Bull. London Math. Soc. 00 (2018) 1-5 © 2018 London Mathematical Society doi:10.1112/blms.12136 Fefferman-Graham ambient metrics of Patterson-Walker metrics Matthias Hammerl, Katja Sagerschnig, Josef Silhan, Arman Taghavi-Chabert and Vojtech Zadnik Abstract Given an n-dimensional manifold N with an affine connection D, we show that the associated Patterson-Walker metric g on T* N admits a global and explicit Fefferman-Graham ambient metric. This provides a new and large class of conformal structures which are generically not conformally Einstein but for which the ambient metric exists to all orders and can be realised in a natural and explicit way. In particular, it follows that Patterson-Walker metrics have vanishing Fefferman-Graham obstruction tensors. As an application of the concrete ambient metric realisation we show in addition that Patterson-Walker metrics have vanishing Q-curvature. We further show that the relationship between the geometric constructions mentioned above is very close: the explicit Fefferman-Graham ambient metric is itself a Patterson-Walker metric. 1. Introduction and main result Given a signature (p, q) conformal structure [g] on an m = p + q dimensional manifold M, it was shown in seminal work by Fefferman and Graham (see [7, 8]) that under specific conditions the conformal structure can be encoded equivalently as a signature (p + l,q + 1) pseudo-Riemannian metric (M, g) with vanishing Ricci curvature. This description has been fundamental in constructing and classifying conformal invariants (see, for example, [3, 7]) and for constructing and studying conformally invariant differential operators (see [11, 12]). To build the Fefferman-Graham ambient metric for given local coordinates x on M, one first considers the ray bundle of metrics in the conformal class [g], written as M+ x W71 with coordinates (t,x). The ambient space M is obtained by adding a new transversal coordinate p g M, and then an ansatz for the Fefferman-Graham ambient metric g is g = t2gij(x, p)dxl 0 dxj + 2pdt 0 dt + 2tdt 0 dp, (1) where g = gij(x, 0)dxldxJ is a representative metric in the conformal class. It is directly visible from the formula that g is homogeneous of degree 2 with respect to the Euler field tdt on M. To show existence of a Fefferman-Graham ambient metric g for given g, the ansatz (1) determines an iterative procedure to determine gij(x,p) as a Taylor series in p satisfying Ric(g) = 0 to infinite order at p = 0. For m odd, the existence (and a natural version of uniqueness) of g as an infinity-order series expansion in p is guaranteed for general gij{x). For m = 2n even, the existence of an infinity-order jet for gij(x, p) with Ric(g) = 0 asymptotically at p = 0 is obstructed at order n, and is controlled by the vanishing of the conformally invariant Fefferman-Graham tensor O. Moreover, existence does not in general guarantee uniqueness. Results which provide global Fefferman-Graham ambient metrics, where g can then be constructed in a natural way from g and satisfies Ric(g) = 0 globally and not just asymptotically at p = 0, are rare, in both even and odd dimensions. A special instance, where global ambient Received 2 March 2017; revised 1 December 2017. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classifícation 53A30 (primary), 53A55, 53B30 (secondary). The second author acknowledges support by INdAM via project FIR 2013 — Geometria delle equazioni dif-ferenziali. The third author was supported by the Czech science foundation (GACR) under grant P201/12/G028, and the fifth author was supported by the same foundation under grant GA17-01171S. 2 HAMMERL, SAGERSCHNIG, ŠILHÁN, TAGHAVI-CHABERT AND ŽÁDNÍK metrics can at least be shown to exist, occurs for g real-analytic and m either being odd or m even with the obstruction tensor O of g vanishing. The simplest case of geometric origin for which one has global ambient metrics consists of locally conformally flat structures (M, [g]), where (M, g) exists and is unique up to diffeomorphisms (see [8, Chapter 7]). Another well-known geometric case are conformal structures (M, [g]) which contain an Einstein metric g: If Ric(g) = 2A(m — l)g, then g on M+ x M x M can be written directly in terms of g as g = t2(l + \p)2g + 2pdt Qdt + 2tdt 0 dp. (2) In work by Thomas Leistner and Pawel Nurowski it was shown that the so-called pp-waves admit global ambient metrics in the odd-dimensional case and under specific assumptions in the even-dimensional case, see [14]. Concrete and explicit ambient metrics for specific examples of families of conformal structures induced by generic 2-distributions on 5-manifolds and generic 3-distributions on 6-manifolds have been constructed in [2, 15, 16, 18]. Recent progress in obtaining classes of conformal structures for which the Fefferman-Graham ambient metric equations become linear and have explicit solutions was obtained in [1]. The present article expands the class of metrics for which canonical ambient metrics exist globally to Patterson-Walker metrics: Given an affine connection D on an n-manifold ./V with n ^ 2, which is supposed to be torsion-free and to preserve a volume form, the Patterson-Walker metric g is a natural split-signature (n, n) metric on the total space of the co-tangent bundle T*N, see [13] for historical background on Patterson-Walker metrics, references and a modern treatment. Our main result is as follows. Theorem 1. Let D be a torsion-free affine connection on N which preserves a volume form. Denote local coordinates on N by xA and the induced canonical fibre coordinates on T*N by pa- Let Tacb and RJcab denote the Christoffel symbols and the Ricci curvature of D, respectively Let g = 2dxA QdpA-2Tacbpc dxA QdxB (3) be the Patterson-Walker metric induced on T*N by D. Then g = 2pdt Odt + 2tdt 0 dp + t2 (2dxA 0 dp a ~ 2pcT ACBdxA 0 dxB + 2p Ric AsdxA 0 dxB\ \ n — 1 / is a globally Ricci-Hat Fefferman-Graham ambient metric for the conformal class [g]. For generic D, the resulting Patterson-Walker metric g is not conformally Einstein, see [13, Theorem 2]. In particular, Theorem 1 provides a large class of conformal structures which are not conformally Einstein but which admit globally Ricci-flat and explicit ambient metrics. As an immediate consequence of the existence of the ambient metric for (M, [g]), the conformally invariant Fefferman-Graham obstruction tensor O associated to [g] vanishes. It is not difficult to check Ricci-flatness of (4) directly: Specifically, one employs [8, formula (3.17)], which is applicable to any ambient metric in the normal form (1). The computation is then based on the following key facts: The Ricci curvature of the Patterson-Walker metric g is up to a constant multiple just the pullback of the Ricci curvature of D and this tensor and its covariant derivative are totally isotropic, see [13]. We note that formula (4) for g says that the ambient metric is in fact linear in p and the iterative procedure determining the ambient metric stops after the first step. A geometric proof of vanishing Ricci curvature is presented in the next section. This is based on a combination of the well-known Patterson-Walker and Thomas cone constructions, both AMBIENT METRICS OF PATTERSON-WALKER METRICS 3 of which we recall. It follows directly from the geometric construction outlined below that the Fefferman-Graham ambient metric of a Patterson-Walker metric is again a Patterson-Walker metric, namely, the one associated to the Thomas cone connection. This nice and interesting fact is elaborated in Theorem 2. 2. Geometric construction of the ambient metric The association D ~» g generalises to a natural association from projective to conformal structures. Recall that two affine connections D, D' on ./V are called projectively related or equivalent if they have the same geodesies as unparameterised curves, which is the case if and only if there exists a 1-form T £ SI1 (TV) with D'XY = DXY + T(X)Y + T(Y)X (5) for all X, Y g X(N). It is sufficient to restrict ourselves to special connections in a projective class, that is, to those that preserve some volume form. For projective structures it is useful to employ suitably scaled projective density bundles, defined as £(w) := (f\nTN)~w^n+1\ for arbitrary weight w. Then a section s : N —> £■+{!) corresponds to a choice of a special affine connection D in the projective equivalence class [D], and any s' = s corresponds to D' projectively related to D via (5) with T = df. We define M := T*N 0 £{2) the (projectively) weighted co-tangent bundle of N. Then, as was shown in [13], two projectively related affine connections D, D' on ./V induce two conformally related metrics g, g' on M, and we therefore have a natural association (N, [D]) ~» (M, [g]). The cone C := £+(1) carries the canonical and well-known Ricci-flat Thomas cone connection V associated to the projective class [D], see [5, 17]. (The specific weight 1, which is different from the one in [5], is more convenient for our computations.) We will need a local formula for V: Let s : N —?► C be the scale corresponding to an affine connection D £ [D], providing a trivialisation C = M+ x N via (x°,x) \—> s(x)x°. In this trivialisation the Thomas cone connection is given by VXY = DXY- -!—mc(X,Y)Z, VXZ = X, (6) n — 1 where X, Y g X(N) and Z = x°dxo is the Euler field on C. It is in fact easy to see directly from formula (6) that the thus defined affine connection V on the Thomas cone C is independent of the choice of scale and it is Ricci-flat. Employing a local coordinate patch on ./V which induces coordinates xA, on the co-tangent bundle T*N and coordinates x°,xA,yA,y0 on T*C = R+ x T*N x R, the Patterson-Walker metric g associated to V is g = 2dxA 0 dyA + 2dx° 0 dy0 - -^ysdx0 0 dxB xu - 2ycTAcBdxA 0 dxB + 2?—^-R\cABdxA 0 dxB. n — 1 Ricci-flatness of g follows directly from Ricci-flatness of V, see [13, Theorem 2]. Via the change of coordinates t = x°, p = y^/x0, pA = yA/(x0)2 the metric g transforms to (4), which is the form of a Fefferman-Graham ambient metric (1). In particular, this shows Theorem 1. We conclude this section by summarising the construction: 4 HAMMERL, SAGERSCHNIG, ŠILHÁN, TAGHAVI-CHABERT AND ŽÁDNÍK Theorem 2. Given a projective structure (AT, [D]) on an n-dimensional manifold N, the geometric constructions indicated in the following diagram commute: (C,V)->(M,g) I 1 (TV, [D]) — (M, [g]) In particular, the induced conformal structure [g] admits a globally Ricci-Hat Fefferman-Graham ambient metric g which is itself a Patterson-Walker metric. Remark. As a Patterson-Walker metric, (M, g) carries a naturally induced homothety k of degree 2, which takes the form 2paOpa + 2pdp. According to [13, Lemma 5.1] the infinitesimal affine symmetry Z of V lifts to a Killing field, which one computes as tdt — 2paOPa — 2pdp. In particular it follows that the Euler field tdt of the Fefferman-Graham ambient metric g can be written as the sum of this Killing field and the homothety k. The tangent bundle TM carries the maximally isotropic {n + 1)-dimensional subspace spanned by {dPA,dp} which is preserved by v. This subspace can be equivalently described by a v-parallel pure spinor s on M. The ambient Killing field k and the ambient parallel pure spinor s correspond to a homothety k of g and a parallel pure spinor x on M that belong to the characterising objects of the Patterson-Walker metric g, see [13, Theorem 1]. 3. Vanishing 'Q-curvature' The Q-curvature Qg of a given metric g is a Riemannian scalar invariant with a particularly simple transformation law with respect to conformal change of metric. It has been introduced by Branson in [4] and has been the subject of intense research in recent years, see, for example, [6] for an overview. Computation of Q-curvature is notoriously difficult, see, for example, [10]. An explicit form of the Fefferman-Graham ambient metric g for a given metric g allows a computation of Qg. Using the fact that our g is actually a Patterson-Walker metric, this computation is particularly simple. theorem 3. The Patterson-Walker metric g associated to a volume-preserving, torsion-free affine connection D has vanishing Q-curvature Qg. Proof We follow the computation method for Qg from [9]: For this it is necessary to compute — A""log(£), where A is the ambient Laplacian on M = M+ x T*N x M associated to g and t : M —> R+ is the first coordinate. Restricting -Aralog(£) to the cone R+ x T*N x {0} and evaluating at t = 1 yields Qg. To show that the Q-curvature vanishes for g, it is in particular sufficient to show that A log(t) = 0. However, the function t : M —> M+ is horizontal since it is just the pullback of the coordinate function x° : C —> M+ on the Thomas cone C = M+ x N via the canonical projection T*C —> C. It follows from the explicit formula for the Christoffel symbols of a Patterson-Walker metric that A vanishes on any horizontal function, see [13, Section 2.1]. Thus in particular Alog(t) = 0, and then also Qg = 0. □ References 1. I. M. ANDERSON, T. LEISTNER, A. LiSCHEWSKI and P. NUROWSKI, 'Conformal Walker metrics and linear Fefferman-Graham equations', Preprint, 2016, arXiv:1609.02371. 2. I. M. ANDERSON, T. LEISTNER and P. NUROWSKI, 'Explicit ambient metrics and holonomy', Preprint, 2015, arXiv:1501.00852. AMBIENT METRICS OF PATTERSON-WALKER METRICS 5 3. T. N. BAILEY, M. EASTWOOD and C. R. GRAHAM, 'Invariant theory for conformal and CR geometry', Ann. of Math. (2) 139 (1994) 491-552. 4. T. 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Matthias Hammerl Faculty of Mathematics University of Vienna Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna Austria mat t hias. hammer l@uni vie. ac. at Katja Sagerschnig Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche INdAM-Politecnico di Torino Cor so Duca degli Abruzzi 24 10129 Torino Italy katj a. sager schnig@uni vie. ac. at Josef Šilhán Faculty of Science Masaryk University Kotlářská 2 61137 Brno Czech Republic silhan@math.muni. cz Arman Taghavi-Chabert Dipartimento di Matematica Universita di Torino Via Carlo Alberto 10 101012 Torino Italy ataghavi@unito.it