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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
  • Werner Binder, born 1979 in Medias (Romania)
  • Sociology
Employment - Position
  • Assistant Professor
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2012/10: Dissertation defended at the University of Konstanz (summa cum laude)
  • 2012/4: Dissertation submitted at the University of Konstanz
  • 2007-2012: PhD student at the University of Konstanz
  • 2006-2007: Enrollment for the international master program “Religion and Culture” at the Humboldt-University, Berlin
  • 2006/6: Graduation in sociology (major), philosophy and German literature with honors (Magister Artium, “mit Auszeichnung”)
  • 2002-2006: Studies in sociology, philosophy, German and Greek literature at the Humboldt-University, Berlin, and the University of Potsdam
  • 2000-2002: Studies in sociology (major), philosophy and German literature at the University of Mannheim
  • Since 2015/7: Assistant professor in sociology at Masaryk University, Brno
  • Since 2012/9: Postdoctoral lecturer in sociology at Masaryk University, Brno
  • 2007-2012 Scientific assistant and junior lecturer in sociology at the University of Konstanz, Germany
Teaching Activities
  • "General Sociology" (M.A.)
  • "Populism and Authoritarianism" (B.A.)
  • "Advanced Methods of Interpretation in Cultural Sociology" (M.A.)
  • "Morality and Public Sphere" (M.A.)
  • "Chapters in Cultural Sociology. Sociology of Performance" (B.A.)
  • Seminars given at University of Konstanz:
    WS 2011/12: “Talcott Parsons and Edward A. Shils” (in English, B.A.); “Amok, Folter, Hooligans. Soziologie der Gewalt nach Bataille und Turner” (Amok, torture, hooligans. Sociology of violence after George Bataille and Victor Turner, with Kim-Claude Meyer and Marco Gerster, M.A.)
    SS 2011: “Der Hintergrund kollektiver Intentionalität” (The background of collective intentionality, with Michael Schmitz, B.A. and M.A.); “Mythen” (Myths, with Kim-Claude Meyer and Bernhard Giesen, M.A.)
    WS 2010/11: “Moral und Öffentlichkeit” (Morality and public sphere, B.A.)
    SS 2010: “Max Weber. Eine Einführung in sein Werk” (Max Weber. An introduction into his work, B.A.); “Soziologische Handlungstheorien” (Sociological theories of action, B.A.)
    SS 2009: “American Cultural Sociology” (in English, B.A.); Anthropologische Klassiker der Soziologie (Anthropological classics in sociology, with Kim-Claude Meyer, B.A.)
    WS 2008/09: “Ökologische Kommunikation. Eine Einführung in Luhmanns Systemtheorie” (Ecological communication. An introduction to Luhmann’s systems theory, B.A.); “Jugendkultur und Lebensstil” (Youth culture and life style, with Yasemin Soytemel, B.A.)
    SS 2008: “Soziologie des Skandals” (Sociology of scandal, B.A.)
    WS 2007/08: “Lektürekurs Durkheim” (Reading Durkheim, B.A.); “Soziologie der Menschenrechte” (Sociology of human rights, B.A.)
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Methodology of Qualitative Research and Cultural Sociology
  • Educational Trajectories and Culture (cooperation with Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
  • Remembering Hus. Cultural Memory as Public Performance and Contemporary Practices of Memory Tourism (cooperation with Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada)
Activities Outside University
  • Member of the ISA, RC 16 "Sociological Theory"
  • Member of the ESA, section "Sociology of Culture"
  • Member of the DGS sections "Soziologische Theorie" and "Kultursoziologie"
  • Faculty Fellow of the Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University
  • Reviewer for
    American Journal of Cultural Sociology
    Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review
    Historická Sociologie / Historical Sociology
    Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
    Sociální Studia / Social Studies
    Sociológia / Slovak Sociological Review
    Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Major Publications
  • BINDER, Werner. Technology as (Dis-)Enchantment. AlphaGo and the Meaning-Making of Artificial Intelligence. Cultural Sociology. London: SAGE Publications, 2024, vol. 18, No 1, p. 24-47. ISSN 1749-9755. Available from: URL info
  • BINDER, Werner. Theory of Society and Cultural Sociology. Niklas Luhmann and After. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CULTURAL SOCIOLOGY. ENGLAND: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD, 2024, N/A, N/A, p. 1-17. ISSN 2049-7113. Available from: URL info
  • BINDER, Werner. Social imaginaries and the limits of differential meaning : A cultural sociological critique of symbolic meaning structures. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2019, vol. 44, Supplement 2, p. 17-35. ISSN 1011-0070. Available from: URL info
  • BINDER, Werner and Dmitry KURAKIN. Biography and Form of Life : Toward a Cultural Analysis of Narrative Interviews. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review. Bratislava: Slovenská akadémia vied, 2019, vol. 51, No 6, p. 563-583. ISSN 0049-1225. Available from: článek - open access info
  • BINDER, Werner. The Semiotics of Social Life. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. Palgrave MacMillan Journals, 2018, vol. 6, No 2, p. 401-416. ISSN 2049-7113. Available from: article info
  • BINDER, Werner. Shifting Imaginaries in the War on Terror. The Rise and Fall of the Ticking Bomb Torturer. Social Imaginaries. 2016, vol. 2, No 1, p. 219-250. ISSN 2393-2503. URL info
  • BINDER, Werner. Social Ontology, Cultural Sociology and the War on Terror. Towards a Cultural Explanation of Institutional Change. In Kobow, Beatrice; Schmid, Hans Bernhard; Schmitz, Michael. The Background of Social Reality. Heidelberg; New York; London: Springer, 2013, p. 163-181. 2013. ISBN 978-94-007-5600-7. URL info
  • BINDER, Werner. Der Hintergund. Zur Kultursoziologie des Außerordentlichen (The Background. On the Cultural Sociology of the Extraordinary). In Kay Junge, Werner Binder, Marco Gerster, Kim-Claude-Meyer. Kippfiguren. Ambivalenz in Bewegung. Weilerswist: Velbrück, 2013, p. 17-29. not specified. ISBN 978-3-942393-61-4. URL info
  • BINDER, Werner. Abu Ghraib und die Folgen. Ein Skandal als ikonische Wende im Krieg gegen den Terror (Abu Ghraib and its consequences. A scandal as iconic turn in the War on Terror). Bielefeld: transcript, 2013, 548 pp. Kultur und soziale Praxis. ISBN 978-3-8376-2550-9. URL info
  • BINDER, Werner. Les formes élémentaire d’agir performatif. Un essai de typologie sociologique (The Elementary Forms of Performative Acts). Cahiers de recherche sociologique. Montréal: Université de Québec, 2012, vol. 2011, No 51, p. 75-96, 219, 222, 226, 230, 26 pp. ISSN 0831-1048. URL info


Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Werner Binder (učo 119115), version: English(1), last update: 2020/02/14 11:58, W. Binder