Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Alžběta Krausová Human and Superhuman: Principle of Equality in Danger? "The technology of brain-computer interfaces poses many new challenges. Some of them directly interfere with the very nature of a human being, such as providing new physical and mental abilities to humans. Enhancing intelligence and memory or increasing number of senses can truly make one a superhuman. But what if not everybody can be a superhuman? The aim of this article is to explore in this regard the impacts of the brain-computer interfaces on the principle of equality. First of all, one will learn about the technological state of the art and its applications. Next, the concept and principles of equality in the society will be introduced. The impact of the technology on the principle of equality will be then examined from both philosophical and legal point of view. The paper will conclude with the identification of possible threats to the principle of equality. " Dariusz Kloza "On Web 2.0, intermediary service providers and some fundamental rights" "Web 2.0 - the highly interactive Internet - made it easier, faster and cheaper to participate actively or passively in the cyberspace, in particular express oneself therein or benefit from its vast resources. Certain jurisdictions even consider Internet access as a human right (e.g. France). Furthermore, Iceland recently strengthened its protection of journalism and freedom of expression. Concurrently, these developments created new possibilities of illicit conduct on a mass scale, e.g. cybercrime, intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement or defamation. This formed demand for new solutions to protect diverse rights and interests in the on-line world. E.g. the intermediary service providers (ISPs) are often required to comply with various protective measures. These might include content filtering, disclosure of the subscriber’s personal data or “three strikes.” This new wave of technological advancements raised some questions about the regulatory framework for the ISPs. Freedom of expression and the right to access to information - the core of the information society - are confronted with protection of decency, reputation and IPR, among others. Some privacy and fair trial concerns are involved as well. Is it possible to balance these considerations? A tentative conclusion might be that reconciliation is feasible when the proportionality test is satisfied. These issues will be addressed from the perspective of fundamental rights in Europe, focusing on the roles of the ISPs." Tomas Scerba Electronic contracts in day to day practice The purpose of the paper shall be to provide the auditorium with treatise on various types of electronic contracts currently existing in cyberspace. Several problematic aspects of electronic contracts along with brief note reagarding landmark court decisions shall be delivered as well. Jeanne Pia Mifsud Bonnici Iceland: a freedom of information paradise for netizens? "In June 2010, the Icelandic Parliament, by unanimous vote, gave a mandate to the so-called ""Icelandic Modern Media Initiative"" (IMMI) to propose what are intended to be the world's most stringent laws preserving free speech and a free press online. This move has solicited reactions from at least two camps: pro-Internet free speech and journalism freedom activists hail Iceland as “a place where people can freely host content without necessarily worrying about threats and challenges legally from their domestic government”. Others are sceptical about the reach of alleged protection brought by the IMMI changes. This paper reviews the IMMI examining the possible implications and limitations of the proposals towards an increased freedom of information online. It analyses whether the careful attention to issues of jurisdiction (modelled on experiences in the United States and other states) and applicable law given in the initiative is enough to encourage courts around the world to restrain from applying a parochial approach to the resolution of freedom of expression claims, preferring their own jurisdiction and own national law over the Icelandic approach. In conclusion, the author argues that as long as Iceland acts alone on this initiative, it is difficult to see beyond the symbolic value of the Icelandic move to register any actual improvement to freedom of expression and information (for journalists active) in more repressive societies." Qian Tao Privacy protection under the freedom of expression in cyberspace in China "1. Introduction Privacy is one of the biggest concerns with the development of information technology in cyberspace. It has been classified by modern scholars into different categories. One of the classifications is decisional privacy, informational privacy and spatial privacy. In the online world, informational privacy faces the inevitable threat, since the dissemination of information becomes much easy and uncontrollable. I’m trying to introduce the rules for online privacy protection including the Tort Law which takes force on July 1st, 2010, and cases in China with the greatest number of internet users in the world.For the purpose of analyzing, I prefer to dividing privacy in cyberspace into two categories: the privacy of internet users and the privacy disclosed by internet users or ISPs. When some countries are trying to carry on measures such as real name verification, content control and filter, to avoid the disclosure of privacy, much pressure is from the advocates of freedom of expression of internet users. Freedom of expression is a basic doctrine in a democratic society. In China, it is written clearly in article 35 of the Constitutional Law.Compared to last century, protection of expression has improved a lot nowadays. But due to cultural and historical reasons, it appears a little bit different with western concept. In the cyberspace, freedom of expression is in the form of internet users’ freedom of expression and that of internet service providers (ISPs). This paper will focus on the former. Individuals’ activity usually happens in the following online places: (1) online community, including forums (BBS), social networking websites(like facebook), online file-sharing websites(like youtube), online chatting rooms or chatting tools (like Msn message, Gtalk) and online games. (2) Personal space, including blogs, personal websites, email box and online storage space. (3) Websites of internet content providers, including those of shopping, news, music and so on. Individual expression in these places can be divided to the following categories:(1) create contents.(2) share contents.(3) comment contents. Contents here contain photos, articles, videos, audios, short messages and emails. Since most of internet users are anonymous, they fell more freely to express their individual opinions and share information, even though in most case their identities can be identified by ISPs when a charge of infringement or crime occurs. In the recent years, some countries, like South Korea and China, to some extent, have tried to carry on real name verification in cyberspace. Opponents argue that right to anonymity should also be respected because it can promote freedom of expression; what’s more, real name verification may cause privacy disclosure. There are also criticisms that we shouldn’t sacrifice privacy of internet users to protect that of others. 2. Privacy protection in China In Chinese constitutional law, Article 38 provides protection to rights to dignity, but it seems from the text that the legislators didn’t consider privacy as an underlying interest within the framework of dignity. Article 37 provides inviolability of the body, article 39 provides protection to right to residence, and article 40 provides protection to secrecy of correspondence. But these three articles touch only spatial privacy in a physical space. It is just “one tip of the iceberg” of privacy. In the legal practice, privacy was protected under the right to reputation during a long period in China, in other words, the judges held a privacy violation only when the disclosure of one’s privacy brought damage of his reputation. In the General Principles of the Civil Law(GPCL), which is working as a civil code, privacy isn’t included in the section of rights of personality. Privacy protection would get improvement from July this year. In the Chinese tort law which implements from July 1st, 2010, right to privacy is written clearly in the article 2 as one of civil rights and privacy protection can apply all the tort rules. But there would be still a long way before privacy reaches the level of fundamental rights in China. “Existing Chinese legal instruments directly and indirectly related to data protection are incapable of providing adequate data protection for the people.” Special privacy law or personal data law is still needed. 3. Cai Jiming V. Baidu Baidu is the most popular search engine in China. It also supplies a service named TieBa. Internet users can set up a topic forum in Tieba and then others can participate in to write articles, give comments, forward videos and public photos. Cai Jiming is a professor in Qinghua University. He held a research project on the reform of Chinese holidays in 2006 and he proposed to change the holiday of labor’s Day from seven to three in 2007. The Sate Council decided to reduce the holiday of labor’s Day from seven to three on December 24, 2007. Cai Jiming found in 2009 a topic forum named “CAI JIMING” which was set up in 2007 in Tieba and until march 2010, there were more than 3000 articles which included complaints and even insulting words. Some internet users initiated human flesh search, his email address, mobile phone number, office and home phone number, and photos were published in this forum. Cai sued Baidu for damage to privacy, reputation, right to name and right to portrait. He claimed that due to Baidu’s service, his personal information has been broadcasted widely. During the last two years, he has received countless harassing phone calls, 81 mails and 135 phone messages with insult and libel. Baidu argued that Cai had published his contact information including his email address, mobile phone number, office phone number on the official website of Qinghua University and this information has been open to public long time in various ways. So it didn’t fall into the scope of privacy protection. There were more than 200 persons named Cai Jiming in China. It is freedom of expression of the Internet users to set up the topic forum with the name of CAIJIMING and express their opinions on it. The final decision hasn’t been made until now. 4. Comment In respect of the interests of the individual, free speech of the individual and privacy usually share the same concerns. Indeed, the social functions of privacy are difficult to distinguish from those of freedom of expression, as mentioned above, individual autonomy, dignity, self-fulfilment and other values.In order to guarantee the freedom of speech, a free and open Internet is vital. But we also need to set suitable limit so as to balance diverse interests. The rights to privacy and to freedom of speech appear to be of equal value, while the assessment of the appropriate weight to be attached to them varies significantly from one society and culture to another. In fact, strict privacy protection may limit the freedom of speech, but, “privacy protections can also strongly promote democratic discussion and debate. Without privacy, many people might not feel comfortable having these candid conversations. Protecting privacy can actually promote free speech, not just restrict it”. The importance is how to balance the two values.For China, censorship and real name verification may avoid privacy violation, but they can also touch the private activity and information of every internet users. Legitimate expression may also be limited in China, especially those opinions to politics, government and officials." Eva Fialová RFID and Consumers´ Privacy Protection "In a competitive environment it is advantageous for various subjects to possess information about consumer’s behaviour and preferences. This information can be generated from data stored and transmitted by means of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) incorporated, for example, in product packaging and in customer loyatity cards. The data can refer to the consumer, to purchased products or to a frequency and time of shopping. In databases, the data are the subject of profiling, datamining and datasharing. Information about the consumer and his/her private life provide an efficient tool for direct and event driven marketing, and other means to directly influence consumer’s choices. Futhermore, the RFID technology even allows tracking of a consumer in a specific area. Therefore, RFID represents a threat to consumers´ privacy. The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the current European legislation gives sufficient guarantees to the consumer´s right to privacy in connection with the RFID usage. The paper will also sketch out possible solution in this field to the future. " Karol Wolski Personal Web Usage in the workplace - Polish Perspective "Personal web usage in the workplace (PWU) is widespread among employees of modern companies. This social and economic phenomenon causes diverse organizational problems including data security risks, financial losses, legal issues and undermining employees’ morale. Employers are forced to adopt variety of coping strategies to decrease PWU. These strategies should be based on the results of scientific research and psychological knowledge about PWU and human behaviour in the workplace. In the present paper a holistic model of personal web usage in the workplace is proposed. It is based on the theory of planned behaviour formulated by Ajzen (1998) and the technology acceptance model by Davis (1986). The present model was developed on the base of literature review and the results of author's original research project Internet at Work - First National Research on Employees. Empirical study was conducted among 432 Polish employees using internet at work. Structural equation modeling approach was adopted to develop the holistic model of PWU. Results are discussed in the context of theory and practice of the PWU and online research methodology. " Terezie Smejkalova Leaflet Judiciary "This paper will target the question of legal procedures and their understandability and accessibility for a common layman. With the omnipresence of the internet, the legal advice acquires a new platform. Legal firms offer their own re-production of the legal texts, restating the legal requirements in a more accessible language. One must ask why this common practice has not reached the state institutions. The Czech state institutions do provide an online access to the Collection of Laws/Statutes (Sbírka zákonů) but are very reluctant in providing any form of plain language instruction on how to access the courts, how to file a claim, how to petition for divorce. A question may arise whether the judiciary does not lessen its legitimacy when it requires a bumper in the form of a lawyer, for whose services must be paid? State institutions as institutions in the service of law should communicate the law to its addressee so that he or she may be able to use it in the simpler cases without the help of a lawyer. Online manuals, instructions and leaflets may be one of the ways to reach this goal." ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Chrysanthos Voutounos The Ontology of Byzantine art in Cyberspace "Under the patronage of Christian Orthodox church, Byzantine art matured as a mystical imagery of a unique aesthetic structure synthesizing aesthetics and theology, absorbing artistic and cultural influences in the spirit of united church and tradition. This paper investigates the breakthrough in tradition where Byzantine art and more specifically Byzantine iconography is visualised in Cyberspace and most notably the World Wide Web. Whether in usual web pages or virtual 3d environments the existence of cyber ontologies of Byzantine artifacts raises fundamental philosophical questions on the digital reproduction of Byzantine art and its aesthetic contemplation on non-physical mediums. The work on a virtual museum design which is based on the real Byzantine museum Agios Ioannis Lambadistis in Cyprus revealed special design problems that relate to these fundamental questions. Documenting the convergence of two philosophies, the Aesthetics of Byzantine art and the Ontology of the Virtual constitutes the basic argumentative logic for presenting special design guidelines. Both philosophies share similar metaphysical questions and a common history. Based on the research for the convergence of these philosophies the design of a virtual museum aims to protect the loss of the “aura” of physical artifacts in non-physical virtual environments, proposing design guidelines that might also apply in other application domains involving religious art." Stefano Cavagnetto and Bruce Gahir Multiple Selves and the Proteus Effect in Collaborative Virtual Environments "What does it mean to be you? How drastically can a person change and still remain, in the eyes of either themselves or their peers, the same person? Until recently, these questions were typically asked in the context of philosophy, psychoanalysis, or science fiction. However, the increasingly common use of avatars during computer- mediated communication, collaborative virtual environments (CVE’s) in particular, are quickly changing these once abstract questions into practical quandaries that are fascinating, thought-provoking, potentially paradigm shifting for those who study social interaction, and potentially devastating to the traditional concept of human communication. Given the advent of collaborative virtual reality (CVR) technology, researchers have begun to systematically explore the phenomena of Transformed Social Interaction (TSI). The Proteus effect is a particular application of TSI in which a user’s self-representation is modified in a meaningful way that is often dissimilar to the physical self. When the user then interacts with another person, the user’s behaviour conforms to the modified self-representation regardless of the true physical self or the others impressions . In an earlier introductory paper we detailed a conceptual framework that illustrated the idea of the self as composed of information in multiple cyberworlds, this tentative framework was utilised to explain a “layering” feedback process that may occur as a result of the self interacting in a CVE, in addition we expanded this framework to integrate an anthropological viewpoint of the self . In this paper we provide a further understanding of the relationship between the Proteus effects and the conceptual model of multiple selves interacting in CVE." Angeliki Malakasioti Psychopathological Analogies of Cyberspatial Experience - A Symptomatic Architecture of the Digital Body "This paper attempts to investigate the nature of cyberspace, through the experience of a digitally projected human being, an internet user. Focusing on the consideration of cyberspace as a vast space of mental activity, the research develops a series of conceptual analogies, as far as the noetic state of the individual and characteristics of his digital experience are concerned. More specifically, this is attempted through the study of special or ‘altered’ mental phenomena that resemble internet experience - dissociation, derealization, depersonalization, parasomnia, hysteria’s phantasmatic anatomy, somatoform disorders, pathology of personal time perception (e.g. hypermnesia, paramnesia, narcissist’s time), schizophrenia as well as melancholy self-opacity and others. These are approached as differentiated states of consciousness and perception. Thus, they are dealt as fruitful correspondences of cyberspatial experience. The process is similar to a kind of ‘diagnosis’ of the mental state of the internet user through the aforementioned phenomena. Their theoretical development attempts to contribute to cyberspace research, posing questions on the conceptual configuration of the virtual bodies inhabiting it. " Jakub Štogr "Limits of the Internet : From Quantity to Quality, From Boom to Structures" "The overall understanding of the Internet as an information highway we drive fast collides with the vision of billions of irrelevant but accessible data-sets we - as an Internet-users - need to filter to be able to find a relevant information we really wanted to seek. The problem is the basic idea of the Internet as an indestructible network of replaceable computers, cloud-computing principle as we call it now-days, together with the wrong attitude that there is something like ""anonymity online"". In the early stage of the Internet no-one cares about either the content inside the network or semantic belongings between objects and subjects. The very basic mechanism that tries to make data useful was DNS - system of human-readable domain names. But still the most exciting parameter of the Internet was a ""boom"", creation of network, adding new nodes and spread of communication capacities. Problems like information seeking and (online) data overload were compensated by both mass online-content harvesting and filtering algorithms used during searching. The natural reaction to the environment full of interconnected but anonymous mess was attempt to personalize and semantically anchor the context both at the side of user (ability to have a unique view or access) and content itself (ability to ""own"" some content). As an example of large-scale personalized online environments can be seen social network applications like f.e. Facebook. The question is what is going to be the next stage when both quantity of nodes and structural quality reach their limits. There are basically two main scenarios: first, monopolization and unification of structures, and second, self-destruction of large-scale structures together with deeper specialization. Both scenarios are going to be presented in more details." Michael Luger Organization of philosophy projects "Can we organize philosophy projects like open source software projects? This contribution will focus on two aspects. The first is patterns of interaction. In open source software projects, groups of people with different roles work together on one piece of work. How could the corresponding patterns be adapted for philosophy projects and what would be the reasons to do so? The second is that open source projects meet certain needs, they create something that people can use. How is that with philosophy? Can e.g. works on logic, pragmatism and paradigm shift lead to new moves in resolving real-world arguments and in how people and projects self-organize? Project wiki: http://wikidrift.org/philo-something " Odin Kroeger Why are Software Patents so Elusive? A Platonic Answer "Software patents are commonly criticised for being fuzzy, context-sensitive, and often granted for trivial inventions. More often than not, these shortcomings are said to be caused by the abstract nature of software—with little further analysis offered, leaving us with a fruitless all-or-nothing approach to the objectifiability of software patents. Drawing on Plato’s Parmenides, this paper will thus outline a more nuanced approach. The Parmenides comprises not only paradoxes that obtain when abstractions are treated as objects, but also suggestions on how knowledge of abstractions should hence be conceptualised. By applying these paradoxes and suggestions to software patents, this paper argues (1) that the reason why software patents appear to be so elusive is that courts relate to them as objects and (2) that the Platonic distinctions categorial/objective predication and know-how/know-that are useful not only for conceptualising knowledge of algorithms, but also for describing the limits of software patent regimes. From a theoretical perspective, the findings of this paper imply that the relation between algorithms and software is similar to the one between a genus and its species and that knowledge of these relations takes the form of know-how rather than know-that. From a practical perspective, this indicates that courts are ill-equipped to handle software patents, for their modus operandi can be described as transforming evidence into knowledge of that which is the case—where the knowledge they would need is how the abstractions in questions are to be used." Herbert Hrachovec To Have an Idea "Common use of the phrase „intellectual property“ implies that there is „property“ and that it can pertain to „intellectual“ goods. The surface grammar of this expression is similar to „available property“ or „inherited property“. In addition to mobile and immobile assets one may, consequently, be in possession of the results of cognitive activities, in short: of ideas. The standard account of what property amounts to refers to the right to dispose of a given object or accumulation of objects. It is not easy to see how this translates into the intellectual realm and it is even more difficult to explain how it applies to a certain class of products made possible by Internet cooperation. So what are ideas and how can they possibly be „posessed“? Leaving aside legal definitions they are undoubtedly a crucial feature of traditional philosophical talk. Philosophy should be able to comment on whether they can (and/or should) be appropriated." ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Rüdiger Lohlker Muslims in Hip Hop – Analyzing Facebook Groups "„Muslims in Hip Hop“ is a group on facebook focussing on the Muslim Hip Hop culture in the US. The network started as a yahoo group in 2002 with now about 400 members. On Facebook there are up to now 329 members, activity of the facebook group started in august 2009. An analysis including visual material will demonstrate how the integration of Muslim and Hip Hop identity are working together to create a new Muslim identity in contemporary mass culture. The analysis will focus on the members using the categories of „basic information“, „likes and interests“ (i.e. music, films, television, others) and other information given by the members. The network structure of the group will be demonstrated, shared interests analysed and elements of Muslim Hip Hop identity reconstructed." Babak Rahimi Shi‘i Islam and Democratic Reform in Cyberspace "The 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq which toppled the Baathist regime brought a major shift in the balance of power in the Middle East. While dominated by Sunni Arabs for centuries, the proliferation of Shi‘i political parties and participation in the electoral process has led to the “revival” of Shi‘ism in Iraq and the greater Middle East. Such revival is identified by a number of analysts in terms of the crystallization of a transnational network of Shi‘ism that stretches from East Asia to North America. Amid the expansion of global Sunni fundamentalism, such revival is also described in putting forward a new Islamic vision of representative government put in power by free elections and led by elected officials making government accountable to the citizens. With figures like Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the most senior Shi‘i cleric who helped the transition of democracy in post-Baathist Iraq, and lay intellectuals like Abdul Karim Soroush, the new Shi‘i transnational current has developed into a new network society that promotes a more democratic conception of politics, with a view of religion playing a predominant role in public life. In many ways, such democratic-minded “public Islam” has also emerged to challenge the more authoritarian Shi‘i ideology of velayat-e faqih (guardianship of the jurist), which is currently institutionalized in Iran and continues to compete for domination over the Shi‘i Islamic world throughout the globe. This work is a comparative study of such democratic current in the Islamic world, with a focus on how the Internet is used to advance such democratic practice by Shi‘i clerics, lay intellectuals, journalists, lawyers, students and women activists based in Iraq and Iran. In essence, the Internet here is defined not merely as a tool of communication but a new public space defined in terms of multifaceted living fields of interaction and contestation, wherein organizations, changes, (de)constructions, subversions and shifting of both individual and collective identities take places. The paper is divided in two parts. First, as in the case of Iraq, it attempts to explain how religious actors participating in democratic institutions engage in online activities to make government more accountable and advance citizen participation on the civic-societal and legislative institutional levels. Second, as in the case of Iran, the objective is to outline Shi‘i cyber activities aimed at making authoritarian institutions more accountable and transparent. The second section also includes a study on how new religious discourses on democratic governance can be used to create new opportunities for networking and carving out new discursive spaces of democratic activism aimed at undermining authoritarian institutions operating under theocratic rule. All in all, the study offers a comprehensive look at how Shi‘i Islamic normative frameworks are used in cyberspace to network and also re-conceptualize religion in the political sphere. " Nadja Thoma """Such a song strenghtens the Iman""" "HipHop is considered one of the most succesful youth cultures in Germany. Islamic rap, as well as Islamic contents in other genres of HipHop play a constantly increasing role in the scene. To what extent the affiliation with Islamic HipHop culture also expresses itself in the adolescents‘ style of speech, is going to be scrutinized in an empirical study by analyzing user comments on youtube and myspace. This style of communication was chosen because written interactions on the internet are very similar to the way language is used orally. In my contribution I focus on the question of whether or not it is possible to exemplify language on the internet that is typical for the German-speaking Islamic HipHop community and to what extent the characteristics of this language differ from the already scrutinized characteristics of the „general“ language of HipHop. " Jana Kristoforyova Promoting Reform in Islam - IMAN network "The paper will introduce the IMAN network – the new website created after the conference called Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform held in Oxford in 2010. The conference joined together individuals and organization´s representatives who promote the reform in Muslim world. One of the main objectives was critical debate of political, cultural, economic, psychological conditions of Muslim societies and their interaction with other groups. The paper will analyse the question – what kind of instruments are used within the IMAN network? Tools such as articles offering new interpretations of Quran, discussion forums, facebook websites, youtube videos and other platforms for interaction with internet community will be considered. What kind of reform in Islam is presented within the network members and which solutions are proposed for living as Muslims in contemporary anti-Islamic Western societies? These topics will be finally discussed." Tomas Gal Online Religion as a Reaction to Desecularization "Theoreticians of online religion use to have problems with its frame. Considerable amount of religious expressions in cyberspace may be treated as a burlesque of religion, even if those use over-elaborated rituals, iconography, rules or sacred texts. In my presentation I will show, that those expressions should be understood as an answer on wider social activities and trends and have a purpose of social change. The main examples, I will provide, will be Church of Discordia, Church of Invisible Pink Unicorn and the Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster. " Nelu Vasilica Aesthetics and usability online in Catholicism and Orthodoxy "The article endeavors to analyse how different religious institutions express themselves through the most powerful tool of communication, the Internet. The architecture and the decorative style of the religious buildings reflect the affiliation to a certain denomination based on their doctrine, traditions and cultural aspects. This article aims to determine if religious identity and tradition is transposed into its online representation. The emphasis is placed on the aesthetic dimension of religious websites, aiming to fill the gap which exists in this research area. The focus will be on Catholicism and Orthodoxy, highlighting the visual expression of religion on the Internet. The overview of the Orthodox and Catholic institutions websites chosen from Europe will establish the specific web patterns for each denomination. Also, it has been revealed that aesthetics and usability represent the two essential factors in designing a website and when merging aesthetics with usability requirements, scholars have contrasting opinions. It remains to be proven how these two denominations encompass usability and aesthetics criteria and how their online presence is influenced by their doctrine and traditions. The article involves quantitative and qualitative analysis, with the emphasis on doctrinal, cultural and sociological aspects. An insight of this complex issue is established by visual analysis, questionnaires and usability benchmarking. " ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Anton Geist Teaching Legal Research to the Google Generation at a University Library "Legal research has always been a complicated subject. Today, however, teaching legal research to university students has become particularly challenging. This presentation will describe the current situation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, and describe the current approach to teaching legal information literacy to law and business students. Contemporary university students expect (computer-assisted) legal research to be as simple as the Google searches that they perform every day. Given their experiences up to entering law (or business) school, they might in fact have every reason to do so. While their research needs have so far been easily fulfilled by free Web resources, and exhaustive (“high-recall”) searches have never been necessary, computer-assisted legal research now confronts them with much more complex research scenarios. Constantly adapting teaching approaches not only to students’ previous knowledge, but above all to their (potential) misconceptions, requires a lot of flexibility and planning, especially from librarians. Evidence from the Vienna University of Economics and Business shows, however, that the work truly pays off." Alžběta Krausová European Legal Information Systems "Legal comparativists and also legal practitioners need access to information about foreign law. In this contribution there will be introduced both commercial and freely available legal information systems from several countries that are commonly linguistically accessible. Special attention will be paid to the information systems of French speaking countries, namely those of Belgium, France, and Luxembourg." Adam Ptašnik The Development of Natural Language Processing Techniques in Legal Information Retrieval Systems Introductory part of the paper presents the major issues of natural language processing. At first sources of the issues are identified and the issues themselves are clearly defined. The main part analyzes various techniques of solving the issues. Concluding part discusses different examples of their practical implementation in legal information retrieval systems. Upon this demonstration three generations of the techniques are identified and analyzed in the historical context. The analysis then provides solid basis for certain predictions regarding the future development. ##### Sheet/List 5 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Michael Bogdan Jurisdiction over Internet-related Consumer Disputes in View of the Cases of Pammer and Alpenhof "On 18 May, 2010, Advocate General Verica Trstenjak submitted her opinion in the cases of Hotel Alpenhof (case C-144/09) and Peter Pammer (case C-585/08). Both cases, presently pending at the EU Court of Justice, concern the interpretation of Article 15(1)(c) of the Brussels I Regulation, in particular the meaning, in the context of the Internet, of the prerequisite that the consumer's counterpart directs, by any means, his commercial or professional activities to the Member State of the consumer's domicile. The paper will discuss this issue, hopefully on the basis of the forthcoming judgments in the two cases." Ulf Maunsbach Use of trademarks and place of damage in relation to Internet-related infringements – highlighted by recent ECJ-decisions "March 23rd 2010 came the much awaited ECJ decision in the Google-case (Case C-236/08 to C-238/08). The case concerns the use of trademarks on the Internet or more specific the practice of “keyword advertising”. This is an area of law that is and will be of immediate relevance due to the fact that is puts focus on legal questions that appears in relation to new technology and new social patterns. The Google-case is not the only case underlining this development. In the near future there will be several decisions from the ECJ in this field. At the moment there are four cases pending before the ECJ (C-558/08, C-91/09, C-323/09 and C-324/09) all of which in different ways relates to questions concerning the use of trademarks on the Internet. The facts in the Google-case are, to put it simple, as follows. Google operates an Internet search engine which is widely used by the Internet community. When committing a search the search engine will display the sites which appear best to correspond to the search words chosen. This result of the search is referred to as the “natural” results. In addition, Google offers a paid referencing service called “AdWords”. That service can be used by commercial actors, by means of the reservation of one or more keywords, in order to obtain an advertising link which will appear when an Internet user is typing the keyword in the search engine. That advertising link appears under the heading “sponsored links”, which is displayed either on the right-hand side of the screen, to the right of the natural results, or on the upper part of the screen, above the natural results. Problems may arise when actors are reserving keywords corresponding to name of competitors or when pirates and plagiarists are reserving the keywords corresponding to the original brands. That is the case in Google. The practice of enabling commercial actors to reserve keywords are commonly used by all providers of search engines, not only by Google, all though Googles AdWords may be regarded as the dominant service. The practice of offering keyword reservations raises several interesting legal questions, some of which where highlighted in the Google-case. To beguine with it was discussed under what circumstance different service providers can be regarded as using trademarks in a manner which the proprietor is entitled to prevent. This question was addressed both in relation to article 5(1) of the trademark directive (First Council Directive 89/104/EEC of 21 December 1988 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks) and in relation to article 9(1) of the trademark regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trade mark). An additional question is to what extent the answer to the first, general, question about trademark use, is affected by the fact that the trademark in question has a reputation (in the case Louis Vuitton among others). This second question was tried in relation to article 5(2) of the trademark directive and article 9(1)(c) of the trademark regulation. A third question that was raised in the case is to what extent the rules of the e-commerce directive (Directive 2000/31/EC) regarding liability of intermediary service providers (article 12 to 14) might be applicable in relation to “keyword advertising services. Those where the questions discussed in the Google-case but the practice of providing new services like AdWords raises additional questions. The development shown by the Google-case and the additional cases pending before the ECJ brings forward general questions as to the preconditions for use of trademarks on the Internet. This is not entirely new questions. One previous example in which the use of trademark on the Internet is addressed and discussed is WIPOs (World Intellectual Property Organisation) “Joint recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Marks, and Other Industrial Property Rights in Signs, on the Internet” (publication No 845(E)). Current developments in social and commercial behaviour, illustrated by the Google-case (and others), have made it relevant to address this issue again, in the light of this new development. The question I would like to investigate further in a more comprehensive paper relates to the issue of trademark use. There are several interesting problems to discuss but I would like to focus on one that is not explicitly addressed in the Google-case, namely the question of where the damage occurs in relation to infringing trademark use in new technical contexts like the AdWords. This question is relevant not only in relation to the infringement decision and the assessment of damages but also in relation to a potential discussion as to jurisdiction in the light of the Brussels I Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters), which in its article 5(3) provides for jurisdiction in matters relating to torts in the place where the action took place or where damage occurred. In line with this it must be discussed how the infringing action may be defined and located. Those are questions touched upon by the court in the Google-case and they relate both to existing rules of the trademark directive/regulation and to the liability rules of the e-commerce directive. Next task would be to investigate to what extent those actions leads to damage in relation to a trademark right and, if so, how that damage may be located and territorially demarcated. This latter question is generally answered with a standard reference to the protecting country. The general believe is that damage in relation to intellectual property rights may only appear in the protecting country, due to the fact that intellectual property rights are delaminated to the territory of the protecting country. I think that it is time to scrutinize this general perception as to the question of locating the damage that is the result of an on-line infringement. It is quite clear that the doctrine of “the protecting country” still exists and that it affects the decision as to where damage may occur. However, I do think that there are arguments pointing in favour of a different approach as regards infringement damages. Why is it so that intellectual property rights are supposed to be granted special treatment in comparison to other areas of property? And why are we supposed to up-hold an apprehension in relation to the territoriality of intellectual property rights that dates back to the 19th century in today’s modern “cyberlaw” society. That are examples of questions that I would be willing to develop further, and gladly present during the 2010 Cyberspace conference. Preferably under the headline of “Internet International Law”. " Lenka Karbanova Lex loci damni infecti – applicability on B2B e-contracts "Submitted paper deals with the recent European private international law regulation – Rome II which concerns non-contractual obligations. It focuses on the applicability of the basic Rome II conflict of laws rule – lex loci damni infecti – on the electronic business to business contracts. First part of the paper identifies the position of the above-mentioned rule in the system of Rome II Regulation and its relation to other conflict of law rules. Then the paper treats main problems which might occur when applying the lex loci damni infecti rule on electronic contracts. We mention the recent judgements of European (mainly French) courts concerning this theme (e.g. e-Bay cause, 2007) and practice of courts relating to lex loci delicti rule which may help while applying the basic Rome II rule on electronic contracts. In the end the paper tries to provide other conflict of law rules to non-contractual obligations which might be more appropriate to application on electronic contracts." Tereza Kyselovská Online Defamation – Current Issues "Violation of privacy and rights relating to personality are undoubtedly one of the most interesting non-contractual obligations (torts) committed through Internet. This paper focuses mostly on-online defamation and the current issues of the legal framework, namely choice-of-law rules and jurisdiction of courts. In the field of European conflicts legislation the above mentioned cyber torts including defamation are excluded from the scope of the EU Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations (Regulation Rome II) which causes many problems. The recent EC Working Study on the unification of Member State laws on non-contractual obligations arising out of violations of privacy and personality rights has commenced a debate on the uniform choice-of-law rules taking into account the fundamental human rights concerning the respect for private life and freedom of expression. The jurisdiction rules on defamation are laid down by the Brussels Regulation, but they need to be adapted to torts committed via the Internet (e.g. the rules of jurisdiction based on the place of damage). These provisions can lead to libel tourism, which is now recognized as serious problem. The aim of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of the current legal framework and case-law and to propose solutions to these problems." Slavomir Halla On-line arbitration from the conflicts of law point of view "Accessibility of data via Internet allowed for an immense growth of international commerce. Millions of transactions are done every year by means of electronic communication. Customers no longer need to go to solid shops; merchants no longer need to sign solid copies of orders and contracts. Virtual reality has stepped in. Not everything has changed – disputes do still arise, and they are solved in front of national courts (by definition solid institutions) or by alternative means. A great deal of disputes in international commerce is settled through arbitration proceeding. Arbitration is (again by definition) more informal and flexible mean of dispute settlement. Therefore, it is not surprising that the arbitration community is closely following the latest trends, and that recently on-line arbitration has come to an existence. However, once again, we might encounter problems peculiar to cyberspace. Legal framework for arbitration, on international level, was created before the digital society emerged. Thus, on-line arbitration is encountering problems of its own. To name a few: How should a written form requirement of arbitration agreement be interpreted? What is the seat of arbitration in on-line arbitration? Is an award enforceable? And of course are we still speaking about arbitration? This article will try to point several of these difficulties out, and if possible, to suggest solutions. " "Mgr. Zbynek Loebl, LLM" What should be principles of a new global system of cross-border e-commerce ODR? "What should be principles of a new global system of cross-border e-commerce ODR? In other words, what the new system should bring to the key players, on-line providers and consumers? I try to summarize below several issues for discussion, based on existing initiatives and feedback received during our two meetings in Vienna and Buenos Aires: 1. The new system should be global; i.e. our ambition should be that the new system is to be implemented anywhere in the world. Internet is global and e-commerce is becoming more and more global as well. 2. The new system should encourage parties to agree on a solution rather than to dispute. The new system should make use of modern on-line technology to encourage and enable the parties to agree among themselves rather than to proceed to arbitration or mediation. 3. There should be only one set of ODR Rules. The new system cannot fit all types of e-commerce disputes and all possible dispute scenarios, but if it will cover large part of such disputes – disputes which can be resolved using one set of Rules only, we will make a very significant progress. We may draw a parallel with the situation before the year 2000, when UDRP Policy and Rules were developed for a global resolution of top-level domain name disputes. 4. The Rules should contain ennumerative lists of possible claims and remedies. In the absence of a global e-commerce international treaty it is the only way how to ensure that the new system is efficient. Again, there is a parallel with UDRP which was prepared this way and has worked well for more than ten years. 5. There should be no or minimum costs for consumers. Most of consumer transactions are of low value and consumers will not use the new system if it requires substantial costs from them. 6. The new system should require only relatively low costs and provide clear business benefits for on-line providers. Principle funding of the new system should be by regular monthly contributions from every participating on-line provider. On-line providers engaged in cross-border trade should benefit from increased consumer confidence brought by the presence of the new ODR system. Because of its global nature, even small contributions from every participating on-line provider worldwide should accummulate sufficient funds to cover costs of operation of the new system. 7. There should be efficient private enforcement mechanisms attached to the new system. It will be difficult to rely on available public enforcement options, due to the cross-border character of disputes, electronic-only nature of the new System and other factors. Such efficient private enforcement mechanisms should include a range of possibilities, such as enforcement of ODR decisions by payment intermediaries, withdrawal of a right to participate in the new System or even suspension of a domain name in defined situations. 8. The new system should be multi-lingual. Internet and e-commerce are more and more multi-lingual and a global cross-border ODR must be built as multi-lingual from its start. 9. There should be one gateway to the new System for on-line providers. On-line providers will be typically involved in multiple disputes within the new system and they should be able to work with only one set of on-line forms which look and feel the way they are used to. This does not mean that all the disputes of an on-line provider should be resolved by one dispute resolution provider. The gateway will direct all procedural communication of such on-line provider to and from the respective dispute resolution center selected to resolve the dispute. 10. There should be contractual exclusions of liability for enforcers, dispute resolution providers, panellists and operator of the new system. In order to make the new system workable globally the parties to a dispute must provide exclusions of liability to entities involved in the dispute resolution. Again, there is a parallel with UDRP in this respect. 11. There should be common generally accepted standards for the accreditation of dispute resolution centers/providers as well as Panellists. The new system should include common requirements prescribed for the dispute resolution centers wanting to become part of the System, as well as for each of the Panellists worldwide. 12. There should be clear common rules for the selection of the dispute resolution center and for the appointment of the Panellist(s) to resolve a concrete dispute. It is necessary to establish clear rules for the selection of a dispute resolution center which will administer the dispute and also principles for the appointment of Panellist(s) to decide the dispute, in order to prevent forum shopping. " Nadina Foggetti Rome II and the law applicable to  obligations arising out of transnational cybercrime: a question to be  defined ? "Transnational computer crimes, such as an illegal access to computer system with the purpose of theft of marketing data, they raise some issues regarding the law applicable to non contractual obligation them related. Rome II introduces the general rule of the locus damni for the definition of applicable law to the non contractual obligation arising out of a delict. It shall be the law of the country in which the damage occurs irrespective of the country in which the event occurred. Rome II not includes in this scope non-contractual obligations arising out of violations of privacy and rights relating to personality. New uniform rules on conflict at EU level provide the resolution of uncertainties caused by the application of the principle of locus commissi delicti. While Rome II opens new problems arising from different legal classification of goods protected in Member States. The different qualification in national laws of harm caused by crime affect the delimitation of Regulation scope, while in the cases of violations 'mixed' (harm to people and property) it is necessary to make coordination between the provisions of the Rules and rules of conflict of private international law. Another controversial issue is related to the identification of the locus damni  in cases of crime with a complex structure or fragmented, or that are characterized by an event located in more places, as cybercrimes. Whether and how, Rome II resolves the highlighted issues is the object of my paper." Martin Janak Selected legal aspects of domain names "EN | Subject of this paper are some of selected legal aspects related to internet domain names, as for that matter results from the paper’s title. Attention and interest of public about domains keep continue, although since registration of first internet’s domain passed magical 25 years. Domain names are permanently not only as object of lawsuit, but also as object of issues and disputable questions in the field of law. With regard to numerousness of top level domains (TLD), this paper is focused especially to domains “.cz“ and “.eu“ in top level domain in view of Czech and European law. Contents of the paper itself are specific and partial legal themes connected to domains as for example: (i) domain names legal regulations and their legal nature, (ii) domain names registration, and (iii) generally, domain names as object of legal relations. Reflection of significant domain names disputes and court’s decisions including possible ways of domain names protection, do not stand apart. " Erich Schweighofer Accountability of ICANN "The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) calls itself the most transparent and accountable international organization, deeply committed to the multi-stakeholder process. In this contribution I will access the efforts of ICANN to comply with these aims. Whereas achievements are significant and important, some lacunas remain that should be given particular focus in the next years. The experiment of a multi-stakeholder process with all cyber citizens deserves strong attention as it may solve existing accountability problems of other public or private international organizations." Marketa Selucka The Blue Button: the New Concept for Internet Business in EU. "The European Council at Tampere in October 1999 requested the Commission to study the need to harmonize legislation in the area of substantive civil law. This year the Commission set up a group of experts in the area of civil law, and in particular contract law, and to define its tasks and its structure. Now the experts group prepares Optional Instrument which exclusively applies to cross-border contracts of sale (perhaps including some digital services). It is still open, whether this Optional Instrument will be applicable just to B2C contracts or also to B2B contracts, eventually also to P2P contracts. The Optional Instrument will bring a new possibility in internet market in EU. The Acquis Group try to draft a model Optional Instrument applicable solely to electronic contracts concluded in an E-shop (alternative: all cases of distance selling), but applicable to – in principle – all types of contract, irrespective of their geographic application, (cross-border or domestic) or of the contract parties involved (B2C, B2B or P2P). The Optional Instrument with such a scope may better serve the internal market because it would enable E-shops to organize their activities under just one regime. The article gives basic information about Optional Instrument preparing by Acquis Group." ##### Sheet/List 6 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Zsuzsanna Bodogh Internet search engines: Do they really pose threat to our privacy? "Nowadays we use the internet as our main source of information and the search engines such as the Google to lead us through the labyrinth of websites in order to find the certain piece of information we are looking for. And because we can find almost everything we want and because asking a computer - believing that we remain unidentifiable - is sometimes easier than asking a real person, we venture into this labyrinth more and more bravely and deeply. Our search queries, which are systematically logged and stored by the search engines, show the wide range of our interests, intentions, desires often kept secret even from the closest friends and relatives. If the data stored by the search engines operators about the searches conducted by us made us identifiable, the pieces of our search history would be considered to be personal data, even sensitive personal data and should be treated as such. But is that really the case? And if so, what do the search engine operators do to save our privacy? The paper introduces the privacy problems caused by the internet search engines, the long debate between the operators and the privacy experts, in particular the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, the various positions they took up on this question and attempts to show the possible legal and non-legal solutions to this problem. " Szymon Gołębiowski To disclose or not to disclose – that is the question "An infringement of the copyright entitles the right-holder to institute a civil action against the infringer in order to seek damages. However, the personal data of the tortfeasor are also protected by law but the right-holder needs them to name the defendant and commence a lawsuit. What can be done if the controler of the data refuses to transfer them? ECJ’s Promusicae case (C-275/06) left this question without answer. An only guarantee is a hint that an establishment of an obligation to disclose the personal data for the purposes of civil proceedings should be viewed from the perspective of inter alia ECHR, TRIPS and e-commerce Directive. In 2007 the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw delivered a judgment in a similar case and set forth that there is an obligation to disclose the personal data. There is still a loophole in Polish legislation. Perhaps the mentioned verdict is going to shape the relevant legislation and legal practice. The crucial problem which courts and administrative bodies have to face is a balance which has to be struck between the right of access to the court and the right to protection of personal data. The purpose of this presentation shall be to critically analyse the Polish legislation and case-law concerning data protection and possibility of their disclosure for civil proceedings." "Stefan Kopsell, Petr Svenda" "Challenges for implementing secure, privacy respecting and lawful data retention" "The recently introduced legislation on data retention to aid prosecuting cyber-related crime in Europe also affects the achievable security of systems for anonymous communication on the Internet. These systems alter the source IP-addresses of users and these alterations have to be logged and accessible on request from legal authorities - at least in some countries (e.g., Germany). Completely new security risks arise from the fact that the logged data is used for law enforcement. Both the end users of the anonymity system and the operators of the anonymity server are affected by the existence and necessity to store sensitive data (retained logs), which were not existing/present before the directive introduction. We have analysed security risks and proposed a secure logging scheme, which utilises cryptographic smart cards, trusted timestamping servers and distributed storage to mitigate these risks. A practical implementation of the proposed scheme was performed for the AN.ON anonymity service and scheme can be used for other services as well. We also discuss the practical experience from process of response to legal authorities’ requests both before and after the data retention directive was implemented. Moreover we give a general description of the legal obligations and the usefulness of the retained data is also provided. Derived from these obligations we give arguments reflecting challenges and obstacles for a secure and privacy respecting implementation of data retention. " Joseph A. Cannataci Converging Technologies & Surveillance trends in 2010: the impact on privacy "In a world where technologies increasingly converge, cyberspace and real space are also blending into each other and perhaps nowhere more so than in the sectors of privacy and surveillance. 2010 has been a vintage year for such developments. In June 2010 the Council of Europe moved closer to adopting a new Recommendation on profiling of individuals while in July 2010 the EU and the United States arrived at an interim agreement on access to SWIFT data. August 2010 was characterized by leading technology providers Research in Motion having to discuss or agree monitoring mechanisms for their BlackBerry devices in India, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Germany. Whereas a pilot scheme for smart utilities metering was launched in France in March 2010, in September 2010 residents in various parts of Malta found that their pilot scheme to install “smart” water and electricity meters had gone nation-wide with each household’s use of water and electricity now being measurable remotely in an IBM-backed system. By October 2010 in France a new system of CCTV cameras monitoring of 600 cameras in one city alone seemed to be more intent on making money through parking tickets than detecting crime. In November 2010 it was confirmed that UK police officers would be receiving training on how to use Facebook to catch criminals and the Information Commissioner’s Office presented an up-dated report to Parliament in Westminster. This paper categorizes a number of technologies designed for or incidental to surveillance as increasingly deployed in 2010 and reviews their actual or potential impact on privacy." ##### Sheet/List 7 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract "Minhu Ma, Lili Zhao " Dilemma and Approaches of Intellectual Property Rights in the Integration of industrialization and informatization in China " As a new type of economic and social development model ,integration of the industrialization and informatization (The Integration) has given rise to broad attention in China. China has formulated a development strategy for the integration, that is “Developing modern industry system, vigorously promoting the integration of the information technology and industrialization”. However, we may ask: what’s the integration? At the moment there’s no general consensus on this topic in the theoretic fields in China. We observe that the current focuses are mainly zoomed in the macro-aspect in exploring the path of the integration, its feasibility and other related issues. In our view, and we are afraid that this macro approach may lose sight of the problems of property rights in the integration process. In fact, the industrialization and the informatization have their own unique attributes, and they form different property rights structures. This thesis focuses on the property rights structure, and then explores the IP dilemmas in the integration process in China. Finally,we propose some specific approaches to resolve issues arisen from the process, such as the establishment of legal mechanisms of property rights, innovation and licensing mechanisms, information security mechanisms, etc. " Wojciech Nazarek Does culture flat rate have a future? "Today, in the era of digitalisation and globalisation, the intellectual property law appears to have been almost forgotten by the young generations of the new open society. Moreover, the intellectual property law sometimes seems to have entirely vanished within modern technologies and vast desires of a common Internet user and the free flow of data and information has overruled the contemporary world. Therefore the authors, the consumers, the stakeholders, as well as the policy-makers and the politicians are forced to find a new and adequate approach of securing theirs rights, incomes and believes. This paper presents an alternative way of satisfying the most diverse needs of the authors, the entrepreneurs, and the judiciary by one of the alternative compensation systems, namely the culture flat rate. The first part of the paper explains the concept of the culture flat rate and describes the global and, in case of Germany, the local development of this idea. The second part discusses its advantages and disadvantages with regard to economical, social and legal levels. The third part shows the spectrum of selected legal problems that have to be considered with regard to the culture flat rate (inter alia of constitutional and civil law backgrounds). Furthermore, the discussion is going to follow the global, the European and the German dimensions of this concept. Finally, possible answer(s) to the question: ‘Does the culture flat rate have a future?’ are going to be proposed." Balazs Szemes License v. Sale: a Central European Perspective "In the last decade we have witnessed the rise of new channels of distribution for intellectual works. While even now the main way of distributing such works – i.e. music, software, books, movies – is selling copies on physical media, digital distribution – making available for use through the internet – is rising fast; it is poised to become the biggest channel of selling music by the end of this year in the U.S. An even newer trend is using these works without copying, transferring them at all. Web-based services are replacing more and more software every day, both for personal use and for work. World of Warcraft and Google Docs are stepping stones in this transformation. The ultimate virtualization is eliminating hardware absolutely – by moving all code execution to the cloud. This changes the legal situation profoundly. As selling copies of works were – and are – covered by general rules put into law throughout the world, often not even requiring any additional license terms for a contract, these new uses are governed not by copyright but solely by license contracts. And these contracts do not use the framework the law provides for copyright licenses. Can markets resolve the issues of these new types of services without legislation? Can markets – through competition – create a ‘fair use’ for web-based services? And if regulation is needed – is there any chance to effectively regulate these by a Central European state?" Giovanni Maria Riccio Copyright Collecting Societies: Towards the Abolition of the Existing Monopolies? "Do we need a harmonization for European collecting societies? The European Commission’s decision CISAC stated that artists are free to join whether society they want in Europe. How this decision could jeopardize the monopolies existing in some countries (such as France and Italy) and give the chance to new copyright collecting societies, other than the existing ones, to operate outside their national boundaries (even through internet)? The paper aims at underlining the antitrust and anticompetitive issues of some clauses of the bilateral agreements among CISAC members. Furthermore, starting from an overview of the national situation of some member States (such as UK and the States where copyright collecting societies act under a non-monopolistic regulation), it will consider on the one hand the possibility of creating new copyright collecting societies operating in different counties or exclusively for specific subject matters and, on the other hand, how the existing rules allowing monopolies in this field are compliant with European antitrust law. " Krisztian Andras TIVADAR Is There a Future for Digital Rigths Management? "Although Digital Rigths Management (hereinafter: „DRM”) does not yet have a legal definition in Hungarian law, it is undoubtably part of the complex regulating system including not only legal, but also business, political and cultural elements. DRM seems to impose restrictions on the users of copyright works well exceeding those provided by „traditional” copyright law. There has been surprisingly little debate in Hungary regarding the manner and extent of implementing the relevant European provisions. It still seems to be an open question whether DRM is a solution to the underlying issues and whether or not the advantages of DRM (for its beneficiaries) outweighs the hindrances caused to the users and to the original aim of copyright. At the same time, the world (of Intellectual Property) is flooded by the arguments for and against DRM. The various stakeholders wish to be heard and fiercely battle each other. Much can be learned from them in order to fine-tune the local system. This paper attempts to give an overview of the Hungarian legal provisions regarding DRM and its environment. It also wishes to show the advantages and disadvantages of the DRM-system based on the arguments of the various parties within Hungary, as well as on the arguments made abroad. Furthermore, it looks at the current alternatives offered beside DRM, as well as the potential directions of development." Michal Koscik IP and Antitrust - why does it get so complicated "The topic of my paper is much discussed conflict of Intellectual property and antitrust provisions, especially in relation to compulsory licensing. It is a common cliche that the root of this conflict vests in an obvios antinomy of the fundamental objectives of both bodies of law. The IP alledgedly creates monopolies that antitrust strives to break. This perception of intersection between these two bodies of law is however flawed. The objective of the paper is to demonstrate, that the antitrust rules, if applied correctly help the IP regulation to achieve its main objectives." Leonhard Reis Geo-blocking and copyright "Geo-Blocking has become standard practice among broadcasters, that use technologies to identify the likely location of an Internet user in real-time and block the content in some circumstances. It is used to prevent Internet Protocol (IP) address specified regions from viewing web content or websites, in particular live streaming video. At the moment Geo-Blocking is mainly used by traditional broadcast companies who are moving their television, radio and music content online. Because of the principle of territorial exploitation and consequent distribution contracts with the producers of these programmes many broadcast web sites limit access to persons within their own country. The aim of the paper is to investigate geo-blocking measures from intellecutal property point of view, especially with regard to the question, whether Geo-Blocking is an (effective) technical protection measure in the sense of European copyright." ##### Sheet/List 8 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Libor Kyncl Cross-border Cashless Payments and Law of eFinance "The goal of this paper will be the explanation of contemporary problems in cross-border cashless payments having the form of bank transfers. These payments shall be taken into account inside the European Union and specifically as the part of the Law of eFinance regulation using the comparison with other forms. Positives, negatives and challenges existing in this area will be concluded along with possible risks and recommendations de lege ferenda." Otakar Schlossberger Conclusive evidence of hended information "On 1st November 2009, the Payment Systems Act no. 284/2009 Coll. came into operation. This new act recodified the former, historically first rule governing payment systems and services since 2003. New legal regulation reflects especially the Directive of European Parliament and Council of the European Union no. 2007/94/EC, about payment services in the internal market. The new law describes some new terms and concepts, e.g. payment service, payment institution, payment account, electronic money institution and the others. If payment services are now being provided, there is a necessity that mutual contractual relation between a payment service provider and their clients must be concluded either according to Basic Contract, or, if occasional transfer made, based on Single Payment Transaction Agreement. The act also very strong reflects the provider’s obligation to fulfill final customers with all the information. In order to this information transparency to be legally regulated, the Act implemented two basic forms of presenting this information, i.e. be obliged to provide this information or make this information available. Payment services are such bank products that are expected to be provided electronically. Thus, any electronic banking system could better contribute to the fact that all the information have been evidently provided or made accessible by the payment services provider. " Zdeněk Kučera Cross Border Internet Banking in the EU Race-to-the-Bottom or Race-to-the-Top? "Commercial banks keep searching for the easiest way to retain new customers in foreign states without having to establish a new entity. Since a significant number of banking customers communicate with banks only through internet banking, this institute seems to be one of the key instruments for attracting new customers. Does legislation in the EU enable easy provision of cross-border internet banking? Are restrictions provided by such legislation justified? Or is it time for a change? " Michaela Moždiáková MoneyWeb Lite Client – the easy way how to report the suspicious transaction? "The aim of this paper is to analyze and describe the software application called MoneyWeb Lite Client. The main purpose of the application MoneyWeb Lite Client is to provide reporting (obliged) entities an easy and complete means of notification of the suspicious transactions towards the Czech Financial Intelligence Unit in the scope of the Act No. 253/2008 Coll., on some measures against legalization of proceeds of crime and financing terrorism, as amended. The MoneyWeb Lite Client is further able to be used for educational purposes by compliance staff or special departments, which have competence in the issue of money laundering. " ##### Sheet/List 9 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Rónán Kennedy The Implications of Information and Communications Technology for Environmental Regulation "“Traditional” command-and-control methods of dealing with pollution, using uniform technology standards, operate in a fragmented manner with the inefficiency of a large central bureaucracy and without coordination. Unresponsive to new information, they do not always properly balance the costs and benefits of regulation and do not encourage continual reductions in pollution. These deficiencies have led to the development of a “second generation” of regulatory instruments: market-based, further upstream, more flexible, built on public transparency, integrated into business planning and focusing on incentives rather than punishment. These may operate in a flexible, modular way. As we move towards a third generation of environmental regulation, information and communications technology (ICT) has an important function. Information is a key aspect of the regulatory process, but that input is often flawed or incomplete. In addition, technological constraints often limit the capacity, scope and effectiveness of environmental regulation. Environmental monitoring on a global and up-to-the-minute scale is rapidly becoming possible, and this can be combined with geographical information and opened to the public. The benefits which information technology might bring to regulation include: empowerment of non-governmental organisations; increased accountability of government agencies; monitoring and remote sensing; sophisticated data analysis, simulation and modelling; the wider distribution of environmental information; lowering the information costs in markets for intangible property rights; greater capacity for “reflexive law”; and facilitating greater public participation in the rule-making process." Károly SZILÁGYI The Hungarian system for electronic warrants of payment "Recent legislation in Hungary made the use of electronic warrants system obligatory for financial claims under 1M HUF (approx. 3500 EUR). This process precedes the judicial stage (takes place before a public notary) and uses the ""state of the art"" electronic signature system (PKI). In my presentation I'd like to introduce the concept of warrants of payment, show the differences of the previous and current regime (paper based and electronic way), elaborate on the infrastructure and system of e-warrants, on their strengths and weaknesses and show how well - more or less - this process harmonizes with other e-governmental (e-justice) efforts in Hungary." Aleš Pekárek Public Sector Information: Identification of Exclusive Agreements in Czech Republic "In 2009, European Commission awarded the survey in some of member states of the EU, in order to identify potential Exclusive Agreements, in terms of the PSI Directive. This paper describes the course and the results of the survey in Czech Republic, which led to the identification of two potential Exclusive Agreements. It was very interesting to delve in public sector bodies as all the survey was made with the highest transparency with using of the FOIA requests." ##### Sheet/List 10 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Matthias C. Kettemann Crimes without Victims? A Dignitarian Approach to Prosecuting Sexting "Images depicting children engaged in sexual acts without any exploitative element? Crimes without victims? Or, rather, children who are victimized by prosecutors relying on laws meant to protect them? The legal and jurisprudential issues raised by “sexting” – the sending of sexually suggestive nude or nearly-nude photo or video of oneself to someone via a mobile phone – force us to rethink the legal approach to prosecuting the production, possession and transmission of images which seem, prima facie, child pornography. I would like to compare and contrast the deeply problematic US prosecutorial practice with the current European approach: complete negation. Arguing that traditional laws against child pornography are should not be applied to most sexting scenarios, I will nevertheless suggest that (and on which basis), two representative European countries – Austria and Germany – should start to prosecute sexters and which changes would have to be made to their criminal laws. My argument, however, is a broader one. I will suggest that anti-sexting legislation must be based on a dignitarian approach that transcends the perpetrator/victim dichotomy of traditional laws against child pornography. Concluding that Europe should start to take sexting seriously I will propose that it can legitimately do so based on new legislation aimed at protecting the human dignity of sexters." Michaela Poborilova Virtual child pornography "Child pornography is a serious negative social phenomenon and countries are trying to fight against it effectively. Virtual child pornography constitutes a subset of child pornography. It is a new phenomenon with many unresolved questions and problems. This paper firstly defines key terms which child pornography generally involves. Furthermore, it contains the definition of virtual child pornography from the perspective of Czech law and international law (especialy from the perspective of the European Union). This paper including a solution to various issues as the subject of virtual child pornography, status of virtual persons from the legal point of view, determination of their age and criminal punishment in law. Finally three case studies, reflecting current position of selected countries on the matter, are stated. These studies show how virtual child pornography is dealt with in practice. Virtual world is becoming a daily part of life and increasingly penetrating into the real world, and for this reason there is also an expanding number of society´s moral values requiring protection." Malgorzata Skorzewska-Amberg Pornography in cyberspace – European regulations "The wide-spread global computer networks generates also illegal content, which can reach practically an unlimited amount of recipients. Utilizing global networks for dissemination or presenting child pornography is increasing in an avalanche-like way. Documents adopted in reaction to this phenomenon require EU member states, as well as countries belonging to the Council of Europe, to take measures enabling prosecution of i.a. producing, making available, possessing and distributing child pornography by use of information systems. Problematic is so-called artificially generated or simulated imagery pornography. Blocking or withdrawing of illegal content from networks remains a debatable issue. Liability is often avoided due to the variety of legal systems applied by different countries. Hence, continuous international cooperation in analyzing the situation and coordinating measures in combating child pornography and other forms of sexual abuse on the Internet is of vital importance. Latest efforts of the European Union (e.g. the proposed new Council framework decision concerning combating sexual exploitation and abuse of children for sexual purposes, child pornography as well as the Declaration 29) strive for the adoption of harmonized regulations in combating this phenomenen in different countries. " Malgorzata Skorzewska-Amberg Protection of digital information in Polish criminal law "The danger of uncontrolled use of computer and global computer network advantages has begun to be noticed in Poland in the last few years. To translate the language used by modern technology into legal language and catching behaviour seemingly unimportant or of minor consequence, but in reality causing major damage, turned out to be most difficult. It is hence of great significance to adopt laws covering as much as possible of cyberspace behaviour. Liability for illegal content disseminated in global networks is defined by general legislation, mainly in penal and civil law. The penal code regulates issues concerning the dissemination of illegal material in networks, as well as questions with regard to the protection of information kept in computer systems. Inadequate definition harmonization still causes problems. Polish legislation still lacks clearly and precisely formulated regulations penalizing activities aiming at gaining accession to computer systems by breaking security measures, deceitful by-passing of security, interception of access codes or taking advantage of security flaws, disregarding if the object is a single computer or a network. It is so in spite of the fact that Poland is high on the list of countries most affected by attacks on computers connected to the Internet, in relation to the amount of users. The EU directive regarding retention of data and blocking of internet sites gives rise to lively debate. " Ales Zavrsnik Cyberbullying: the quest for the extension of criminal law "Cyberbullying usually refers to bullying and harassment of others by means of new electronic technologies, primarily mobile phones and the Internet. There are two types of criminological research that can shed light on cyberbullying: researches on traditional forms of bullying and researches on cybercrime. The paper departs from both types of research and examines the existing legal framework in a selected number of European countries. Firstly, it presents the widespread use of the Internet among youngsters that shows the necessity to foster legal framework regarding cyberbullying. In Slovenia, 88% of minors aged between 6 and 17, 73% of minors aged between 6 and 10, and 70% of minors aged between 5 and 9 use the Internet. Secondly, the paper presents the results of an on-line victimization survey and a self-report study about cyberbullying that was conducted among students in several Slovene faculties. Thirdly, it identifies actors that can be held legally liable for an act of cyberbullying: schools that are authorised to conduct disciplinary proceedings against bullies, parents that can be held civil liable for the damages caused by their children and minors that can also be held criminally responsible and civil liable for damages. Finally, the paper maps possibilities of how to apply the existing legal framework in a case of cyberbullying, without the need to foster the repressive power of the state." ##### Sheet/List 11 ##### Full name of the author Title of the paper Abstract Petr Soukup Czech cybersecurity "My presentation is based on many sociological researches about cyberspace carried out mainly in the Czech Republic in 2007-2010. I use data from World Internet Project, Flash Eurobarometr 248 and other smaller national studies focused especially on young people. I mainly focus on the situation in the Czech Republic, on the role of school and parents in ""cybersocialization"" of children in the sphere of cybersecurity. I will present result of new study about privacy of personal data on Czech cyberspace." "Manel Mastouri, Bel G Raggad" Planning Business Continuity: A Guide for Public and Private Agencies "A business can be disrupted in many different ways. Depending on the criticality of the business components that have been hit, the losses can be of any size. While some business components are fully recovered, others may be only partially recovered or may be lost for good. Also while some corrective and recovery activities can be easy, quick, and inexpensive, other such activities can be very difficult, slow, and very costly. If we invest in security that is because we want our business to continue undisrupted. Yet even with all the security policies and strategies we have in place, business continuity is a on its own a chief enterprise that need to be planned and budgeted cautiously and adequately. We propose a simple guide on how to plan, test and implement business continuity. A very important part of business continuity is disaster recovery planning for IT services. We present how to develop, test, and implement a disaster recovery plan. As for any other business continuity component, the scope, business impact analysis, policy review and risk analysis are considered the main steps in business continuity. " David Adeyeye The frost over the right of states to shoot down an international civilian aircraft "The increased threat of terrorism has forced air carriers and states to devise and implement elaborate and stringent security precautions , however these measures may not be adequate in certain circumstances. One of such circumstances that may arise is a situation, where a terrorist(s) on board a given international civilian aircraft, intend(s) to carry out an act of terrorism through the aircraft over the airspace of another state. Given that (a) there are communication difficulties in negotiating with the terrorist(s); (b) that the aims of the terrorist(s) is or (are) clear; (c) that both military and ICAO’s instruction manual on interception has been followed and all other measures failed; (d) that the time for action is very short;) may of course necessitate the shooting down this aircraft for national security by the targeted states’ security authorities. However the shooting down of such aircraft present a plethora of complexities and issues around the “legality” of shooting the aircraft, liability and compensation issues for the injury or death of the different innocent foreign citizens or victims of the aircraft within the reach of aviation law on one hand and the international law on the other hand. This essay attempt to examine the jurisprudential basis of state’s right to shoot down an international civilian aircraft within the international conventions of aviation law, and as well evaluate the argument defence of such action within international laws. Also, this essay would attempt to provide the liability contexts within the provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) and the Warsaw Convention system- the international convention which regulates liability for international carriage of persons, luggage or goods performed by aircraft for reward. Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention links responsibility of State and aviation security by demanding each State “to have as it primary objectives the safety of passengers while the Warsaw system set the liability standards for damage, injury and death for the air carriers towards their passengers. This author would contend that neither international aviation conventions nor international law evolved fast enough to clear the frost over international laws and international aviation laws with regards to security and liability issues. " ##### Sheet/List 12 ##### Room n. 034 Title Full name Title of the paper Abstract 9.00 - 10.30: Workshop: Young Internet Users: Risks and Opportunities - EU Kids Online I (chair prof. Veronika Kalmus) Mr. Uwe Hasebrink Different cyberspaces across Europe? Towards a typology of young people’s online practices "Young people’s online and offline practices are closely interwoven parts of their everyday lives. In as much as the social, cultural and individual contexts of young people – across Europe and within single European countries – differ, it may be assumed that they will develop different online practices. Thus “cyberspace” cannot be conceived as an external pre-existing space, which young people “enter” when they use the internet. In developing specific online practices the users create different “cyberspaces”. This paper sets out to identify patterns of young people’s online practices. The conceptual and empirical basis is the work of the EU Kids Online II network. The network investigates issues of internet related risk and safety in 25 European countries. In each country the network has organised a standardised survey among young people from 9 to 16 years who use the internet. Using these data the paper will present analyses on the correlation between different indicators for online practices, e.g. the general frequency and duration of online use, the use of particular services as well as the frequency of some risky online practices. Based on these correlations patterns of online practices will be identified and interpreted as user types. These analyses will be done for each country as well as for the whole sample. The user types will be discussed with regard to the likelihood to experience particular opportunities or risks while using the internet." Mrs. Monica Barbovschi Kids’ dissimulation online – risks or opportunity "In the words of Goffman (1959), the presentation of self is consciously and purposely performed across various stages of new media platforms. As shown by previous research, many adolescents take the opportunity to experiment with different identities online (Gross, 2004; Huffaker & Calvert, 2005; Lenhart & Madden, 2007; Pearson, 2009; Subrahmanyam, Smahel, & Greenfield, 2006; Turkle, 1995; Valkenburg, Schouten, & Peter, 2005), experimentations that are highly beneficial. For example, Valkenburg and Peter (2008) found out that adolescents who experimented more often with their identity on the Internet communicated also more often online with people of different ages and cultural backgrounds, with positive effects on their social competence. Children’s dissimulation practices entail both a dimension of identity exploration and a more ludic component. This paper aims to explore children’s dissimulation practices online in relation to sensation seeking, looking up for new friends on the Internet and meeting strangers, but also psychosocial factors, with separate consideration for younger (9-10) and older (11-16) children. The analyses will be based on the data collected by the by research network EU Kids Online in 25 European countries. The paper will discuss the implications in terms of both opportunities and risks associated with dissimulation online." Dr. Ellen Helsper Explanations of limited engagement by young European internet users There is increasing awareness that not all children are equally online but the processes that lead to disengagement amongst some young people are not well understood. This presentation examines inequalities in access and use of the Internet across Europe and US by using EU Kids Online and PEW American Life and the Internet data. The availability of the EU kids Online and PEW datasets means that it will be possible to compare the influence of a child's socio-economic background with that of national diffusion and policy characteristics and examine whether these relationships are consistent across Europe and the US. Explanations for cross-national differences in the relationship between social exclusion and digital disengagement are sought at the child level as well as the national level. The presentation will provide classification of countries in terms of individual and national level inequalities is provided to show the link between national inclusion policies and individual child experiences. Coffee Break 10.45 - 12.15: Workshop: Children Online: Parental Mediations and Sexual Exposure - EU Kids Online II (chair prof. Uwe Hasebrink) Mrs. Andrea Duerager Measuring parental mediation of their child’s internet use – Testing the reliability of a translated scale considering the parent’s as well as the child’s points of view "About three quarters (?) of European children aged nine to 16 are using the internet (Livingstone et al. forthcoming). The internet offers children opportunities, but at the same time it can comprise risks as well. Hence, parents play an important role in their child’s development of internet literacy, ability to use opportunities and prevention of risks. Parental mediation contains different factors; moreover, it varies in dependence of the kind of media. According to Valkenburg et al. (1999), Livingstone and Helsper (2008) developed four subscales for parental mediation of their children’s internet use: active co-use, interaction restrictions, monitoring and technical restrictions. Within the cross European survey of EU Kids Online II, the items for measuring parental mediation resulted from this study, but implying some modifications. Mediation was measured through five subscales: co-use (whereas co-use is part of active mediation and therefore labelled through active mediation of use), active mediation (of safety), restrictive mediation, monitoring and technical restrictions (Livingstone et al. forthcoming).Following, the main research questions to be answered within this paper are: 1) How reliable are the subscales and the main scale across countries, moreover across different languages? 2) How could the validity of the scales being measured? Can any correlation being found between parental mediation and children’s internet use? 3) Last, are the internet mediation dimensions identified by parent’s answers reflected in children's reports of their parent’s mediation? Livingstone, Sonia; Haddon, Leslie; Goerzig, Anke & Ólafsson, Kjartan (forthcoming): Risks and safety on the internet. The perspective of European children. Report within the EU Kids Online Project II. Livingstone, Sonia & Helsper, Ellen (2008): Parental Mediation of Children’s Internet Use. In: Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 52, 581-599. Valkenburg, P. M., Krcmar, M., Peeters, A. L., & Marseille, N. M. (1999). Developing a scale to assess three different styles of television mediation: ‘‘instructive mediation,’’ ‘‘restrictive mediation,’’ and ‘‘social coviewing.’’ Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43, 52-66." Mrs. Veronika Kalmus "Competing or Complementary Agents of Socialisation? Constructing Indexes and Types of Parental, Teacher and Peer Mediation of EU Kids’ Internet Use" "In his presentation, the author deals with the genealogy of subpolitical concepts of the Internet as a new kind of space invading traditional system of nation state institutions and its relation to the intellectual property rights and the system of appropriation of information. Describing the development of the cyberspace politics discourse, the author points out that the contemporary emergence of political parties focused on defending the social novelty of this space is the logical consequence of this development. " Mrs. "Anna Ševčíková, David Šmahel" Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials among Czech Early Adolescents: Comparison with European Youth " Adolescents grow up surrounded by media, bringing them several risks, such as exposure to sexually explicit materials (Flood, 2007; Peter & Valkenburg, 2006). Prior research has shown that exposure at a young age is related to sensation-seeking, problem behaviour (Brown & L’Engle, 2009; Peter & Valkenburg, 2006), problematic family relations (Mesch, 2009), and emotional problems (Ybarra & Mitchell, 2005). At the same time, it has been documented that the high rates of sexual exposure appear in older adolescence when youth become more interested in sexuality (Wolak, Mitchell, & Finkelhor, 2007). However, only a few studies have focused on exposure to sexually explicit materials in early adolescence and compared psycho-social correlates of such behaviour across countries, both of which are goals of this study. The data comes from the EU Kids Online II project, which contains representative samples of at least 1,000 youth aged 9 to 16 years from 25 European countries. In this study, a subsample of youth aged 10 to15 years (N = 17.720) is analysed. In the Czech Republic 44% of early adolescents reported exposure to sexually-explicit materials, whereas older youths reported greater exposure, however, there were no significant gender differences. Twenty-seven percent of those who have seen some sexual material on the Internet were bothered by this experience; younger adolescents and girls were bothered more often than older youths and boys. Comparing the groups of pornography viewers and non viewers while controlling age, viewers were more prone to other forms of offline and online risky behaviour, and to being sensation seekers. The group of youths who reported being bothered had more emotional problems. In relation to other European countries, Czech and Norwegian early adolescents reported the highest pornography exposure. With consideration of developmental and psychosocial differences, possible explanations of the very high exposure to sexually explicit materials among Czech early adolescents are discussed. Although when compared to other European youths Czech adolescents were the most exposed to sexual materials, it seems that developmental differences in sexual interest are preserved. " Lunch Break "13.15 - 14.45: Workshop: Cyberbullying, sexual abuse and online relationships (chair prof. Gustavo Mesch)" Dr. "Thomas Roessing, Ruth Fischer, Janina Fortmann, Sarah Levy" Cyber-Bullying – Effects and Implications "Cyber-bullying is quite common among younger Internet users. It can be assumed that victims of cyber-bullying suffer even more from their ordeal than victims of traditional bullying. This is due to the far bigger publicity of online bullying and the constricted options to fight or evade online bullying. The authors of the present paper tested the effects of cyber-bullying using a psychological experiment with two experimental conditions. Stimulus was an image, allegedly taken from a cell phone video, depicting a young male pupil, sitting on a school toilet. In one experimental condition (traditional bullying, TB) the picture was presented as part of a video going hand to hand in the classroom. In the cyber-bullying condition (CB) the image was embedded into the typical Youtube layout, including an insulting caption. Respondents (71 students of a German university in two parallelized groups) answered a questionnaire with several items addressing the perceived impact of the bullying and possible consequences. The experiment yielded several significant results. Respondents of the CB condition expect more persistent confrontation with the material as well as more grave consequences for the victim than the respondents of the TB condition. CB respondents advocate more severe consequences the offenders. The concluding section of the paper discusses social psychological implications of the results as well as the possibility of legal measures against cyber-bullying." Dr. Katalin Parti "Online sexual abuse of children - What kind of role victims, partners, family and school play in the victimization?" "Our empirical research conducted in the first half of 2010 focuses on the online activities and behaviour of teenagers studying in Budapest’s schools. One of the striking outcomes of the research is that a significant proportion of teenagers who had had already sexual relationship communicated the affair in depictions online. On the palette of risky behaviours there are chatting with strangers online, talking sex with strangers online, and meeting online acquainted strangers offline as well. Offline meeting with strangers often sailed into a prompt sexual intercourse. The research showed nevertheless, that the phenomenon called double moral standard (Michelet, 2003) responsible for the person’s danger-awareness during online communications is more palpable among Hungarian pupils than among their Western-European peers. (Michelet, 2003; Mitchell et al., 2001; Mitchell et al., 2003) Hungarian children tend to accept more when the stranger they meet online lies about his/her age and aims. The presentation will include the most important data on Hungarian youngsters’ manners in using internet, especially when it comes to the point of sexual talk (‘sexting’). We also will discuss what kind of a role family, peers and school play in awareness raising and/or encouraging youngsters for talking openly online. " Dr. "Mario Lehenbauer, Birgit U. Stetina, Lena Tellinger" Coping with stress online: Loneliness and perceived Social Support "Objectives: Loneliness is defined as perceived social isolation and not based on the number of people in a person’s social network. Coping is the process of solving personal and interpersonal stress to minimize or reduce stress. The aim of our study was to investigate the (online) coping styles and the intensity of the perceived social support online. Methods: 638 Internet users, recruited online, were examined using online-questionnaires including an especially developed coping inventory (Stetina et al., in prep.) and a self-developed questionnaire concerning perceived social support offline and online (Stetina, Piffl, Lehenbauer & Kothgassner, 2009). Results: Female users reported more emotion-oriented (z(33399)=-6.1, p<.001) and avoidant-oriented (z(37707.5)=-4,2, p<.001) coping styles than male participants. There are significant differences between younger (13-30 years) and older (>30 years) users concerning emotion-oriented (F(5,585)=61, p<.001) and task-oriented (F(5,583)=3.5, p=.004) coping styles. 90% preferred online social support because they can talk to friends faster and easier. The more the Internet is used, the less social support in offline relationships is reported. In general, social contacts were maintained basically personally or by e-mail. Conclusions: The results indicate three groups of coping styles and differences in age and gender between the single groups. Further studies are needed to implement these results into recent models of internet behaviour. " Coffee Break 15.00 - 16.30: Workshop: Online Gaming and Social Networking (chair Prof. Alexander Voiskounsky) Ms. "Birgit U. Stetina, Oswald D. Kothgassner" Shadows over Azeroth: Problematic Internet Use in the World of Online Gaming "Aim: The presented study addresses often discussed fundamental questions regarding depression and problematic internet use concerning several types of online games. Method: 330 participants were surveyed using an online-questionnaire consisting of an adapted version of the ISS-20 (Hahn&Jerusalem,2001) in order to measure problematic Internet use (PIU), the FDD for DSM-IV (Kühner,1997), to examine depressive symptoms, and the MSWS (Schütz,2006) to assess self-esteem. Statistical analysis included ANOVAs and the calculation of effect sizes for specific insights into main issues. Results: Most relevant: Over 80% of the participating online-gamers show neither depressive symptoms nor any aspects of PIU. Regarding problematic cognitions and behaviors: MMORPG users show higher tendency toward depressive symptoms (F(2,327)=5.505;p<.001;d=.31) and PIU (F(2,327)=12.359;p<.001;d=.48) than Ego-Shooters or users of Real-Time-Strategy Games. Additionally, users of MMORPGs have a lower self-esteem (F(2,327)=6.121;p<.001;d=.33) and spend more time (F(2,327)=10.032;p<.001;d=.43) in-game. Discussion: Prejudices regarding psychopathological well-being of online-gamers seem to be nearly arbitrary. Only less than 20% of the surveyed gamers show relevant symptoms regarding depression or PIU. But, reflecting these findings MMORPGs seem to be more problematic than conventional online games. Future research should include analysis of diverse psychopathological relationships and health-related aspects." Mrs. Jessica Moorman The University Facebook Experience: The Role of Social Networking on the Quality of Interpersonal Relationships "The present study examined the relationship between online social networking usage, quality of interpersonal relationships and psychological well-being. Specifically, this study aimed to explore how social relationships function in online and offline contexts and for whom social interactions are potentially enhanced (or impeded) through online interactions. This study also examined the psychological well-being, including levels of self-esteem and depression, of individuals as a mediating function of their relationship quality. A sample of 541 undergraduate students completed a collection of questionnaires focused on determining background characteristics, Facebook usage trends and purposes for online use. A subset of the participant pool, consisting of 284 participants, were then categorized based on their self-reported daily Facebook usage and asked to complete a second set of questionnaires designed to assess whether the quality of offline (face to face) relationships are potentially affected by time spent in online interaction and how this impacts general psychological well-being. Preliminary results suggest that high Facebook usage students were more likely to feel that Facebook allows them to find out things about their current romantic partner or friend, communicate more readily with their friends, and feel it is an acceptable medium for telling someone something difficult. Furthermore, results suggest a significant relationship between feelings of loneliness and using Facebook to communicate with friends and new acquaintances. Results also highlight the important roles social networking sites play in mediating interpersonal relationships and suggest that online social networking may impede the quality of offline relationships and general overall individual well-being." Ms. Johan Höglund Virtual War: Trauma and Simulation "In 2004, a report in the New England Journal of Medicine suggested that one in six US soldiers coming back from Iraq suffer from stress disorders. These soldiers receive the standard treatment, anti-depressants and talk therapy, but since 2006, some have also been exposed to a simulated environment called Virtual Iraq. When placed in this computer-generated world, the traumatised soldier can be confronted with a situation similar to that he or she faced in Iraq, uncovering the repressed memories that cause the disorder. Interestingly, Virtual Iraq is a modification of a military simulator designed to prepare soldiers for war. This software, called Full Spectrum Command, also exists as a commercial game. In other words, the same basic computer code is used to prepare soldiers psychologically and practically for war, to entertain the public and to treat soldiers suffering from stress disorders. From this perspective, this paper discusses how games and simulations embrace the existential and psychological experience of war. The soldiers treated in Virtual Iraq have often grown up playing military computer games, they may well have been recruited through the pentagon-developed game America’s Army and they have been trained with the help of computer simulations such as Full Spectrum Command. To what extent are these soldiers able or encouraged to distinguish between simulated and real war? Is it even possible to distinguish between virtual and actual conflict in modern society? " Coffee Break "16.45 - 18.15: Workshop: Ethic, human intellect enhancement and online communities (chair prof. Herbert Hrachovec)" Ms. "Anna Felnhofer, Birgit U. Stetina, Oswald D. Kothgassner, Ilse Kryspin-Exner" Cyberpsychological Research: friend or foe? An ethical debate. "Whom does psychological online research serve and who does it potentially harm? It lies in the nature of Cyberspace not only to convert grounding aspects of human existence such as identity and language but also to create tension between online existence and the real body existence (Capurro & Pingel, 2002). Naturally this fact pertains to online research in general, yet it challenges cyberpsychological research in particular and shall therefore be discussed in the light of recent ethical considerations. Unquestionably psychological online research bears manifold advantages for the researcher, including the possibility to observe rare psychological phenomena, to identify risky behavior and to get hold of population that wouldn’t have been reached in conventional settings (Kraut, 2004). Yet, at the same time the researcher is confronted with the impossibility to reliably identify the subject’s identity and thus, to react adequately to distressing information (Stern, 2003). Participants in turn may find it easier to disclose confidential information or to withdraw from participation since the researcher is not physically present. However, psychological methods inquiring delicate information or evoking emotions bear the risk of harming the participants (Holmes, 2009). All of the above highlight the need to redefine the boundaries of the researcher’s ethical responsibility on the basis of the four central ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and autonomy." Eva Zackova Man-computer symbiosis as a way of human intellect enhancement "The questions of what computers could do someday in serving to a man have been provoking us since the age of Alan Turing and von Neumann. From the very beginning, the conception of symbiotic relation between man and computer has been bounded to this question. When a computer graphic interface was developed, creating a space (cyberspace) suited for cooperation of man and computer, the sympathy for computer technology spread out. This virtual environment could be shared with other people and other computers; at present, it could be experienced as three-dimensional as well, not only visually but also by a taction. Such technological evolution required changes in our conception and perception of reality; now it can be called augmented, mixed, virtual or simulated reality. These are environments friendly to human intellect enhancement because of their simulated naturalness. The conception of intelligence amplification has its origin in the 1960th and is still being considered today. The purpose of the paper is to compare the conception of man-computer symbiosis in the 1960's and today's vision of human cognitive enhancement by computers. Turkle’s psychological and sociological reflection of the man-computer relation will be introduced as well. According to Turkle, today's computer simulation engages our mind and body so strongly that a very strange and intimate relation is built between man and virtual world or objects, a relation similar to the relationship with transitional objects described by English psychoanalyst Winnicott. " Ms. Rayfield a. Waller Every Distance is not Near: False Conceptions of Community in Cyberspace " The collapsing of distance affected by cyberspace (when we understand cyberspace to be the most profound and powerful amplification of epistemological and phenomenological need since the invention of Guttenberg's press) has recently begun to coalesce as so-called 'social networking'. It is not the practicality, vibrancy, and efficacy of social networking that his paper addresses, but rather the underlying assumption of 'community' that arises from the development of enriched practices of communication, self representation, and communal activity that cyberspace networking has created. The illusion of the collapsing of distance into an assumption of nearness (intimacy) is one this paper will seek to agressively problematize in two specific ways: 1. Despite cyberspace dogma and that dogma's presumption of the elimination of distance, human Intimacy still does and perhaps still must entail at least an awareness of the distal nature of cyberspace as a location far from the body left behind and the psyche we pretend to leave behind. To sublate or to repress the continued reality of the body and its needs (psyche) is to seek a utopia of gnosis, logos, and epistime which is perhaps ultimately false. 'Community' as a conception migrating into and confined to cyberspace is thus in some disturbing ways, an assumption that we are becoming spiritus free to co-join outside our bodies rather than the truth as this paper suspects it: that bodies are isolated from one another merely acting as spirits (spirits merely in the metaphorical sense of avatars--representations, not essences). 2. When we enter cyberspace and 'network' there we drag our ego formations along for the ride. Freud is thus triumphant in his cyberspatial amplification: narcissism, paranoia, sado masochism, the reification of 'the shadow' (i.e., Jungian reality), and delusional self obsession are all potentially amplified, even as language itself is potentially denuded (e.g., the grammatical decomposition of language through text messaging) and sublated. This paper will in short re examine the Fruedian/Jungian realities of psyche, and will reassert the Hegelian principle of 'aufheben' (ablution, sublation) in problematising the dogma of cyberspace--that there is some purification or exaltation of matter and of mind possible through matter's negation in cyberspace. The elimination of the needs of body and mind is not affected through social networking--that is, there is no utopia possible. " ##### Sheet/List 13 ##### Room n. 038 Title Full name Title of the paper Abstract 9.00 - 10.30: Workshop: Participation in online communities and media convergence (chair Dr. Francesca Seganti) Mr. Qin Guo Internet and Political Participation in China "The population of internet users in China has experienced rapid development in recent years. According to China Internet Network Information Centre, the number of Chinese internet users has reached 338 million in June 2009 (CNNIC, 2009). While the internet is ubiquitous in people’s life, the Chinese government has been keen to promote online political participation. This article explored the role of internet in fulfilment of Habermas’ ideal of public sphere in the Chinese context. The research drew on secondary data analysis on CNNIC’s 24th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China, content analysis on online discussion and forum on the Chinese People Network, observation of provincial government official websites, and a questionnaire survey of residents in a rural area in north of Guangdong. The author observed that the sustained rapid development of internet application in recent years and the Chinese government’s effort in promoting political participation presented a positive prospect for political democracy in China. Meanwhile, the author also identified obstacles that might hinder internet’s efficient functioning for political participation in China." Mr. Thomas Roessing Media Convergence – Dimensions of an Evolving Concept "Media convergence currently receives a fair amount of attention from researchers and politicians. The basic aspect of this process is technical convergence of formerly separate media on multimedia platforms. The most important focuses of technical convergence are the Internet (with computers as terminal devices) and mobile communication (with smartphones and tablet computers for content display). Societal aspects of media convergence go far beyond the mere technological process: For many younger users (“digital natives”) offline peers and online acquaintances converge into one social network, maintained over internet services like facebook. Professional journalism and user generated content converge into online news platforms. E-books and tablet computers endanger the existence of traditional publishers. Eventually, media convergence is a challenge for society and politics, because many traditional forms of regulation and legal protection of individual as well as collective rights (e. g. with regard to libel or the freedom of the press) are not applicable in the new media world. The paper is an attempt to clarify the dimensions of the concept and phenomenon of media convergence and to discuss its social and political consequences." Mrs. "Zoe Davey, Ornella Corazza, Fabrizio Schifano, Paolo Deluca" Legal highs and the role of online drug forum communities "In the last 12 months so-called ‘legal highs’ and synthetic ‘research chemicals’ have become increasingly common features of the recreational drug market. The emergence of these new drug trends have brought various challenges with regards to harm reduction, prevention, policy and research, particular given that there is often very little, if any, evidenced-based literature or scientific knowledge available. The European Commission funded Psychonaut Web Mapping Project (2008-2009) identified the Internet as an important tool for identifying and categorising new and emerging substances, and for providing a credible source of technical and pharmacological knowledge not yet available via more ‘traditional’ channels. Drug-related Internet forums and online communities emerged as particularly useful sources of information, and a qualitative analysis of 8 English-language drug forums was also carried out within the framework of the multilingual Psychonaut Web Mapping project. This presentation will discuss the methodology and results of the Psychonaut Web Mapping project, placing a particular focus on the key features of drug-related Internet forums and the drug forum communities. Issues of anonymity and confidentiality, stability and accessibility, in- and out- group dynamics, and language will be examined, together with potential implications for future research, drug education, and harm reduction." Coffee Break "10.45 - 12.15: Workshop: Organization, Work & ICT (chair Dr. Ragnhild Mogren)" Mrs. Ragnhild Mogren The role of mobile ICT in organizational context – a comparative study "The role of mobile ICT is often discussed in terms of individual use, with focus on for instance its impact on individual autonomy. Recent research also shows some interest in the social implications of mobile ICT use, such as the development of new forms of social networks. The aim of this paper is to further explore and discuss the social role of mobile ICT, namely in the forming of mutual activities in organizations. The paper is based on a study of two micro organizations with a longitudinal and comparative design. The first organization is a small IT-company, with three owners, the second a four person rockband. The studies are based on self-observations in form of diaries, analyzed as time-geographical notion systems, and individual interviews. The organizations are studied as action nets and the forming of the organizations is analyzed as communities of practice. The questions raised in the paper are: How is mobile ICT integrated in the organizing of the organizations? What are the similarities and differences between the organizations in their mobile ICT integration? The result indicates that, in the rockband, mobile ICT is used as tools for coordinating mutual activities, but also as tools for coordinating individual projects related to the organizational project. In the IT-company, mobile ICT is embedded in the daily activities and used as shared tools integrated in the daily practices of the actors where individual and company projects seem to be more integrated." Mr. Karol Wolski Personal Web Usage in the Workplace - Polish Perspective "Personal web usage in the workplace (PWU) is widespread among employees of modern companies. This social and economic phenomenon causes diverse organizational problems including data security risks, financial losses, legal issues and undermining employees’ morale. Employers are forced to adopt variety of coping strategies to decrease PWU. These strategies should be based on the results of scientific research and psychological knowledge about PWU and human behaviour in the workplace. In the present paper a holistic model of personal web usage in the workplace is proposed. It is based on the theory of planned behaviour formulated by Ajzen (1998) and the technology acceptance model by Davis (1986). The present model was developed on the base of literature review and the results of author's original research project Internet at Work - First National Research on Employees. Empirical study was conducted among 432 Polish employees using internet at work. Structural equation modeling approach was adopted to develop the holistic model of PWU. Results are discussed in the context of theory and practice of the PWU and online research methodology." Dr. Cristina Vasilica Persuasive web site design in E-country branding " Research suggests destination websites can influence the travel intention of Internet users and nation branding was confirmed to be a valuable concept to most countries that strive to become competitive online destination brands. The subjectivity of destination branding makes this concept very difficult to measure but, at the same time, it proves to be crucial when discussing tourists’ preferences of psychological nature. The paper addresses the country image as a brand used by Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in order to promote national tourism online. Particularly, the aim of the article is to evaluate how the Romanian Official Tourism website took advantage of the online destination promotion on the Internet influencing travel motivation. The evaluation of the Romanian Official Tourism website’s effectiveness is performed confronting it to the best country brands websites of the moment, from the web design and content point of view. The study employs a combined research method: factor checklist evaluation, an experimental instrument for data collection and experts` views. The results highlight the online strategies utilised by the best country brands in the world and delivered a set of recommendations for improving the design of the Romanian Official Tourism website. This final part of the research paper comes as an answer to the multitude of critics and beliefs that DMO websites are lacking in persuasive design and tourist expectations. " Lunch Break 13.15 - 14.45: Workshop: Excessive Online Gaming (chair Assoc. Prof. David Smahel) Dr. "Oswald D. Kothgassner, Birgit U. Stetina" The Broken Gamer: Investigating a New Component of Problematic Gaming Behavior "Aim: The aim of the current study was to investigate the factor of Escapism in a MMORPG sample concerning problematic gaming behavior (PGB). Method: 414 MMORPG users were surveyed using an online-questionnaire consisting of an adaption of the ISS-20 (Hahn & Jerusalem, 2001) to describe PGB. Additionally the German version of the UCLA (Russel, 1996; Schwab, 1997) was applied to assess loneliness. Preference for a virtual life (PVL) was measured using the OCS (Davis, 2001) and Caplans’ (2005) items. The motivation to escape from real life was measured using 15 statements regarding aspects such as playing online games to avoid problems or playing them in order to relax. Results: Factor analyses reveal that 2 factors of Escapism can be examined which were considered into further analysis. By using hierarchical linear regression model the indicating items for avoiding real life problems (factor1) accounted for a significant increase of 41% (β=.48; p<.001) and the recreational items (factor2) show an additional increase of 2% (β=.23; p<.001) in explained variance in PGB. Loneliness (β=.16; p<.001) and PVL (β=.07; p<.114) show only a small increase in explained variance in the dependent variable. Discussion: The study examined the impact of immersion with 2 main components. The importance of Escapism should be investigated concerning maladaptive and adaptive coping strategies. Additionally, interesting differences between the internet and the MMORPG sample should be discussed." Dr. Petra Holcnerová Self-perception of addiction to online games and motivation to quit or limit online gaming "Addiction to online games belongs with excessive online communication and cybersex activity overload to the group of risky behavior called Internet addiction. This paper provides results of semi-structured offline and online interviews with online gamers focused on their self-perception of addiction to online gaming and motivation to quit or limit online gaming. How individuals perceive whether they are addicted to online gaming or not, what meanings they ascribe to this fact and due to which motives they decide to quit or limit online gaming can have important consequences for explaining the process of quitting /limiting online gaming and eventually for seeking treatment. " Dr. Katerina Lukavska Time Orientation As A Predictor Of MMORPG Playing "The study which will be presented focused on the causes of playing MMORPGs (Mass Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games). We investigated link between playing these games and the concept of time orientation by Philip G. Zimbardo. We collected 154 MMORPGs players and revealed that they differed from the regular population of appropriate age in the past negative time orientation – they were more negatively orientated toward their own past than was usual in population. Moreover, we detected some differences in orientation toward present and future within players' sample, which partially explained the differences in the time intensity of playing (measured by the amount of hours spent by playing per week and the amount of hours spent in one session). To sum up, we showed that time orientation had an impact on MMORPG playing. We consider our findings as highly relevant especially in intervention of excessive playing, because time orientation is relatively stable personality trait but can be influenced by targeted intervention." Coffee Break 15.00 - 16.30: Workshop: Content Creation & Participation Online (chair Dr. Francesca Seganti) Ms. "Fritz Kohle, Arleen Cuevas" Harnessing Web 2.0 technologies in higher education: A case study in using youtube and facebook as social media tools In enhancing student centered learning and engagement. "The widespread use of social media and web 2.0 technologies of the net generation of students in their social lives poses a question on how social media can be harnessed and used for enhancing learning in schools today. The public nature, no-cost and low access barrier of these social media make it very accessible for students to use and learn. Even with this pervasiveness, many learning institutions in the world are reluctant to embrace these technologies, as some are even banning social media websites in schools and unable to understand how Web 2.0 technologies can enhance the academic experience not only for students but also for faculty members. This case study examines the use of social media such as youtube and facebook in enhancing student centred learning techniques for media production courses at the NHTV University of Applied Sciences in Breda, Netherlands. 131 2nd year media undergraduate students on a 4 year course developed, produced and delivered a 27 60-90 second short films in a cross disciplinary, multi-cultural environment. Content was distributed via Youtube, while Facebook was used to deliver student centred feedback. Both websites were also used to analyse viewing habits. An internet forum, www.imemforum.nl was also provided for students and lecturers to post technical questions and answers relating to the project. To supplement results, a survey was conducted to the students to assess the efficacy of the use of Web 2.0 technologies in this context." "Asta Zelenkauskaite, Paolo Massa, Marco Frassoni, Davide Setti " Genesis and development of Wikipedia community: A longitudinal social network and content-based study of online collaboration and socialization "Despite the fact that concept of Wikipedia evolves around content creation, it is the process of collaboration that recently became a focal area of scholarly attention (Beschastnikh et al., 2008; Kittur et al., 2007; Viegas et al., 2007). This study longitudinally analyzed the development of the Wikipedia community through social network analysis of messages left on user talk pages (UTP). Content analysis was also conducted by manually coding messages to reveal socialization patterns among users. The corpus consists of all messages left on Wikipedia in Venetian language since its beginning in 2005 up to 2009. Census sample comprised users N=952, with messages N=1702. Longitudinal network analysis revealed that users are more likely to contribute actively for just one year while a core of users contributed continuously. Furthermore, users at top of hierarchy (sysops and bureaucrats) tended to be in a central position over time suggesting that formal user role is related with network centrality of users. As for content, the results showed that UTPs were used predominantly for coordination activities, high presence of personal messages including thanking and welcome messages – this pattern was consistent over time. We argue that socialization process that occurs in UTPs exemplifies a way to integrate newbies. This process is especially relevant for Wikipedia environment considering a constantly changing user flux as suggested by previous research (Choi et al., 2010)." "Doris Weber, Oswald D. Kothgassner, Birgit U. Stetina, Claudia Oppenauer-Meerskraut, Ilse Kryspin-Exner" Riding a Steam Machine to Cyberspace: The Impact of Enjoyment on the Attitude towards Internet Use of Elderly "Aim: Elderly people are the fastest growing segment of the Internet population. Aim of this study is to investigate the impact of Enjoyment (E) on the Attitude towards the Internet use (AU) of elderly. Methods: 130 elderly participants were surveyed using a questionnaire which consists of adapted items from prior research used by Davis (1989) and Yi and Davis (2001) for technology acceptance model including perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). E was measured by 4 items regarding the enrichment in life and the extent to which the activity of using the internet is perceived to be personally enjoyable aside from a functional determinant. AU was measured with 9 items concerning the experience of using new technologies and the attributed functionality. Results: Using hierarchical linear regression model the indicating items for PEOU (β=.45; p<.001) accounted for a significant increase of 25%, E (β=.32; p<.006) showed an additional significant increase of 8%. PU (β=.24; p<.238) showed only a small increase in explained variance in AU. The variables of the final model explained 34% of the variance in participants’ scores. Additionally regression analysis showed that AU is highly linked to the time people spent online. Discussion: The results of the present study revealed the concept “Enjoyment” as an additional important factor concerning the attitude toward the internet use of the elderly which is a valid predictor for the time people will spend online." Coffee Break 16.45 - 18.15: Workshop: Self-disclosure and Virtual Worlds (chair Prof. Alexander T. Vazsonyi) Ms. "Michel Walrave, Wannes Heirman" Predicting Teenagers' Self-disclosure in Social Network Sites. "Aims: Many teenagers, like other age groups in society, have embraced Social Network Sites (SNS) as making part of their daily life. Social network sites are therefore receiving increasing attention by scholarly researchers. In this paper we will examine the amount of data teenagers disclose in SNS, which types of personal information are more readily provided access to, and whether some explanatory variables, derived from literature, perform as determinants of data accessibility management in SNS. Method: The data from the present study were derived from an online survey conducted among 991 10-19 year-olds in April 2010. Results: Factor analysis performed on 16 types of personal data revealed 4 categories of data: identity data (e.g. name, gender), general profile data (e.g. school, degree), sensitive profile data (e.g. relationship status, political views) and contact data (e.g. e-mail address, MSN account). Hierarchical multiple regression was applied to the survey data to examine the determinants of SNS data accessibility management. Gender, SNS experience and trust in other users help explain the variance of accessibility of identity data. Also the accessibility of contact data is partially determined by trust in other users. The accessibility of general profile data is partially determined by the peer informative and peer normative influences. Mixed results were found for parental mediation. Accessibility of sensitive profile data is affected by gender and the importance of SNS in teenagers' lives. " Ms. "Ayoub Zareie , Ong Beng Kok" Emancipator : Exploring the implications and consequences of weblog writing among Iranian female blogger "The Internet is now becoming a part of everyday routine life. While it is true that not all people could get access to the internet, it has created a great deal of space for many people, particularly women, to express themselves easily. This study tries to show how internet, in particular, blog writings, has opened out more opportunities for women to articulate and present themselves easily and effectively, of which the women find difficult to have in their normal public life. This self presentation is referred to as self-expression or the social identity construction by humanistic sociologists and the social psychologists. Therefore, women have now largely depended on the internet to share and discuss about their identity, lived experiences, senses etc. This paper focuses on Iranian female bloggers’ involvement in the formation of new meanings in their own social sphere and their understanding of themselves and their lives in their diaries on the internet. It will show how blogosphere does create a new chance for women to discover and develop their abilities, reveal hidden talents, confidence-building, personal autonomy, product of meaning, challenge traditional/cultural/gender stereotypes and break social/sexual taboos/barriers. " Ms. "Terhi Tuukkanen, Ahmer Iqbal, Marja Kankaanranta" Children’s participatory practices in virtual worlds "Virtual worlds attract especially children who go to virtual worlds to seek sociability and to spend their free time in another, supernatural world. Virtual worlds such as Habbo, goSupermodel and Club Penguin are like small societies which provide their citizens with possibility to create their own unique space and to participate in common activities as members of a virtual community. In virtual worlds, it is also possible for children to do and practice things that they would not do in real life, for example take another role quickly or participate in many activities such as clubs and demonstrations. Virtual worlds include many participatory practices which may help children for example to construct their real civic identities but which are not extensively researched so far. The aim of our research is to develop a framework for participation in virtual worlds and to explore current participatory practices in virtual worlds. In this paper, we present results of interviews which were conducted with participants who are currently using virtual worlds to get deeper understanding of the nature of activities that children perform there. Thus we try to understand different perceived and unperceived affordances for participation in virtual worlds. Based on the results, we also present an extended version of the framework which initially consists of two main viewpoints: virtual participation as a social activity and as a process of influencing. "