit connectivity on both xylem conductivity and P50, the pressure at which 50% of the conductive capacity is lost because of xylem embolism PUBLIKACE 4.