Other lines of investigation have highlighted the importance of water transport sectoriality(Zanne et al., 2006; Schenk et al., 2008) and showed that this syndrome occurs more frequently under particular environmental conditions. Loepfe et al.(2007) used graph theory to model xylem properties as a network of interconnected elements. They employed their model to assess the signifi cance of conduit connectivity on Other lines of investigation have highlighted the importance of water transport sectoriality(Zanne et al., 2006; Schenk et al., 2008) and showed that this syndrome occurs more frequently under particular environmental conditions. Loepfe et al.(2007) used graph theory to model xylem properties as a network of interconnected elements. They employed their model to assess the signifi cance of conduit connectivity on both xylem conductivity and P50, the pressure at which 50% of the conductive capacity is lost because of xylem embolism(Tyree et al., 1994). LOEPFE, L., J. MARTINEZ-VILALTA, J. PINOL, AND M. MENCUCCINI. 2007. The relevance of xylem network structure for plant hydraulic efficiency and safety. Journal of Theoretical Biology 247: 788–803. SCHENK, H.J., S. ESPINO, C.M. GOEDHART, M. NORDENSTAHL, H.I.M. CABRERA, AND C.S. JONES. 2008. Hydraulic integration and shrub growth form linked across continental aridity gradients. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105: 11248–11253. TYREE, M., S. DAVIS, AND H. COCHARD. 1994. Biophysical Perspectives of Xylem Evolution Is There a Tradeoff of Hydraulic Efficiency for Vulnerability to Dysfunction. Iawa Journal 15: 335–360. ZANNE, A.E., K. SWEENEY, M. SHARMA, AND C.M. ORIANS. 2006. Patterns and consequences of differential vascular sectoriality in 18 temperate tree and shrub species. Functional Ecology 20: 200–206.